Oh quite the contrary! Meat eaters value animals much much more than vegetarians. (Ever wonder how many cows there would be today if we all valued them as vegetarians do? The fact that there would be far fewer cows is proof that meat eaters value cows more than vegetarians do)
You are what you eat. It is a great sign of the worthiness of an animal that I would eat it. (BTW, it is a great sign of the respect I have for Christ that I eat Him. It would be the utmost disrespect if I rejected His flesh, I shudder at the thought of that sin.) If I don’t eat a food, that is a sign of disrespect for it. (I do disrespect fish by the way, meat that is good to eat, is supposed to taste good. It definitely is a sacrifice for me to eat fish during Lent) It is the ultimate sign of disrespect of an animal not to eat it if it was raised for the sole purpose of being food. The church teaches that abuse of an object is simply using it for something other than its intended purpose. If we raise animals for food, the abuse is to NOT eat them.
Christ thought the same way as meat-eaters do! Christ was a meat-eater. He ate fish that were ‘inhumanely’ caught in a net, dragged out of the water, suffocated for lack of oxygen in the air, likely beheaded before they were dead, and cooked over a fire. Christ suffered no stain of sin, not even original sin. Everything he did was perfect! If you believe that He could act sinfully or unethically, then we have more important things to discuss.
Christ even ate ‘cute’ lambs. Each passover dinner that Jesus ate included slaughtered lamb. I say you can’t go wrong doing what Jesus did. You can go wrong teaching that animals are worthy of the respect that God has granted only to persons.
IMHO, the much more pertinent evil to bring to light is the vast expenditures on pets, that necessarily is not spent on needy humans. It is not black or white of course, but my household cat gets fed and watered, and basic medical care that the city demands. After that, she’s on her own. Every dollar I spend on an ‘animal’, is money I don’t have to spend on human beings. Every dollar spent on saving the animals, when millions of humans are inhumanely killed, seems to be the real disorder.
And in ending; ever examine the word humane? It means to treat with the same respect as a human. It is not possible to treat animals with the same respect as humans without degrading humans to the level of animals. Animals deserve the respect that is consistent with their purpose. They exist for man, to be ‘used’ responsibly.
Over the years as humans have strived to improve the lot of humans the trickle down effect has been to improve the lots of animals. This is seen primarily in the more affluent Western countries. Ideally, I’d like to see humans live in a world without war, poverty, disease, deprivation, indignity, etc. It may not be totally so, but your lot in life is better than it would have been had you been born 200 years ago. So we also try to improve animal lives and reduce their suffering as well, shouldn’t we?
As far as their purpose…well I’m sure we could modify their purpose…in the 16th century England banquets were served with all kinds of

strange foods…blackbirds baked in a pie…for example…hummingbird tongues in gravy…(I’m gonna puke any second) I don’t think we really miss these delicassies (sp?)
I haven’t eatten bacon in yeasrs, yes its tasty but high fat and carcinogenic. If I am what I eat why would I want to put that into my body?