Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court Justice

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I read that Guardian article, I don’t see anything unacceptable. They tithe it appears.

It looks a bit like Amy on this webpage. See picture. I believe that is her on the left side of the table.

Ecumenical | People of Praise.

See photo on top of page.

I’ve been to a few People of Praise Saturday Evening Get Togethers and it was at an Auditorium at a Protestant school I thought. It is hard for me, to really call them “secretive”. That sounds a bit like a nefarious intention is out there.

That school was indeed, called “Trinity” as it reads on this link. It says they started some schools called Trinity. Interesting.

From link:
In 1977, the People of Praise ran a conference in Kansas City’s Arrowhead Stadium attended by 45,000 people, perhaps the largest grass-roots ecumenical gathering since the Reformation, and the first occasion when classical Pentecostals, mainline Protestant neo-Pentecostals and Catholic Pentecostals (known as the “three streams” of Pentecostalism) had gathered en masse.

In 1981, the People of Praise launched Trinity Schools, an educational outreach that reflects our ecumenical approach to Christian life and offers an education to children in the People of Praise and to the public. Now with campuses in Eagan, MN, Falls Church, VA, and South Bend, IN, Trinity Schools have been honored with a total of seven Blue Ribbon awards from the U.S. Department of Education.
I have never been personally to a straight ahead Pentecostal service but I would think that is kind of what they are a bit like. I don’t know, I went to a few Saturday night services. Where I went, I thought they were mostly protestants. A youth band with guitar and drums were there as well.

Does glossolalia happen there among the worshippers? Yes, I’d say so.

So, anyway, I see that some are trying to call it a cult. I saw something on Democracy Now, just surfing the web.
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Excellent article,thanks for sharing.ACB is one class act and so is her husband.
Given the track record of the Dems these past four years ,specifically,they have no credibility re fairness. This is just another tantrum on their part because things didn’t go according to their plan.
This is well within the constitutional rights for the president.
I’m not seeing it,which one are you referring to?
If it’s the third lady from the left, hard to say. I’m bad with faces anyway. A lot of celebrities, actors, and so on, all blur together to me. Could be a touch of prosopagnosia, or possibly just world-weariness in my late-middle years. Probably the latter.

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Even if it is her, what of it? Does the First Amendment not ensure the right to free assembly?
What of it? It just might be of interest to some. I find it interesting. It is no negative. Why would one think that?
An article too good not be shared:
She is quoted as saying this:

“What greater thing can you do than raise children? That’s where you have your greatest impact on the world.”

That is a direct challenge to the abortion mentality that sees children as a burden. Like Clarence Thomas being a challenge to black hegemony simply by being a conservative, Barrett will challenge the old feminist paradigm simply by being who she is.
I certainly hope and pray she is confirmed.

Are you voting for Biden or third party, if you don’t mind me asking. I ask because I’m trying to figure out which one of the three I’m voting for
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What of it? It just might be of interest to some. I find it interesting. It is no negative. Why would one think that?
Many people in the media have raised it as a negative. I don’t share that opinion, but then again I am in favor of her, not opposed to her.
An article too good not be shared:
She is quoted as saying this:

“What greater thing can you do than raise children? That’s where you have your greatest impact on the world.”
Absolutely no quarrel there.

People who choose to be child-free, either through remaining single, or through orchestrating their married lives so as not to have children (whether using licit or illicit means), would do very well to ponder this.

I cannot recall a single moment of my adult life when I did not long to be a father.
I cannot recall a single moment of my adult life when I did not long to be a father.
That’s a fine thing, but it’s important to understand that many people do not experience such a longing. They should not be thought the lesser of for that.
To appoint a Supreme Court judge in this atmosphere, while the presidential election–actual voting!–is going on is without precedent.
While this exact scenario may be new, John Adams filled the vacant seat of Chief Justice with John Marshall after he had been defeated for re-election but before Thomas Jefferson took office.
I’m referring to taking one position at one time, under one set of circumstances, and then adopting another position at a later time, under a different set of circumstances that were unforeseen at the outset.
What are the different circumstances here? We have a senator stating in 2016 (in February, IIRC) that the selection of a Supreme Court Justice should not occur after the election process has begun , then in September of 2020 (after voting has actually started in some places) saying the opposite. Maybe not a lie, but definitely hypocrisy in my opinion.
It’s kind of hard to blast a Catholic wife and mother of a multiracial family of 7 kids including one with Downs, who also happens to have stellar legal creds and just spent 5 minutes praising RBG effusively.
Yep. It actually took me some effort to find a picture of her with her children, but finally found one:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
It’s especially important that they accepted a Down Syndrome child when the parents are such high achievers. Those are often the type of parents who don’t want a child who isn’t going to be able to go to the best schools, have a dazzling career, and “make the family proud”.
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Federal Judges, including at the appellate level, usually try to keep their family out of the public eye and off the internet. There have been a number of cases of disgruntled plaintiffs/ defendants and terrorists who target and kill the family members of federal judges.

Unfortunately, now that she’s in the public eye on the Supreme Court, it will be harder to protect her family, but I am sure there are security protocols in place and CJ Roberts, who also had young kids when he joined the Court, can advise her.
Her hearing will be very interesting. I want to know more about this lady.

Here where I live, one of our ‘Supreme Justice Court’ members is also going to be replaced in the next few months. Our current president is a conservative, however he intends to nominate a ‘hardcore protestant’, in his own words.
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