Michael- If memory serves correctly, Williams is rather strongly anti-abortion. Like the Pope, he’s rather opposed to a lot of wars, as well. Unlike the Pope, he cannot make any binding declarations such as you propose. He doesn’t have, or claim, that mojo.
Incidentally, what are the exact, official Anglican and ECUSA positions on abortion?
Also, by Test, do you mean God inflicted the tsunamies on the victims, to see how we’d respond?
The TAC Position on Abortion is the Same as the Pope’s, which is that abortion is the taking of innocent human life and is simply not allowed.
This quote from the Anglican Church of Canada (Communion with Canterbury), doesn’t give me much comfort:
*In the light of the Government’s announcement of a new Abortion Bill, the Anglican Church reaffirms its position that both the rights and needs of women, and the rights and needs of the unborn, require protection.
The Church welcomes a non-gestational approach. This accords with the Church’s opposition to any arbitrary division which would make early abortion available on demand. The Church’s fundamental position is that “abortion is always the taking of a human life and, in our view, should never be done except for serious therapeutic reasons.”*
It isn’t obedience to God when there’s a **“But!”
1998:** 69th General Convention:
“All human life is sacred from its inception until death. The Church takes seriously its obligation to help form the consciences of its members concerning this sacredness…We regard all abortion as having a tragic dimension, calling for the concern and compassion of all the Christian community. While we acknowledge that in this country it is the legal right of every woman to have a medically safe abortion, as Christians we believe strongly that if this right is exercised, it should be used only in extreme situations. We emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere convenience.”
1994: 71st General Convention:
“Resolved, That this 71st General Convention (1994) of the Episcopal Church express its unequivocal opposition to any legislative, executive or judicial action on the part of local, state or nation governments that abridges the right of a woman to reach an informed decision about the termination of pregnancy or that would limit the access of a woman to safe means of acting on her decision.”
When many of us left the then PECUSA in the late 1970’s, the language was that of the 1994 ECUSA Convention. I therefore must conclude that that is what the ECUSA Bishops, Priests and laity must really believe, esp. since most of the "Pro-life Episcopalians left a long time ago.
None of those positions, except for that of the TAC could ever hope to reconciled to that of the Catholic Church or to be acceptable to Pope John Paul II.
I must admit I’m not the most impartial observer regarding Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams, and a lot of that has to do with
The Windsor Report which essentially said that SCHISM of congregations leaving the "Anglican Communion (C of E) over the various heresies within rthat Communion were worse than the HERESIES themselves. (That’s the Forward - the pdf is 93 pages) (Archbishop Hepworth’s Reply)
Regarding TESTS. One, these are different than what Jesus was refering to when he us the “Our Father”.
I do not believe that God afflicts people to see how we will respond, but I do believe that God, in His wisdom, ALLOWS things you happen in our lives to Test us, to give us a chance to respond in Christian Charity or with the usual pettiness that afflicts us and so much of what we do. Sometimes, He ALLOWS that on a very large scale.
I know a Priest who, as a Physicians Assistant, worked with AIDS patients for most of the 1980’s and a good part of the 1990’s before he was forced to retire with a brain injury. He tells me that he believes that the AIDS epidemic, esp. in its early days, was just one of those “tests”.
He feels that many of us failed it miserably, including one Protestant Minister, who refused to Baptise a REPENTANT and then celebate Homosexual, because the man had AIDS! There were parents who refused see or talk to their Sons (and sometimes daughters) for the same reason, even as they were dying.
God didn’t “afflict” or “inflict” the people with AIDS, he allowed it to happen, but we know that all things happen for a reason, and sometimes that reason is to call us to be better than we really are.
The same thing may be happening now.
I hope this clarifies things.
In Him, Michael