Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination

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Several months ago, someone suggested something like this was inevitable from the left.

They were mocked and derided with name-calling.

I recall reading it and thinking not only are you correct,
but many of the same people engaging in the
name-calling routine today,
will be SUPPORTING ideas like this tomorrow (in just a few months). Even as they pretend to be against it.

A few months from now, they will be telling you a vaccine isn’t enough. You will need to continue the mandates (for YOU) AND get “boosters” of the vaccine (unless the voters reject these abuses [vote 'em out]).

Politics of power at work in my opinion.


Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination​

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Scott Olson/Getty Images


20 Dec 2020

Former Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang proposed a “barcode” program Friday for Americans to prove they have received a coronavirus vaccination. . . .

. . . “Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated – like a barcode they can download on their phone? There ought to be,” Yang wrote on Twitter.

“Tough to have mass gatherings like concerts or ballgames without either mass adoption of the vaccine or a means of signaling,” . . .
I don’t know if Andrew Yang knows anything about digital signatures, but that is exactly what it would take to accomplish an authentication system like this. Software systems use digital signatures all the time to prove authenticity of a Windows update or iPhone update, for example. A digital signature could be used to authenticate a person receiving a vaccination by digitally signing the person’s drivers license or home address or some other such verifiable identification with a digital signature whose private key is held by a trusted certificate authority (just like the CA’s that certify your HTTPS transactions over the Internet). That way it would be practically impossible to fake authentication. This is nothing new. This technology has been used for decades. I see nothing inherently wrong with it. Except that there is little incentive to do it, as it will be a moot point in a year or so.
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I’m not getting the vaccine.No one can make me either
In addition to a PR campaign of shaming you,
they will use massively oversized business
(businesses that should have been “antitrusted” long ago)
as their proxy
to remove you from financial discourse
in their respective areas (the airline industry has already openly talked about this).

There will be leftists that say this cannot happen, many of whom will be SUPPPORTING (because in some cases anyway, their positions are based on emotions instead of principles) this within months.

The people who publicly warn about this
will just get personally besmirched
or the news outlets reporting it get dismissed based upon ipse dixit or a veneer of “investigation” based dismissal (“Newsguard”, Facebook “fact checkers”, snopes, etc.).

Don’t fall for their baloney. (I know you won’t fall for it @Jeanne_S. But I am posting this anyway for lurkers benefit).
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Software systems use digital signatures all the time to prove authenticity
I read it, and I immediately thought of JavaScript Web Tokens. But there are a lot of schemes that can be employed to make some authentication system for the vaccinated.
Please … dont say this LeafByNiggle … You must stop being racist LeafByNiggle …it is not possible to authenticate a person’s vaccination status by digitally signing a person’s drivers license or some other viable identification. It is wrong to ask people who they are or any other information when civic duties/responsibilities are being performed.

We know that people of color do not have, nor can they obtain or use a drivers license or other information for identification - After all - that is why voter ID laws are racist attempts to eliminate the votes of minorities … Courts have said so.

To require that method to prove immunity to COVID would disenfranchise the minority from whatever activity you are requiring of them to prove they are vaccinated … work, travel, recreation, school …

I am so disappointed that anyone would suggest such a racist ideas and actually use phrases like this
That way it would be practically impossible to fake authentication. This is nothing new. This technology has been used for decades. I see nothing inherently wrong with it.
Though practically impossible to fake - it certainly is inherently an aspect of white privileged to bring up that technology to hold people account …
ThinkingSapien on the single dimension (and bully tactic) of “Pandemic Shaming” . . . .
Epidemiologist On Why ‘Pandemic Shaming’ Isn’t Working
And if “Pandemic Shaming” was all that was going on I would probably be more ambivalent about it.

But of course there is more going on. Much more.
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For once, we agree. This is government overreach. Actually, I find it outrageous.
We know that people of color do not have, nor can they obtain or use a drivers license or other information for identification
Cute! But you left out one important factor. With voter ID laws, the onus is on the voter to provide the ID. With the digitally signed identifying information verifying vaccination, it would be the responsibility of the the state to provide that ID, and that ID could be just about anything.

Voter ID requirements are not racist in principle, but they are racist the way they are applied, with limiting the kinds of ID that meet the requirements, not providing easy enough access to that ID. With vaccination verification, the person being vaccinated can bring whatever ID he wants to have signed, and the vaccinating agency would sign it for him. If he has none, the state would have to provide one.
Except they have been rejected where the state has said they would provide free state issued ID cards for those without a drivers license …

And you neglect the fact that specific ID’s are required for a host of other everyday activities - not just he occasional election day vote …

The Real ID act is a real thing … people are required to provide certain proofs of identification every day … you cannot open a bank/credit union account with out an ID … more common one is a drivers or other state issued ID, check into a hotel room, board a plane or train … etc

Every state I believe isses not only drivers licenses but a non drivers ID as well … way back in the 1990s when my MIL had stopped driving when it came tome to renew her license she obtained a non driver state issued ID instead

and since the 1980s every child born in the US has had to have a social security card issued and a certificate of birth … and yes - that includes those born at home - we have a few in our family that were not born in a hospital but at home

Plus I acknowledged that “other” ID could be required … but alas … its racist to even ask for any ID - that is what we re told … not just for voting but at any time …that is what privilege and all that woke iinformation … you will cause an offense by merely suggesting it …

SO if this will be the norm - only non POCs will have to comply … POC will have to be exempted

And Yes - It is soft racism [I dont subscribe to this personally though - every POC I know is more than capable] to believe that POC cannot obtain and show proof if identity … but C’mon man - alas …that is the Democratic belief and platform . that will be the policy of the new administration
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Yang evidently is another one in denial of science. Or ignorant of it.

The vaccines being given do not guarantee a recipient can’t be infected and spread the virus. One of the mRNA vaccine company’s spokesman has stated their version can only be counted on to offer protection for 120 days.

On Dec 17 th an interview video was posted. A very large study of antibodies in recovered patients shed light on a question that couldn’t be answered up until that point. The study indicated that antibodies produced by our immune system, of which there are four types, one that attacks the virus in our blood and three(helper cell and T cells) that are crucial to attack it once it is in our cells, appear to remain active for much longer than the vaccine. Possibly for years.

That said, the doctor still advises the mRNA vaccines are safe and he recommends them.

Point is, neither natural antibodies due to either an infection or a vaccine do not provide immunity to the covid-19 virus.

Reinfections are rare in recovered covid-19 patients, but at this time it’s too early to know if infections of covid-19 will be rare in those who have not been infected with covid-19 prior to getting the vaccine.

Yang evidently is another one in denial of science. Or ignorant of it.

The vaccines being given do not guarantee a recipient can’t be infected and spread the virus.
You are absolutely right about vaccines not being a guarantee regarding spreading the virus.

And as you said, you can even get INFECTED after a vaccine. (And a “booster” and another “booster”, etc.)

But I think Yang knows the science. At least roughly.

The program being presented is no longer focusing on public health except in the sense of a pretext.

Yang knows what he is doing here in my opinion.

This is about the politics of control for the sake of control. Not about public health.

The people who give that up, will lose their freedom AND have to deal with a virus. At least that’s my opinion.
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Seems like the first logical step to creating a way to prevent people from buying and selling.
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