Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court Justice

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Now I want to vote for Biden. In fact, he should make an ad about a vote for him will be a vote for four more years of Jim Carey’s caricature of him. Alec Baldwin is good, but this new this Biden is the best I have seen on SNL since Sarah Palin.

FYI - My priest mentioned that he has watched the hearings and was impressed with Ms. Barrett’s performance as someone who will vote based on the law, and not anyone’s politics. I think Trump made a first rate choice for justice, if not one that will be always in his corner.
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Yep,what goes around comes around,wonder if the Dems will be aware?
I don’t see that, the GOP never abused a DEM candidate. Garland was treated with respect, his character was not besmirched for political gain even though they refused to vote. Kagan and Sotomayor also weren’t treated badly.
And we get the best of both worlds from Trump: pro-life, and a free market economy that best fights against poverty. Lowest unemployment in 50 years for several months all the way up to February 2020, when state Governors started shutting down businesses.

Better than the socialism and government control espoused by Democrats.
and a free market economy that best fights against poverty.
Better than the socialism and government control espoused by Democrats.
Economic policy is not black and white as your remarks imply. All US parties have a “free market economy” and “socialist elements” to varying degrees.

Of concern in the US is the extraordinary and extremely skewed distribution of wealth and incomes. This does not show promise of alleviating poverty.
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ur present Supreme Court, if you count Justice Gorsuch, a Catholic who chooses to worship in the Anglican church (not condoning, just stating the fact), is entirely comprised of Catholics and Jews. I have to wonder if this is murmured against in fundamentalist Christian circles.
You would think a nation founded by WASPs would have a few more of them on the Court. Where is the diversity?
ur present Supreme Court, if you count Justice Gorsuch, a Catholic who chooses to worship in the Anglican church (not condoning, just stating the fact), is entirely comprised of Catholics and Jews. I have to wonder if this is murmured against in fundamentalist Christian circles.
You would think a nation founded by WASPs would have a few more of them on the Court. Where is the diversity?
The real question is “where was the diversity when the WASPs ran everything?”.

I was reflecting the other day, one branch of our government — the Supreme Court — is fast becoming almost a Catholic oligarchy. It’s about time! Are we not the one true Church of Christ? Are we not called to “restore all things in Christ”?

But in all fairness, if Trump is re-elected (probably won’t happen, but just if), maybe when the next seat comes open, he should appoint a Justice who is something other than Catholic or Jewish. If anyone stopped to think about it for a moment, those optics don’t look terribly good to some people. As I’ve said elsewhere, Paul Blanshard would not be in the least bit happy, and I have to think it is grinding other people’s gears as well.

Has anybody heard any grumblings about this yet?
The real question is “where was the diversity when the WASPs ran everything? ”.
It was a majority WASP nation, of course the ruling class would reflect that. You might as well ask where the diversity in China is what with the Han running everything in a majority Han nation.
I know I’m showing my age on this, but I long for the day when it’s not all about sex and politics. When we stop looking for a ‘woman’ to do X job, or a Republican, or a Democrat, or a person of X minority, simply because some people ‘perceive’ that a gender or a political party or an ethnicity or whatever hasn’t been ‘fairly represented’, and start looking for somebody (no matter their sex, politics, ethnicity, whatever) who is the best person for the job.

To give an example, while I am not enamoured of Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump, or of their political parties, back in 2016 there were people, in the primaries and ‘outside’ whom I liked a LOT better than “Trump and Hilary” and today in 2020 there were people in the primaries and in both the Democratic and OTHER parties (like American Solidarity Party for example) whom I liked a lot better than Biden and Harris. And especially with Biden, he ‘insisted’ on picking a woman, not because of all the possible candidates for the VP position the given person he chose was the best, but first and foremost because she was a ‘woman’. I’m a woman and I found that offensive. Don’t tell me I should rejoice because ‘a woman’ is in the race. If I should be rejoicing, it should be because the best possible person for the job is running. I find Joe’s decision patronising and wrongheaded.
This does not show promise of alleviating poverty.
The United States has an economic system that best fights poverty: Only 3% of United States population is considered to be low income, and only 2% poor rate by World Bank global standards (per Pew Research Center). The rest of the world: 56% low income and 15% poor by World Bank global standards.
wonder if the Dems will be aware

The character assassination of Robert Bork first ignited the partisan political warfare.
Joe Biden played a key role in the political declaration of war that turned Bork’s last name into a verb. On Tuesday, he bragged about that.

Asked about abortion, the former senator — and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman — bragged, “When I defeated Robert Bork, I made sure we guaranteed a woman’s right to choose for the better part of a generation.”
Of concern in the US is the extraordinary and extremely skewed distribution of wealth and incomes. This does not show promise of alleviating poverty.
I’m old enough to remember when there was not as huge a difference between ordinary workers and execs and professionals as there is today. But I think maybe it’s a supply and demand problem fundamentally. Too many people trying to get the same jobs on the lower end (including 11 million or so illegals, perhaps more) along with cheap foreign labor, and too few doctors, NPs and CPAs.
Has anybody heard any grumblings about this yet?
No, but how many people know Gorsuch is a quasi-Catholic?
Asked about abortion, the former senator — and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman — bragged, “When I defeated Robert Bork, I made sure we guaranteed a woman’s right to choose for the better part of a generation.”
WOW! If I was his age, I would only be saying that in a confessional.
The United States has an economic system that best fights poverty: Only 3% of United States population is considered to be low income, and only 2% poor rate by World Bank global standards (per Pew Research Center). The rest of the world: 56% low income and 15% poor by World Bank global standards.
Could you please post a reference to the source. Here’s a different view:


The real demographic diversity that Judge Barrett will bring is as a mother of young children and teenagers. She will be the first ever mother on the court to have children in school.

The young Barretts, inspired by other couples who had adopted children in difficult circumstances, adopted Vivian, a Haitian child in no small measure of distress, after they had two of their own.

“Vivian was 14-months-old when she came home, and she couldn’t make any sounds at that point, nor could she pull herself up to a standing position, because she was just so malnourished,” Barrett said. “At the time they told us they just weren’t sure whether she would speak. She had been so sick she hadn’t had a lot of practice making sounds and hadn’t been spoken to a lot. She had rickets so her legs were kind of bowed out.”
The Barretts were told that Vivian might never walk. They loved her back to health and now, at 16, she runs track and field. Judge Barrett calls Vivian “our miracle.”

Barrett and her husband have seven children, including two adopted from Haiti and one with Down syndrome.
I’m noting that Pete Buttiegieg, by way of Thomas Jefferson, embraces the deceit that our ancestors were somehow more barbarous than we are. Which is patently false by any measure.
Okay, I tend to disagree. I certainly hope we’re not as barbarous as our ancestors.
Or do you want to talk about slaves? How many sex slaves do we have?
The government doesn’t endorse sex slavery, It did support enslaving people from Africa. It used to endorse segregation and disenfranchising Black people.
Our barbarous forefathers and mothers would have recoiled in horror at the notion that prospective mothers could simply choose to dismember their babies in their wombs. And they would have been right.

Some countries like South Africa are moving towards disenfranchising White people. It would appear that whoever gains inordinate power has the capacity to be unjust and barbaric.

Hitler, Mao and Stalin were not distant ancestors. I would not suppose that people today of any colour are immune from barbarism.

Jesus’ parables (eg. Luke 18:9-14) about those who looked down on and thought themselves better than others applies not merely to those with whom we share this moment of time. It is an eternal truth.
God, I thank you that I am not greedy, dishonest, and unfaithful in marriage like other people.
Could easily be revised to…
God, I thank you that I am not barbaric, primitive, and segregate myself from others like those primitive people in ages past.
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found this video on Judge ACB, worth listening to if you have some time. No need to watch, just listen

Until it’s official, I’m not going to let myself get too excited about it.
Even the Democrats can’t find their way out of this one. Well, I hope not.
ur present Supreme Court, if you count Justice Gorsuch, a Catholic who chooses to worship in the Anglican church (not condoning, just stating the fact), is entirely comprised of Catholics and Jews. I have to wonder if this is murmured against in fundamentalist Christian circles.
You would think a nation founded by WASPs would have a few more of them on the Court. Where is the diversity?
This article discusses it and give some theories:

But John Fea, a historian at Messiah College, an evangelical institution also in Pennsylvania, said he thinks the lack of evangelicals on the court has to do with “the direction that the evangelical movement has taken in America.”

Unlike Catholicism and Judaism, Fea said, both of which have a long intellectual tradition, American evangelicalism has been more practical in focus.

“Evangelicals are primarily concerned with preaching the gospel, with evangelism, with social justice ministries, service,” Fea said. He added, “And they have not always valued the life of the mind. So as a result, you have a lot of evangelicals doing great things, but they’re not necessarily pursuing intellectual vocations — the liberal arts, philosophy, logic, history these kinds of things — because they’re out trying to win people to Christ.”
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