Here’s my response…thanks for the addresses, 1ke.
I am appalled by recent statement by Joyce M. Roché claiming that people with “narrow political agendas” have threatened the self-esteem and self-reliance of girls. (
Your company is not telling the truth to girls. If Girls, Inc. is so concerned about protecting innocence of young girls pushed into womanhood so fast, then I sincerely hope you do not tell them that you advocate babies being torn limb from limb inside their mother’s wombs. How fortunate you are to be receiving money from parents who chose life.
I fail to see the relation between protecting innocence and girlhood and then teaching them about “safe sex.” Imagine you are 8 years old. Wouldn’t the thought of a male organ penetrating your body completely horrify you? These girls cannot even grasp the idea of mature sexual relationships and how birth control would come into play. Some of these girls barely understand their imminent menstrual cycles and why they even have them.
I support your ideology of teaching girls about responsibility, self-reliance, and innocence, but can these be achieved by aborting babies and using contraception? It is counterproductive. How can a girl be “self-reliant” when she relies on a pill, condom, or any other device to control her body and destiny? Self-reliance means to rely on the self, or, self-control. Self-control means practicing abstinence. I think your company needs to re-examine their values.
As a young child, I read almost all of the American Girls books. I credit American Girls as one of the influences for leading me into my career in American History. But I cannot support your heinous agenda that you present as being good for girls. If you believe I am promoting a narrow agenda, then I suggest you look up “post abortion stress syndrome” and see the consequences of the kind of agenda you are promoting.
I join many of my friends who are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and so on and will cease to purchase Mattel products once the stance on your ethics has been re-evaluated.
Thank you for your time.