anger is by no means driven from thwarted desires, it is complex and can come from many areas in life. Less one wants to try an say, one is angry from a loved one being murdered some how falls into a thwarted desire that they didn’t get to murder said loved one ? or perhaps anger at injustice in the world and wanting to change it and make the world a better place. Either way anger is not a disorder nor a desire, it is an emotion. trying to personify an emotion just distorts the emotion.
or perhaps we just chalk up what ya said, as a dig to me, because your reply to JoeS doesn’t make a lick of sense in regards to what Joe said, but if we change it to a response into what I stated, it sort of makes sense, but still doesn’t.
Joes statement is merely his or her reflection on what he or she went through.
An if anger was really a thwarted desire, or a disorder, then exactly what did Jesus do when He made that whip and drove the crooks out of the temple, flipping tables over and etc. Because that action, if put into context is a reaction of anger. Not a reaction of calmness and peace and pacifism and love.
Like saying guns are bad, guns kill.
what ever though.
Glitter burps all over the place.