And I thought I was up late!
I’m there with your husband in wishing things could be as they were in the sexual intimacy area; we have to admit that apparently it was fun.

But I also want our relationship to be back to where it was PK (pre-kids) - more open communication, focus on our faith together, and genuine affection in the little ways of holding hands, snuggling. We’re getting there as life changes - my two older kids are pretty much on their own schedule, so they are low maintenance (well, one of them is); unfortunately, much of the strife we have dealt with which impacted our relationship has been dealing with a rebellious teenager - drains the emotional life out of you. He is again at the shape-up-or-ship-out stage, and sad as it is, home is much more peaceful without him there because the contention is not there. Our two youngest are joys to be with. But as the house “gets smaller”, we’re slowly find time to be together, even for a few minutes. Now I’m rambling…
I can absolutely attest to the reality that fighting God, even unknowingly, makes one an unhappy camper. How do you help him? Pray, make gentle suggestions, affirm him in areas where he succeeds (not necessarily work related). You may think it is falling on deaf ears, but it usually sinks in later; personally, the low self-esteem can make it hard to accept or even want to hear that I’m actually an OK person or worth something in life; I struggle with that now. Make sense?
Believe me, so much of this is hindsight. I have gone through six different jobs/positions in the course of 14 years, each one a step down on the rung, it seems. That does not do much to help self-confidence or -esteem. I desperately tried for a number of years to go back to the military because it was the only place I ever found where I felt I “was something” or “I mattered” and I was passionate about my mission. I blamed God for taking that from me, it made me a fairly miserable person, and it affected my wife and me. Our sex life was the one thing to hang on to because it was/is the most intimate acceptance by my wife when everything else fell apart (and it was very much a physical release from frustration, a sexual release, and satisfaction as a man/husband in giving my wife pleasure, too), and then “the Church and God took that, too”. So it is as you said, and I don’t think this dawned on me - the intense need for sexual intimacy stems from the need to fill a big void in a man, a need for acceptance. (And part of the acceptance as I mentioned is *needing *your wife to return the physical loving, and
know that she is doing so
willingly and lovingly). I do not think it at all lessens the importance of the need, but maybe it helps if you understand it is not just sexual. It gives a very real intense, emotional closeness. Not to go with TMI, but I remember times say, in the height of things

, that we could not get close enough it was so intense emotionally and physically, you know? To think of that as being restricted by Church or for whatever reason is what creates the struggle.
One thing I could strongly suggest for both of you, esp. your husband, is to see if there are men’s/women’s group at church. Ours has faith renewal weekends called Christ Renews His Parish (for men and women, separately). It is about a faith journey, not a retreat, and can very much help heal wounds and your relationship with God. My weekend did not bear fruit for several years, others had major conversions at the time. I think God was testing me still even then.
I sincerely thank you for letting me be a listening ear, and especially for you being one for me. I promise continued prayers.