Another oldie...Have you ever

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Fairly long, but not pointed, hate that, mine are nicely rounded. 😄

Have you ever made your own pasta?
No! It’s something I would like to do though.
Have you ever slid down banisters ? (Getting confused if questions have been asked before:) )
Yes haha 🙂
Have you ever been suprised by visitors and the house was a complete mess?
Oh, my, no! I’d probably kill myself trying!

Have you ever had a cake fall?
If you count dropping one on the floor as falling, then yes.
Have you ever fallen asleep in front of the TV, then had a dream about the show that was on?
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Pretty sure 🙂
Have you ever collected birds eggs from the top of a tree?
No, I can pretty much sleep well at night even if I do nap a lot during the day.

Have you ever house sat for your neighbors?
In that I keep an eye on their place while they are gone, then yes.
Have you ever found something you lost long after you gave up looking for it?
Yes…my wallet…I was still a student at the time, so no credit cards, but I replaced everything else, and then found the old one…

Have you ever found a fossil?
I have a couple of times, but I hate it because I do not like dark, damp, and stale air.
Have you ever cross country skied?
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