American Girl teams with pro-abortion, pro-lesbian group

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I’d like to say something. This is my first time posting here. First, the I can bracelets are the only thing for sale through AG that supports the Girls Inc. The hygiene products are not associated with Girls Inc. The books have been around for a long time and some are even available at Walmart. Are we going to boycott Walmart too? I say that if you don’t want to support Girls Inc. don’t buy the bracelets. I went to the girls inc website and it took me an hour to find the info on lesbians etc. If you don’t want your daughters going to that sight, block it from their use, like you would any site that was inappropriate. I teach my kids abstinance. I beleive that one day it may be possible that they may decide to engage in sex before marriage ( I pray that they won’t), but lets get real…and if they do, I would prefer that they use some type of birth control so as not to get pregnant, contract an STD etc. American Girl is still safe for girls. I am going to continue to purchase these items for my children. Maybe you should check out what other companies support Girls Inc. You may be surprised. Don’t tell your kids about Girls Inc, block that site on your computer, let them play with the dolls, let them continue to learn the history, don’t take away their wholesome play. What do they have left?
American Girl dolls are ridiculously expensive, while I liked the idea of them I could never see putting out that kind of money for a doll. I used some of the books because they are informative but I always got them second hand.
PLAL said:
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“We regret that American Girl has chosen to sully their wholesome image in order to provide financial support for Girls Inc,” Scheidler said. “But since they have chosen to ignore the pleas of pro-life parents and grandparents, we must urge pro-lifers not to purchase American Girl products as of Tuesday, November 1.”

Scheidler remarked that with the Christmas shopping season coming up, pro-life parents have a ideal opportunity to send a message to American Girl—and corporate American in general—that they will not allow their consumer dollars to support an anti-life, anti-family agenda.

I went the the faith dolls site and I must say that it annoyed me.
Why is it that Catholics always have to glom on to someone else’s idea for their kids?
Why doesn’t some creative Catholic (and there are plenty of them) come up with dolls that have a Catholic tradition?
I mean, come on people! Our dolls could have a Guardian Angel, a Patron Saint, a vocation, she can make a First Communion,
light candles, be an Altar Server…plenty of great things that their little Baptist dolls (sweet as they are) will never do.
I’m all for ecumencal spirit, it was badly needed, but I don’t want to water down the Catholic experience for Catholic girls.

By now it’s no secret that there will be a major protest of American Girl Place at 111 Chicago Avenue (map) on Friday, Nov. 25, at 10 a.m. The Friday following Thanksgiving is traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year, and there will be many Mothers taking their daughters to American Girl Place to buy dolls and that is why the Pro-Life Action League is selecting this day for a protest of American Girl for linking up with pro-abortion, pro-lesbian Girls Inc.


Only women and girls and their American Girl dolls will protest in front of American Girl Place. Gentlemen are invited to come and take flyers to pass out on Michigan Ave. For this first protest we want only the ladies and girls and loving signs. There will be another demonstration on Dec. 3 for everybody.

We expect opposition and that is good. When the crazies come out to counter-demonstrate it makes us look even better than we ordinarily do. They have ugly signs, represent what we are demonstrating against, and use foul language. It is not hard to figure out who is who.

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