What can be the explanation of people encountering the “ghost” of their dead pet or other ghosts of animals?
Living creatures, humans, animals, plants – each has a soul. Only angels and humans have spiritual, rational souls. Animal and plant souls are material and cease to exist at death.
Meeting or encountering the ghost of a dead pet or other animal will be diabolical in nature.
In Catholic History:
St. Anthony’s biography written by St Athanasius: his desert home, “they heard tumults, many voices, and, as it were, the clash of arms. At night they saw the mountain become full of
wild beasts, and him also fighting as though against visible beings, and praying against them."
“And the place was on a sudden filled with the forms of lions, bears, leopards, bulls, serpents, asps, scorpions, and wolves, and each of them was moving according to his nature. The lion was roaring, wishing to attack, the bull seeming to toss with its horns, the serpent writhing but unable to approach, and the wolf as it rushed on was restrained; altogether the noises of the
apparitions, with their angry ragings, were dreadful.”
St. Padre Pio: “The devil would appear to him as an ugly
black cat, or in the shape of a truly repugnant animal. The obvious intent was to fill him with terror. Other times demons came as young girls, nude and provocative, performing obscene dances, to test the young priest’s chastity. But Padre Pio sensed his greatest danger when the devil tried to deceive him by taking on the form of one of his superiors (his provincial superior or his spiritual director) or in a sacred form (the Lord, the Virgin, or St. Francis).”