B boldlygo Guest Jul 21, 2018 #1,161 No way!!! Have you ever done a 50-mile walk? [Popular back in the 60’s…]
B boldlygo Guest Jul 22, 2018 #1,163 Not yet, but at the rate I’m forgetting things lately, I’m sure it will happen… Have you ever gotten up on the weekend, forgotten what day it was, and dressed for work?
Not yet, but at the rate I’m forgetting things lately, I’m sure it will happen… Have you ever gotten up on the weekend, forgotten what day it was, and dressed for work?
C ConstantLearner Guest Jul 22, 2018 #1,164 No. Don’t think I’ve ever forgotten what day of the week it is. Have you ever gone into an unfamiliar restaurant and found nothing on the menu you wanted to order?
No. Don’t think I’ve ever forgotten what day of the week it is. Have you ever gone into an unfamiliar restaurant and found nothing on the menu you wanted to order?
M michaelArc Guest Jul 22, 2018 #1,165 No. I’m usually pretty excited to try anything. Have you ever accidentally worn a shirt inside-out in public?
No. I’m usually pretty excited to try anything. Have you ever accidentally worn a shirt inside-out in public?
B boldlygo Guest Jul 24, 2018 #1,166 Not yet… Have you ever set two alarms, and had both fail to go off?
M michaelArc Guest Jul 24, 2018 #1,167 Surprisingly no since I’ve used two alarms on many occasions. Have you ever taken part in a talent show?
Surprisingly no since I’ve used two alarms on many occasions. Have you ever taken part in a talent show?
B boldlygo Guest Jul 24, 2018 #1,168 Just once…in 8th grade…I did some ‘magic’ tricks. Have you ever lost more than you could afford gambling?
Just once…in 8th grade…I did some ‘magic’ tricks. Have you ever lost more than you could afford gambling?
M michaelArc Guest Jul 24, 2018 #1,169 No. I don’t gamble. I don’t even know how to play poker. Have you ever tried chicken and waffles?
C ConstantLearner Guest Jul 24, 2018 #1,170 No, I’ve had chicken and I’ve had waffles, but not together. Have you ever had surgery with just a local, excluding dental work?
No, I’ve had chicken and I’ve had waffles, but not together. Have you ever had surgery with just a local, excluding dental work?
B boldlygo Guest Jul 24, 2018 #1,171 No…when I had my first shoulder surgery, to correct impingement syndrome, I asked for a local, but the doctor strongly advised against it… Have you ever driven an 18-wheeler?
No…when I had my first shoulder surgery, to correct impingement syndrome, I asked for a local, but the doctor strongly advised against it… Have you ever driven an 18-wheeler?
C ConstantLearner Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,174 No, I haven’t. Been to many Olympic cities, but after the games were over. Have you ever been to a World Series baseball game?
No, I haven’t. Been to many Olympic cities, but after the games were over. Have you ever been to a World Series baseball game?
M Milt Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,175 Yes the Tigers vs Cardinals in 1968. Have you ever taken a pleasure cruise?
G Greenfields Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,176 No Have you ever been unable to sleep because of the frogs singing?
C ConstantLearner Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,177 No, not much can keep me awake when I want to sleep. Have you ever been snorkeling?
M michaelArc Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,178 Yes. Several times. Have ever had a friend who shared the same birthday as you? Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
M Milt Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,179 Yes. The same day, but a different year. Have you ever used a metal detector?
B boldlygo Guest Jul 25, 2018 #1,180 Yes…to find sprinkler heads and other underground plumbing at the golf course. Have you ever rolled your own cigarettes?
Yes…to find sprinkler heads and other underground plumbing at the golf course. Have you ever rolled your own cigarettes?