This is neither an issue of physics nor of observation, but of logic. If you wish to toss out logic, then both physics and observation become irrelevant.
I would agree with this only to the point that physics and observation are illusory to this existence and can never give an adequate explanation of sein.
No object can be its own cause for the following logical reasoning regardless of observed physical laws;
Existence is defined (in reality with or without dictionary authority) by the property of affect. This is to say that an object exists if and only if it has the property of affect. If it cannot affect anything, then it does not exist. If it can affect something then it does exist.
Pardon the crudity of the argument, but you are basically saying that if a bear does doo doo in the woods, and nobody is there to smell it, it didn’t happen. Please, I have always found this argument so obviously flawed that it causes me to immediately ignore subsequent remarks as flawed. Each one of us is a being in our own universe tied into to this ‘network’. If we are not tied into this ‘network’ we will still exist, we just will not be able to interact with it.
This definition is acceptable in both logos and pathos modes in that even if something did exist in some other regard, if it truly had no potential to affect anything whatsoever, then why would anyone care and there could be no negative consequence for declaring its non-existence.
Are you serious? If me as my ‘sein’ chose not to interact with this existence and not ‘affect anything whatsoever’ a number of consequences would occur. 1) no one would know of me (as ‘sein’) to care, and 2) there would be no consequence, negative or positive, because the ‘anyone’ would not know of my existence to have any opinion on it. Thus, the multitude of ‘sein’ we do not know of, yet still exist, truly do not care whether or not I declare it ‘non-existent’. 3) In terms of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, my hypothetical ‘sein’s’ delta x is essentially infinite, meaning the observable effect is non-existent. Hence not only will the ‘anyone’ not be able to observe my ‘sein’, because my ‘sein’ would not be aware of the observation because the observation would not have caused the momentum to decrease at all. What you are in essence stating is that you are God because it is your ability to ‘observe’ that creates. I submit I exist whether you observe me or not.
Additionally the ability to have “affect” is the ability to cause change of a state or situation.
Cause is, by definition, that which affected the effect or changed state.
You do not state your religious preference, so I can say the following only in terms of the consequence of your assertion. If a ‘sein’ only exists if it has an observable cause, correct me if I am wrong, then God does not exist because we cannot observe ‘Him’.
With this in mind, for anything to cause anything, it must first exist with that potential to affect. Thus for something to cause itself it must exist before it exists.
Again, this argument falls apart if the ‘law of causality’ is an illusion.
But this proposal presents a serious and even deadly concept. What it proposes is that at anytime and any place, any existence and its affect can instantly appear without cause.
Ahhhh, that is correct. Furthermore, that existence can cease to exist without notice as well.
This leaves the mind with no means of assisting the body in the pursuit of life. No probability can be ascertained. No decision can be made. Even the voice of a prophet could not be relied upon. And no credit or guilt to be assigned to any action.
I do not see how you draw that conclusion.
All of Science would be null and void along with all religions and all philosophies. Fore this one idea proposes that existence, what is real, is entirely dependent upon what is non-existence and not real - fantasy.
Unless your (or the) concept of causality is false.
Cause and effect are used by the mind to assess preferred from un-preferred and cannot be dismissed without utterly destroying the mind and thus the body it is purposed to assist.
Remove the time between cause and effect and all existence would instantly vanish. Although it is proposed that all things change, how fast they change is critically significant.
That is true, in the existence we find ourselves. As Paul says, we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling.