Anarchy in the USA

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My brothers and sisters in Christ,

Anarchists are people who want to overthrow the established order. They want what they want. And what do they want? That is best expressed by singer Iggy Pop.

“I wish life could be anything. Bark, bark, bark!” (5 Foot, 1)

By not hearing the Words of God they hear only the words of the devil. Knowingly and unknowingly, they live in darkness.

They say they want and embrace “change” but what are they really embracing? The devil seeks out those who disobey God so that they desire to sin and they receive as a curse from God a reprobate mind.

So, now, Catholics in particular and other Christians are standing in their way. The current Anarchist assault began at the end of the 1960s. Calling themselves Hippies, they offered ‘something’ new, better and improved. They told all young people to throw away the old, the established and the authorities. They wanted “freedom” to do whatever.
  1. Christians were taken in by pleas for compassion for the victims of rape, incest and back-alley abortions. We were told that abortion was “the most difficult choice a woman could make and was between her and her God,” Now we have abortion on demand.
  2. Gloria Steinem and the National Organization of Women led an assault on the family by creating suspicion, doubt and fear between men and women. Instead of solving problems and promoting reconciliation, they drove a wedge between men and women and tore families apart. Adult Bookstores with graphic porn spread across the country.
1980s. No Fault Divorce sweeps through the country. It’s not your fault, it’s not her fault, it’s nobody’s fault. Christians and people in general begin to say, “Hey, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll just get a divorce.” Porn on cable and hotel rooms.

1990s. NYPD Blue decides it needs partial nudity and adult language. The internet accelerates the spread of graphic porn.

2000s. You can’t tell a Christian from an unbeliever.

There was a time in the 1950s and 1960s when American media reflected and respected Cristian beliefs and norms, NOT ANYMORE.

The sinners want to legalize sin. Wake up my brothers and sister.

On another meassage board, someone summed everything up quite well: “WE don’t want to feel ashamed or guilty or sinful anymore.”

Sin has not changed. God has not changed, but Christians have allowed themselves, over the last 30 years, to be gradually, slowly seduced by the world to where too many of us are fully conformed with it. The Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world.

So what are we to do? Read your Bible. Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Stand up for your rights because the founders of this country guaranteed us the free excercise of our beliefs. Be wise when hearing the voices of those who sometimes plead and other times demand, that we give them what they want always. Remember, they live in darkness and cannot see what we see.

Remember also, they are our neighbors and we are commanded to love them as we love ourselves, but we should remind them that we do not want to sin as they do. When they tell you, “You’re in the way of getting what I want.” and what they want is wrong, tell them. Not out of hate, not to create strife, but to stand up for the Truth.

Pray for them. Have compassion on them, especially because so many of us who now believe once walked in the dark as they do now. And because God the Father wills that no one should perish but come to repentence.

Jesus said we would be hated by the world for His sake. The Bible teaches that we are not to repay evil for evil but repay it with good and ask for a blessing from God on those that fight against us.

Jesus said that he is the gate to the sheep. He is the only way to God. He does not want to force people to love Him. I do not want to force anyone to come to Christ. Here, in the United States, those who hate the Truth want their way, and after carefully, thoughtfully and prayerfully considering what they have to say, telling them we cannot agree when it is appropriate. The Anarchy they want will destroy the family, harm the general welfare and open the door to even greater sin.

Consider, my brothers and sisters in Christ, how far some of us have fallen. How God is telling us, Do the things you did at first. Like the Prodigal Son, we must return to our Father. We must reconsider what we are doing with our time on earth. We must also listen carefully when the world tempts us and insults us and accuses us for having no compassion for them, because sometimes they will ask you to give them something that is wrong, harmful and spiritually deadly.

Be at peace with all men. Pray to God for guidance and trust in Him.

God bless everyone,

Very well said, my brother in Christ. As God has been so patient with us, so is Satan! He has our entire life span to win our souls. Your chronological sequence of sin remains true, even if unpopular to read…

Christ’s peace.
We have a Jesuit priest who has been visiting our parish this summer, reiterating what you have just said…some people are trying to nail him to the cross…but he is standing firm, just as the cross stands firm.

One person even questioned him about something he addressed in his homily by reading directly from the Catholic catechism. Father what are your sources, and he held the book high…go buy one or borrow mine and you will see that the catechism has not changed, rather culture has…to a more secular state. Our job is get back to Christ who is unchanging and life-giving.
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