Anglican Breviary

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I hope this is the correct Forum. My question is pretty straight forward. I have prayed the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) since it was referred to as the Roman Breviary.

I hope I don’t offend anyone but I really dislike the NAB translation. I am not a Traditionalist. I do not think Vatican II was the work of Satan. I am however a conservative Catholic and I am 66 years old. I love the majestic translation from the past. I am thinking of switching to the Anglican Breviary, which I have been told is almost the twin of the Roman Breviary. I haven’t had an Anglican Breviary in my hands to study/compare.

Can anyone help me with:
  1. Opinions (Please leave some meat on my bones.)
  2. Information on the Anglican Breviary itself.
In Christ…Karmelitanum
I hope this is the correct Forum. My question is pretty straight forward. I have prayed the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) since it was referred to as the Roman Breviary.

I hope I don’t offend anyone but I really dislike the NAB translation. I am not a Traditionalist. I do not think Vatican II was the work of Satan. I am however a conservative Catholic and I am 66 years old. I love the majestic translation from the past. I am thinking of switching to the Anglican Breviary, which I have been told is almost the twin of the Roman Breviary. I haven’t had an Anglican Breviary in my hands to study/compare.

Can anyone help me with:
  1. Opinions (Please leave some meat on my bones.)
  2. Information on the Anglican Breviary itself.
In Christ…Karmelitanum
As a person of similar vintage to yourself, I think you may be referring to the old Monastic Diurnal which may once again be in print. It is not the parallel of the current Liturgy of the Hours but rather the parallel of the old Breviarium Romanum.

If you are just looking for Morning and Evening Prayer, Daytime Prayer and Compline (Night Prayer) you could look to The Book of Divine Worship. This is basically The Book of Common Prayer (1979) “koshered” for Catholic use. It enjoys Vatican approbation. You can get it through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or via one of the Anglican Use parishes – a large one in Texas maintains a web site.
As a person of similar vintage to yourself, I think you may be referring to the old Monastic Diurnal which may once again be in print. It is not the parallel of the current Liturgy of the Hours but rather the parallel of the old Breviarium Romanum.

If you are just looking for Morning and Evening Prayer, Daytime Prayer and Compline (Night Prayer) you could look to The Book of Divine Worship. This is basically The Book of Common Prayer (1979) “koshered” for Catholic use. It enjoys Vatican approbation. You can get it through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or via one of the Anglican Use parishes – a large one in Texas maintains a web site.
Thanks, I didn’t know the Monastic Diurnal was in print again; have to check that out. It might be NAB translation, too. Yes, I am looking for Morning and Evening Prayer, Daytime Prayer and Compline (Night Prayer)
Oh, no … I’ve never actually seen one, just those website pics. Are you OCDS? Maybe your SD can advise you about whether or not to use it.
Oh, no … I’ve never actually seen one, just those website pics. Are you OCDS? Maybe your SD can advise you about whether or not to use it.
No, I am Third Order of the Ancient Observance. That’s the other guys that don’t wear sandals. Trouble is I am whats called as “isolate”. There has been no community around for almost 30 years. That’s why I started
Got tired of being alone ALL the time. So…I really have no one to ask.

My neighborhood (Bergen County, NJ) is simply a-crawling with Carmelites and TO Carms.

I am a member of the Confraternity of Penitents. Many of us are “isolated” and we have formaton on-line and a monthly chat room. We are assigned formation “directors” who are in constant contact with us. We are all required to have spiritual directors but we’re not an Order, so we don’t have to have directors from a specific order, so that is easier.

I understand there are a lot of isolated TO Carms. I wonder if someone at the Carmel Retreat in Ramsey, NJ would be willing to network with others to assign someone as the spiritual overseer of some of the isolates. ??? Or maybe the house in Niagara Falls? Is it worth a try?

My neighborhood (Bergen County, NJ) is simply a-crawling with Carmelites and TO Carms.

I am a member of the Confraternity of Penitents. Many of us are “isolated” and we have formaton on-line and a monthly chat room. We are assigned formation “directors” who are in constant contact with us. We are all required to have spiritual directors but we’re not an Order, so we don’t have to have directors from a specific order, so that is easier.

I understand there are a lot of isolated TO Carms. I wonder if someone at the Carmel Retreat in Ramsey, NJ would be willing to network with others to assign someone as the spiritual overseer of some of the isolates. ??? Or maybe the house in Niagara Falls? Is it worth a try?
You have no idea the kettle of fish you talking about. I’d rather PM if you don’t mind.
You have no idea the kettle of fish you talking about. I’d rather PM if you don’t mind.
Oooohhh! Do tell. I’m standing by on PM.
**To all kind enough to offer help on this:
I called Bishop Amos (Aux. Bishop for my area) and believe it or not he said the Anglican Breviary would fulfil the requirements of saying the LOH even if under vows!!! 😃 **
Been there. Done that. I’m in. I have forwarded the site information to a friend who is a Carmelite hermit with the thought that she might provide some solid (name removed by moderator)ut for you . . . No promises, though.
Another PM coming
Another thing you could do is use the current Divine Office (LOTH) but
  1. substitute another approved translation (the General Instruction for the Liturgy of the Hours allows this)
  2. use Latin liberally
But hey, if the Anglican Breviary would satisfy an obligation under vows, I’m going to check it out too!

I am not yet under any vows, but I do feel He is calling me to them. I should probably ask my own superior and/or bishop in that case, whenever it arises.
Here’s that the Anglican Breviary website says, on differences b/w it and the Roman Breviary;

“Propers are given for one or two particularly Anglican feasts. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, an Anglican essay on Our Lady’s spotlessness is substituted for the Papal Bull.”

Should that bother me? It’s probably all doctrinally solid . . . they don’t have any “Praise Henry VIII, he is so cool” stuff in it, do they??

Later on it says this:

"Q. Has the Anglican Breviary been officially approved by the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Church?

A. Not officially. However, certain priests of the Roman Catholic Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter have recommended the Anglican Breviary to their laity as an acceptable form of the Divine Office. In addition, the western rite of the Antiochian Orthodox Church uses the Anglican Breviary as well. While the Anglican Breviary probably shouldn’t be used for public recitation of the Office in Roman Catholic churches without the permission of the bishop, it should be perfectly fine for private devotions since it contains nothing contrary to the Catholic Faith."

It doesn’t address those who need to fulfil and obligation to recite the office, even if privately.
Here’s that the Anglican Breviary website says, on differences b/w it and the Roman Breviary;

“Propers are given for one or two particularly Anglican feasts. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, an Anglican essay on Our Lady’s spotlessness is substituted for the Papal Bull.”

Should that bother me? It’s probably all doctrinally solid . . . they don’t have any “Praise Henry VIII, he is so cool” stuff in it, do they??
Thomas More:
Here’s that the Anglican Breviary website says, on differences b/w it and the Roman Breviary;

“Propers are given for one or two particularly Anglican feasts. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, an Anglican essay on Our Lady’s spotlessness is substituted for the Papal Bull.”

Should that bother me? It’s probably all doctrinally solid . . . they don’t have any “Praise Henry VIII, he is so cool” stuff in it, do they??
Hi Thomas More…I can only repeat what my Bishop said. “It’s all psalms and psalms meet the requirement.”

After reading the instructions it sounds like a LONG breviray.
Well…I order one so we’ll see.
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