Brothers and Sisters, we’re going to try to do this one more time with instructions from our Super Moderator, Therese Martin:
Therese Martin: Just start it as a new thread. It’ll be separate from the original one that was closed.
Therese Martin: Yes, feel free to start the thread again and let participants know that you intend a narrower focus.
Traditional Ang: *I understand some of my cohorts treated one of our guests quite badly in my absence on the “Anglicans to Rome” Thread. For that I apologize.
Since the group I belong to, the Traditional Anglican Communion, was the origninal focus of the the conversation, I was was wondering if it would be possible to restart a Thread with that as the explicit focus. Esp., since God seems to accomplishing something that was deemed impossible just a decade before.
I understand that an explicit statement of the ground rules might be required in the first posting and occasionally thereafter so the furball that occurred doesn’t occur again.
Thank you for your consideration.
In Christ, Michael*
So, with that in mind, as of two weeks ago, I was informed by my source, who happens to be my Pastor, that an offer had been made to Archbishop John Hepworth, the Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion by Pope John Paul II for FULL COMMUNION with the Catholic Church and His Holiness, Pope Paul II.
The details were no less astounding to me than they were to many of the other poster of the forum, because they included that the TAC would NOT be required to accept the Infallibility of the Pope or the two Marion doctrines (The Assumption of the BVM & the Immaculate Conception of the BVM).
For those who wish to know, St. Mary’s will be hosting a Bishop next week, at that point, you can consider the poor man cornered for the sake of this forum. Now, I don’t want anyone to warn him!
Per Therese Martin’s instructions, we aren’t discussing the doctrines, or even if the TAC should be forced to accept them (BTW, I do accept them). At least not for now.
We can discuss if the TAC should accept the offer. I will.
We can discuss if some Dioceses, Deaneries and Congregations in the TAC will have problems accepting even this generous offer. I will.
We can discuss how this will make many other Catholics feel, esp. those who’ve had to accept the doctrines to be accepted into the Catholic Church.
Those will have to be the limits for now.
They may be expanded later, but only if the conversation can be done civilly and with NO furball!
God’s blessings on all who participate in this new discussion.
In Christ, Michael
Therese Martin: Just start it as a new thread. It’ll be separate from the original one that was closed.
Therese Martin: Yes, feel free to start the thread again and let participants know that you intend a narrower focus.
Traditional Ang: *I understand some of my cohorts treated one of our guests quite badly in my absence on the “Anglicans to Rome” Thread. For that I apologize.
Since the group I belong to, the Traditional Anglican Communion, was the origninal focus of the the conversation, I was was wondering if it would be possible to restart a Thread with that as the explicit focus. Esp., since God seems to accomplishing something that was deemed impossible just a decade before.
I understand that an explicit statement of the ground rules might be required in the first posting and occasionally thereafter so the furball that occurred doesn’t occur again.
Thank you for your consideration.
In Christ, Michael*
So, with that in mind, as of two weeks ago, I was informed by my source, who happens to be my Pastor, that an offer had been made to Archbishop John Hepworth, the Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion by Pope John Paul II for FULL COMMUNION with the Catholic Church and His Holiness, Pope Paul II.
The details were no less astounding to me than they were to many of the other poster of the forum, because they included that the TAC would NOT be required to accept the Infallibility of the Pope or the two Marion doctrines (The Assumption of the BVM & the Immaculate Conception of the BVM).
For those who wish to know, St. Mary’s will be hosting a Bishop next week, at that point, you can consider the poor man cornered for the sake of this forum. Now, I don’t want anyone to warn him!
Per Therese Martin’s instructions, we aren’t discussing the doctrines, or even if the TAC should be forced to accept them (BTW, I do accept them). At least not for now.
We can discuss if the TAC should accept the offer. I will.
We can discuss if some Dioceses, Deaneries and Congregations in the TAC will have problems accepting even this generous offer. I will.
We can discuss how this will make many other Catholics feel, esp. those who’ve had to accept the doctrines to be accepted into the Catholic Church.
Those will have to be the limits for now.
They may be expanded later, but only if the conversation can be done civilly and with NO furball!
God’s blessings on all who participate in this new discussion.
In Christ, Michael