Q: And you? Are you ever afraid of making a mistake in your work?
A: “I quit being afraid when I said to myself: ‘If one day I make a gigantic error that is printed in block lettering in all the newspapers of the world, what is going to happen to the Church?’”
Q: What was your answer?
A: “That nothing would happen. The Church isn’t hurt by a man’s mistake. Do you know what I feel like in my work?”
Q: What?
A: “Like an envelope with a message inside it. It needs to be attractive and the handwriting must be good, but it is only a container. Woe to anyone who confuses it with its contents.”
the rest…
A: “I quit being afraid when I said to myself: ‘If one day I make a gigantic error that is printed in block lettering in all the newspapers of the world, what is going to happen to the Church?’”
Q: What was your answer?
A: “That nothing would happen. The Church isn’t hurt by a man’s mistake. Do you know what I feel like in my work?”
Q: What?
A: “Like an envelope with a message inside it. It needs to be attractive and the handwriting must be good, but it is only a container. Woe to anyone who confuses it with its contents.”
the rest…