Ann Coulter Column

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She may play rough sometimes, but she’s got a fan in me now. This is the most horrendous issue bloodying the soul of America and she’s speaking out. Good for her.

This is a lot better than what I’ve heard from the President so far on this issue.
I love Ann, she’s so blunt and to the point. She doesn’t use flowery language, and many people often think she’s ‘crass’ but that’s only because the topics she speak on shouldn’t be softened up, sometimes the truth is uncomfortable to hear! Ann ROCKS!
Good article. Abortion rejects the creating power of God and contributes to the immorality in this country.
Yeah, Ann is very intimidating to listen to at first. I used to think she was more outspoken that Rush. However, when I finally started listening to what she had to say I was quite surprised that she is quite the lady. She is just very bold in her witness to life, bolder than most of us ever dare to be. Thank God that there are people like Ann to help the cause along.
Yeah, Ann is very intimidating to listen to at first. I used to think she was more outspoken that Rush. However, when I finally started listening to what she had to say I was quite surprised that she is quite the lady. She is just very bold in her witness to life, bolder than most of us ever dare to be. Thank God that there are people like Ann to help the cause along.
I thought she was a littel “Crass” and “Outspoken” until I heard her debate others. She is excellent at making her point and won’t allow others to bully her.
Michael C:
I thought she was a littel “Crass” and “Outspoken” until I heard her debate others. She is excellent at making her point and won’t allow others to bully her.
Yeah, and she is so quick at her comments. I can’t think that fast and I suspect many of us are the same way. I think of things weeks later that I could have said. She is like lightening. She’s a lot like Rush in that respect.
"Despite the fact that feminists cry and try to make people feel guilty about opposing a “woman’s right” to abortion, men always support abortion more than women — no matter who takes the poll or how the questions are asked. Curiously, single men aged 18-34 are the cohort most dearly devoted to a woman’s “right to choose.” "

Heheh, bet she could have written a few pages on that point alone! Yes, yes, abortion has become terribly convenient for the young dudes hasn’t it. What a dream world they live in compared to the 1950s! No problems talking her into it, she’ll probably do damn near anything to keep you because of the oh-so-willing & “cool” competition, she’ll probably buy your beer and your dope too…and if something goes “wrong” then she’ll get rid of it, no problem, maybe even pay for it herself…we’ve come a long way, baby. 😦
I have felt for many years (I am a man) that abortion was a tool for men, not women. Groups like NARAL have never fully understood that they are allowing women to be used by men as sex toys.

I do disagree with Ann’s point that men should butt out…men need to see what they are supporting…and btw, those murdered babies have a mother “and” a father.
I have felt for many years (I am a man) that abortion was a tool for men, not women. Groups like NARAL have never fully understood that they are allowing women to be used by men as sex toys.

I do disagree with Ann’s point that men should butt out…men need to see what they are supporting…and btw, those murdered babies have a mother “and” a father.
If women get the “right to choose” we men need the right to choose wither or not to pay child support. Makes sense to me,
If women get the “right to choose” we men need the right to choose wither or not to pay child support. Makes sense to me,
Sorry but the CHOICE is with respect to men and women who engage in sexual relations. Your choice is NOT to have sex unless you are open to the consquences including a pregnancy.

Lisa N
caroljm36 said:
"Despite the fact that feminists cry and try to make people feel guilty about opposing a “woman’s right” to abortion, men always support abortion more than women — no matter who takes the poll or how the questions are asked. Curiously, single men aged 18-34 are the cohort most dearly devoted to a woman’s “right to choose.” "

Heheh, bet she could have written a few pages on that point alone! Yes, yes, abortion has become terribly convenient for the young dudes hasn’t it. What a dream world they live in compared to the 1950s! No problems talking her into it, she’ll probably do damn near anything to keep you because of the oh-so-willing & “cool” competition, she’ll probably buy your beer and your dope too…and if something goes “wrong” then she’ll get rid of it, no problem, maybe even pay for it herself…we’ve come a long way, baby. 😦

EXactly! When I brinng this up to pro-aborts, they look at me like I have three heads. They can’t see that the “promise of freedom” that feminists like to tout actually made it easier for MEN to be free of any responibility!!

As a young man who, uh… was happy with the college girls who said “don’t worry, I’m on the pill” I have great regret over my actions and also my stupid justifications that “(I) we were responsible”. In fact, I was grossly irresponsible!! Happy that the girl was willing to do that…really, really??..for me. I was so lazy, selfish, and self-absorbed!!:mad: :crying:
I don’t post much here, but I visit here often because I find the discussions fascinating. I must admit I’m rather surprised that so many of you are fans of this particular column, especially considering us proponents of church teachings as being members of a “lunatic fringe”. Did I miss something?
Ann is the BEST! Love her! I’ve seen her take on liberal thinkers in liberal bastions such as Boston College. She very easily turns them into shriveling babies gasping for air or a rational response. Then she turns and gives that 1000 watt smile.

The other thing I love is that she’s beautiful, brilliant and blonde. It must drive feminists nuts!

Lisa N
EXactly! When I brinng this up to pro-aborts, they look at me like I have three heads. They can’t see that the “promise of freedom” that feminists like to tout actually made it easier for MEN to be free of any responibility!!

As a young man who, uh… was happy with the college girls who said “don’t worry, I’m on the pill” I have great regret over my actions and also my stupid justifications that “(I) we were responsible”. In fact, I was grossly irresponsible!! Happy that the girl was willing to do that…really, really??..for me. I was so lazy, selfish, and self-absorbed!!:mad: :crying:
Weren’t we all? I love President Bush’s comment 'When I was young and stupid I was young and stupid." Been there done that and like you look back in wonder. Who was that person?

Lisa N
I don’t post much here, but I visit here often because I find the discussions fascinating. I must admit I’m rather surprised that so many of you are fans of this particular column, especially considering us proponents of church teachings as being members of a “lunatic fringe”. Did I miss something?
Yes you misread this statement. She said that if the (non-existent) lunatic fringe that would force a woman to die rather than allowing abortion, is respected by Hillary then the rest of us must really be adored.

She was merely pointing out Hillary’s disingenuous statement, that she respects people (who basically do not exist) that would not allow abortion under ANY circumstances. Realize too she is using the word “abortion” instead of “termination of a pregnancy” which might be the result of an ectopic pregnancy.

So she is not calling those who adhere to Church teachings “the lunatic fringe” but saying that these people mostly exist in the minds of proaborts who use this logic to make abortion “necessary” for the few truly rare situations when a pregnancy must be terminated.

Lisa N
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