Planned Parenthood is at it again. First they introduced T-shirts announcing the thrill of abortion (which they were forced to pull from their website); now, they have produced Christmas cards that never mention Christ. Instead, the nation’s largest abortion provider has once again placed its holiday cards on sale promoting “Choice on Earth.” The interior message reads, “Warmest wishes for a peaceful holiday season.” Abortion never has been and never will be peaceful. It is violence done to the innocent child and even to the woman experiencing it. It is ironic that Planned Parenthood is celebrating “choice” when they do not allow women to make a fully informed choice; they never tell women the serious psychological and physical consequences of abortion. Planned Parenthood’s continuing promotion of sex education with an emphasis on birth control pills and condoms has led countless numbers of young women down the wrong path. It’s appalling that this season, this joyous sea! son of the birth of our Lord, is being used to promote the destruction of innocent human life.
– Mark L. Chance.
– Mark L. Chance.