Animal ghosts/hauntings

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I’ve been confused very lately about whether or not animals have spirit/souls that continue to exist after the animal dies. I’ve been reading online people experiences and their encounter with a dead pet ‘entity’. I’ve also read that people turn away from the church because the church says that animals don’t have spirits like we do. And the people prefer their ghostly experiences over what the church teaches. What can be the explanation of people encountering the “ghost” of their dead pet or other ghosts of animals?
Ghosts of animals are demonic. Animals don’t have immortal souls and don’t exist to wander the earth after death. Likewise, many ghosts that appear human are likely demonic apparitions.
The pet was probably no pet at all, but a space alien in disguise. Many of these life-forms may seem to die, but in reality, it is not the case. Some are to a large degree immortal and can be killed with only very great difficulty.
FWEEEEET, fweeeeet, nah, I’ll just be an observer this time…good luck.
Ghosts of animals are demonic. Animals don’t have immortal souls and don’t exist to wander the earth after death. Likewise, many ghosts that appear human are likely demonic apparitions.
This is not necessarily so. Not every entity is demonic. Souls from Purgatory can appear, asking others for prayers.

This has happened to some of our dear saints, where souls from Purgatory appeared to them, asking for prayers so that they could be released from Purgatory.
Souls from Purgatory can appear, asking others for prayers.
Although possible, it’s exceedingly rare and you should be extremely cautious and skeptical. God doesn’t tell us the statistics for holy souls being allowed to return. If one appeared in my house I’d assume the worst and treat it accordingly.
Demonic unless you are a great saint like st Faustina.
Souls from Purgatory can appear, asking others for prayers.
Although possible, it’s exceedingly rare and you should be extremely cautious and skeptical. God doesn’t tell us the statistics for holy souls being allowed to return. If one appeared in my house I’d assume the worst and treat it accordingly.
It is not that rare of an experience, Cruciferi. 🙂

There are enough encounters that our saints experienced. They are out there to read about.

St. Faustina immediately came to my mind. You can read about her experiences in her Diary of Divine Mercy.

Here is a link to an article from Aleteia about saints who experienced visits from souls from Purgatory:

God bless you, my friend! 🙂
Mental imbalance due to grief and stress works fine for me.

Why would you prefer occult arguments that cannot be proven and which you have never had causal experience of?

Ochkam’s Razor is the first principle of robust and stable views on the unknown.
That is, when one faces multiple explanations the simplest and least complicated one is 99% of the time the correct one.
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Here is what I consider to be a pretty in-depth article from the NC Register regarding what the Catholic Church has to say about ghosts. I feel that it makes for interesting reading, in case anyone on this particular thread would be interested in taking a look at it:

May God bless all of us! ❤️
Yes but are you also saying that ghost pets are in purgatory? It doesn’t make sense
Yes but are you also saying that ghost pets are in purgatory? It doesn’t make sense
No. I’m not referring to pets, felipe. Just souls.

In fact, I’m looking around and trying to search to see what I can find about that subject for you. 🙂
Beware the eyes of mice. In darkness they seek her …watching for their nemesis long since departed…
What can be the explanation of people encountering the “ghost” of their dead pet or other ghosts of animals?
Living creatures, humans, animals, plants – each has a soul. Only angels and humans have spiritual, rational souls. Animal and plant souls are material and cease to exist at death.

Meeting or encountering the ghost of a dead pet or other animal will be diabolical in nature.

In Catholic History:

St. Anthony’s biography written by St Athanasius: his desert home, “they heard tumults, many voices, and, as it were, the clash of arms. At night they saw the mountain become full of wild beasts, and him also fighting as though against visible beings, and praying against them."

“And the place was on a sudden filled with the forms of lions, bears, leopards, bulls, serpents, asps, scorpions, and wolves, and each of them was moving according to his nature. The lion was roaring, wishing to attack, the bull seeming to toss with its horns, the serpent writhing but unable to approach, and the wolf as it rushed on was restrained; altogether the noises of the apparitions, with their angry ragings, were dreadful.”

St. Padre Pio: “The devil would appear to him as an ugly black cat, or in the shape of a truly repugnant animal. The obvious intent was to fill him with terror. Other times demons came as young girls, nude and provocative, performing obscene dances, to test the young priest’s chastity. But Padre Pio sensed his greatest danger when the devil tried to deceive him by taking on the form of one of his superiors (his provincial superior or his spiritual director) or in a sacred form (the Lord, the Virgin, or St. Francis).”
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I tend to agree. My dad says he knew his dad was okay when he died because he asked for a sign and out of nowhere, a coin just fell from what appeared to be the ceiling.

I told him that God does not jump at our request. Instead, I believe it was most likely demonic and didn’t want my dad to pray for his father’s soul. imo
Well, I have been visited by the spirits of deceased pets. And there was nothing demonic about it. They were just letting me know they were okay and that I didn’t have to mourn for them anymore.
I also believe that we, as mere humans, cannot fully understand all of God’s workings and everything there is to know about the spiritual realm.

I know someone, and have read of others also, that upon the death of an animal, their spirit was seen rising from their bodies and ascending upward. I’ve also been visited by one particular deceased pet, and I know of another person, that upon the death of their pet, the pet visited every one in their family on the same night. There’s lots of similar stories out there.
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It’s occurrences where people feel like a cat pressing up against their leg and it just so happen that their cat recently died. Also people report feeling the presence of their dead pet. At night, they can also see a dark shadow in the shape of their pet laying down where they used to. I don’t know lol. I feel dumb by just talking about it haha
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