Another oldie...Have you ever

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No. I’m not much of a camper.

Have you ever witnessed a crime?
I witnessed a breakin at my next door neighbor’s house😳
Have you ever been a crime victim?
One time someone stole a drain pipe off of my parents home. :woman_shrugging:t2: I guess they sold it as scrap metal.

Have you ever served on a jury?
Yeap I sued, for medical and a few other expenses, the kid that creamed me while he was texting and driving.
I’ve also been sued. This last January in fact by the State of Arizona over back taxes on a piece of land. I never had owned land in that state nor have I even been there since 1992, It turned out that someone with the same name as I owns the land and the process server found my name and address instead of his. It was cleared up quickly but cost me $200 bucks for a lawyer.

Have you ever had to testify at a criminal trial?
Not a criminal trial, but a civil one, yes. (I sued the person who hit me, too.)

Have you ever taken apples, pears, etc., from someone else’s tree?
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Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. 😇
Have you ever hit your “funny bone” while engaged in a serious telephone call?
No, and I’ve never done it accidentally since childhood. I hate the feeling’

Have you ever made your own fishing pole?
Yes with a long stick, some line, and a fish hook.
Have you ever made mud pies?
No, never.

Have you ever stolen flowers from someone’s garden to give to a teacher or your mother?
Not that I can remember…[the word is either confiscated or requisitioned…never stolen…]

Have you ever won a lot of money in a poker game?
I won a few dollars, but not what I would call a lot.
Have you ever been to Monte Carlo, Monaco?
Better than that…I lived in Monaco! And as a resident, I was not allowed in the casino! 😱

Have you ever been on Gibraltar?
No, but I passed through the straights several times.
Have you ever been to Malta?
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