American Girl Related: Girls Inc on defensive

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After reviewing the financial report and who has contributed to Girls, Inc., I have drafted the following letter:
National Geographic Society
1145 17th Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-4688
RE: Your financial support of Girls, Inc.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Girls, Inc. makes their Annual Financial Report available on their website. Upon reviewing the 2004 Annual Report, I note that National Geographic is one of many contributors to this organization. I am very saddened to learn this information. I only hope that you have been mislead by Girls Inc. and what they fully represent.
Girls, Inc. does seem to have some wonderful programs for pre-teen and teenage girls when it comes to self-image and self-esteem; however, it was recently learned that Girls, Inc. supports the decision handed down in the case of Roe v. Wade. While they do not overlook teaching abstinence to these young girls, they believe abortion is an option as a birth control method.
Girls, Inc. defends its position by stating the following:
"Girls Incorporated affirms that girls and young women should make responsible decisions about sexuality, pregnancy and parenthood.
We recognize the right of all women to choose whether, when, and under what circumstances to bear children. Reproductive freedom and responsibility are essential to other rights and opportunities, including pursuit of education, employment, financial security and a stable and fulfilling family life. Restrictions of reproductive choice are especially burdensome for young women and poor women. Girls Incorporated supports a woman’s freedom of choice, a constitutional right established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 in Roe vs. Wade. [Emphasis added]."
Girls, Inc. is handing out this information to girls as young as 10 years old. Since when is a 10 year old considered a “woman”? As the mother of a 10-year-old daughter, this appalls me to no end.
Recently, American Girl’s association with Girls, Inc. has hit the national news. If National Geographic is not aware of this, please refer to and
The association between American Girl and Girls, Inc. has really upset parents and regular customers of American Girl as American Girl claims they present a wholesome, don’t let the girls grow up too fast, image. However, their association with Girls, Inc. has let many down, especially since they refuse to reconsider their association with Girls, Inc.
I hope that National Geographic will reconsider its financial position with support to Girls, Inc. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
While this is directed solely at National Geographic, I will use this as a basis for each letter I send. Please join me in continuing this crusade. No one said change was going to be easy, but if we stick together, persevere through thick and thin, we will effect change.
I thought I would chime in and give you Mattel’s website:

Click on Toys and you will be surprised at the amount of toys they manufacture. We cannot just stop buying American Girl. This company manufactures Fisher Price, Barbie, etc.

This is just an FYI…
Now we have US Senators voicing their opinions on the issue:

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama can be reached at the following address and phone numbers.

Washington D.C. Office
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2854
(202) 228-4260 fax
(202) 228-1404 TDD

The email address provided on his website, puts you into a list of issues then into an online form. I chose the “Family, Health and Education” link to voice my concerns.

The protest isn’t over yet!
While in IL Obama voted AGAINST protecting babies who were already born. I believe the name of the act was the Illinois Born Infants Protection Act. Jill Stanek the first to dig up this information for This position by Obama was the reason Dr. Alan Keyes came to IL from Washington DC to run against Obama. The liberal Chicago media made Obama their darling. Keyes entered the race to late to have a chance to beat the media’s darling, Obama. How Obama ever became a US Senator with this position is just beyond me to explain.

As a citizen of IL, I apologize to the rest of the U.S. for electing someone with such a position as a U.S. Senator.
Well I admire Obama…

his statement was a disappointment, certainly, but he is a man of such integrity I know this is just a matter of his not being properly informed.

I plan on writing a letter to him expressing my disappointment in his ‘dismissive’ statement and sending the 10cd set of Naked Without Shame with my letter…suggesting that before he dismiss our actions he take the time to educate himself on the position we are defending. Don’t know if he’ll actually listen to the cds, but I’ll certainly be praying he does.
Well I admire Obama…

I am sorry but i can not agree with you, There is nothing whatsoever to admire about a man who supports the killing of 1.3 million children a year. NOTHING! There is no more important right than the right to life-all other rights flow from this right. Osama supports the rights only of thosefortunate enougn to excape the womb-what is their to admire about that a man like that?
MSNBC has the story about the Catholic school in Wisconsin, and it has a poll…please stop by here and vote in the poll…let everyone know that we stand behind Fr. Malloy’s decision.
I listened to the Drew Mariani show today and learned more about the American Girl Doll Company. Here they are…

-Someone sent an email to Drew and stated they received a reply back from the AG Doll Company which stated AG target markets its dolls exclusively to small families with one or two kids. The dolls are marketed to be a “friend” for one of the kids.

The letter also stated AG does not market to Christian Families and Large Families. AG stated Large Families have other brothers and sisters to play with and therefore do not need to purchase their dolls as “friends”. AG stated larger families do not buy many excessories (clothing?) for the dolls like the small families do.

-We learned AG Doll Company has stronger ties to Planned Parenthood than initially anticipated.

-We learned the AG Doll Company may possibly have a contract with Girls Inc. at least until the end of this year.

Drew Mariani stated he will be calling up the executives from AG Doll Company to come on the show in the next couple of days so they can clarify and answer questions we have for them. Hopefully the executives from AG Doll Company will come out of hiding and face questions the “Culture of Life” would like to ask those representing the “Culture of Death”!!
I am sorry but i can not agree with you, There is nothing whatsoever to admire about a man who supports the killing of 1.3 million children a year. NOTHING! There is no more important right than the right to life-all other rights flow from this right. Obama supports the rights only of thosefortunate enougn to excape the womb-what is their to admire about that a man like that?
I agree with you. I cannot respect anyone who believes its OK to murder 45 million unborn babies in the womb. I just cannot comprehend how anyone could respect an individual who thinks like this. What is even worse with Obama is he believes its OK to kill babies who are born and outside of the mothers womb as I stated in my post above. The only other person who comes to mind which thinks its OK to kill people outside the womb I can think of is – Adolph Hitler!

37% of the Black Population has been aborted but many of the so-called “black leaders” like Barach Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakan will not stand up to protect their own unborn black babies in the mother womb. What kind of leaders are they anyhow? I will NEVER call them leaders.

I do however highly respect Alveda King (Martin Luther King’s niece), Dr. Alan Keyes and Jesse Lee Peterson who consistently stand up for the unborn babies in the womb. These are REAL BLACK LEADERS!!
I agree with you. I cannot respect anyone who believes its OK to murder 45 million unborn babies in the womb. I just cannot comprehend how anyone could respect an individual who thinks like this. What is even worse with Obama is he believes its OK to kill babies who are born and outside of the mothers womb as I stated in my post above. The only other person who comes to mind which thinks its OK to kill people outside the womb I can think of is – Adolph Hitler!

37% of the Black Population has been aborted but many of the so-called “black leaders” like Barach Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakan will not stand up to protect their own unborn black babies in the mother womb. What kind of leaders are they anyhow? I will NEVER call them leaders.

What is really sad is Jesse jackson used to be pro-life. He became pro-abortion when he decided to seek the democrat nomination for President. The Democrat party tolerates no dissent when it comes to abortion.
What is really sad is Jesse jackson used to be pro-life. He became pro-abortion when he decided to seek the democrat nomination for President. The Democrat party tolerates no dissent when it comes to abortion.
I wish Republicans would be as firm in their support of the pro-life movement!

One good thing I heard recently was that Laura Bush was pro-choice but (here’s the good news), she believes it is her job as First Lady to support her husband’s presidency and views. How refreshing is that after Hilary! :clapping:
The letter also stated AG does not market to Christian Families and Large Families. AG stated Large Families have other brothers and sisters to play with and therefore do not need to purchase their dolls as “friends”. AG stated larger families do not buy many excessories (clothing?) for the dolls like the small families do.
It actually does seem to make marketing sense for them to market smaller families with more money. Christians aren’t exactly known for being rich and large families generally do not consume as many optional purchases . . . but there are exceptions.
If this is truly AG’s marketing plan, it is a call for anyone with a small / financially blessed / unidentified Christian family to make their voices heard! Morality will not sway big companies (especially when top executives have personal agendas), but the bottom line will. If they think their business will be in jeopardy, they will make changes to accommodate the masses. That also makes marketing sense.
I listened to the Drew Mariani show today and learned more about the American Girl Doll Company. Here they are…

The letter also stated AG does not market to Christian Families and Large Families. AG stated Large Families have other brothers and sisters to play with and therefore do not need to purchase their dolls as “friends”. AG stated larger families do not buy many excessories (clothing?) for the dolls like the small families do.
It actually does seem to make marketing sense for them to market smaller families with more money. Christians aren’t exactly known for being rich and large families generally do not consume as many optional purchases . . . but there are exceptions.

If this is truly AG’s marketing plan, it is a call for anyone with a small / financially blessed / unidentified Christian family to make their voices heard! Morality will not sway big companies (especially when top executives have personal agendas), but the bottom line will. If they think their business will be in jeopardy, they will make changes to accommodate the masses. That also makes marketing sense.
I wish Republicans would be as firm in their support of the pro-life movement!

One good thing I heard recently was that Laura Bush was pro-choice but (here’s the good news), she believes it is her job as First Lady to support her husband’s presidency and views. How refreshing is that after Hilary! :clapping:
The Republican party has steadfastly supproted Pro-life issues. The rumor that Laura Bush is pro-choice is one of those myths propogated by the left. There is no evidence now or in the past that Laura supports abortion.
Dr. Coleen Mast on the “Dr. Is In” on Relevant Radio & Ave Maria Radio today mentioned a couple of websites were you can buy Catholic Dolls. I only caught one of them so here is is…

Dr. Coleen Mast


Those are quite lovely. Thanks for sharing that with us, I always miss the first hour of the show and only get bits and pieces of the rest.

By now it’s no secret that there will be a major protest of American Girl Place at 111 Chicago Avenue (map) on Friday, Nov. 25, at 10 a.m. The Friday following Thanksgiving is traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year, and there will be many Mothers taking their daughters to American Girl Place to buy dolls and that is why the Pro-Life Action League is selecting this day for a protest of American Girl for linking up with pro-abortion, pro-lesbian Girls Inc.


Only women and girls and their American Girl dolls will protest in front of American Girl Place. Gentlemen are invited to come and take flyers to pass out on Michigan Ave. For this first protest we want only the ladies and girls and loving signs. There will be another demonstration on Dec. 3 for everybody.

We expect opposition and that is good. When the crazies come out to counter-demonstrate it makes us look even better than we ordinarily do. They have ugly signs, represent what we are demonstrating against, and use foul language. It is not hard to figure out who is who.

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