Another CCD Question

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I guess it just seems weird to me that the parents pay all or most of the cost of church-run programs. Maybe because so many of my friends are protestants, and I see how theirs are run, I’m jealous, .
I feel the same way. Are you willing to tithe and to support tithing and stewardship spirituality in your parish to make it happen? It is time for Catholics to put their money where it counts, like the protestant brothers.
Maybe in their experience things didn’t run so well when they were free. Sometimes you have to ask people to pay something. I wouldn’t imagine you’d ask them to pay it all, though.
Are you willing to tithe and to support tithing and stewardship spirituality in your parish to make it happen? It is time for Catholics to put their money where it counts, like the protestant brothers.
be careful about saying yes, you will find youself heading up the new parish stewardship committee, go for it.

I have just been called to Fr’s. office to discuss last year’s CCD budget (which I have probably overspent) so I will not be back for a while.
Another consideration that we face is that we have many non-parishioners come for CCE, especially in Sacrament years. Our pastor and DRE feel strongly that we should not turn anyone away. We require that they register before enrolling their kids but the fact is that many of these families do not attend Sunday Mass and will not be around at all in the summer months or after the kids have received their Sacraments. Knowing that so many of these families are not contributing to the parish at all in time, talent OR treasure 🙂 , it doesn’t seem too much to ask for them to at least off-set some of the cost of the materials.

In these cases, we just pray that the short time we have with the children will plant some seeds for the future.
Our parish charges $50 for one child and families with more than one child in the program receive a discount. We have a program at our parish called ‘tuition angels’ which encourages people to donate money to assist with those who have difficulty paying for either Catholic school education or ccd classes. No one is ever denied for inability to pay.

Overhead costs continue to rise, and though the teachers are volunteers, the expenses for heat, electricity, water continue to rise each year not to mention how darn expensive the books have become!

Peace be with you,

I feel the same way. Are you willing to tithe and to support tithing and stewardship spirituality in your parish to make it happen? It is time for Catholics to put their money where it counts, like the protestant brothers.
be careful about saying yes, you will find youself heading up the new parish stewardship committee, go for it.

I have just been called to Fr’s. office to discuss last year’s CCD budget (which I have probably overspent) so I will not be back for a while.
Good luck - remind him of Matthew 19:13 - 15. We shouldn’t allow money questions to keep the children from learning the faith.

Mat 19:13 Then were little children presented to him, that he should impose hands upon them and pray. And the disciples rebuked them.
Mat 19:14 But Jesus said to them: Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such.
Mat 19:15 And when he had imposed hands upon them, he departed from thence.

Good luck - remind him of Matthew 19:13 - 15. We shouldn’t allow money questions to keep the children from learning the faith.
nobody suggested such a thing. every parish I ever knew of or worked in forgives or waives fees in case of need.
So, maybe it’s a regional thing then? What are the catechism fees at your churches? I know I called around in our area, and ours were the norm.
I pay just under $200 for the four of my children.
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