Another oldie...Have you ever

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Yes. Tempera paints on construction paper.

Have you ever published an article or story?
I was selected to, but at the prosecutor’s request the entire jury was dismissed before the trial began. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Have you ever voted in an election via absentee ballot?
Yes. During my naval career I cast all my ballots via absentee.
Have you ever taken a long distance trip via train?
Depends upon what you mean by “long distance.” Far enough to have spent the night on the train? Yes. Multiple nights? No.

Have you ever operated a combine harvester?
I had two lines in a Pirandello play in college. My character was called “La Marinese”.

Have you ever had a pet turtle?
Yes. I’ve had two. One used to sit on my head while I played piano. The other one laid eggs on our bookshelves.

Have you ever been chased by a bull?
No. I’ve been in close proximity to several, but none of them chased me.

Have you ever lost your house keys?
Sort of. When I was a kiddo I lost my bank book and found it in the garbage can. I also once lost a blank, signed check. A neighbor found it blowing around in her yard and returned it. Both these happenings significantly influenced my attitude towards money and deepened my faith.

Have you ever had a narrow escape from an oncoming train?
No. I give trains a wide berth when I’m driving and I don’t walk anywhere where there are tracks.

Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
I used to go to drive in movies quite a bit years ago, but they kind of died out. There is one opening here sometime this spring though.

Have you ever worked on a farm?
Yes. Best tomatoes I’ve ever had. Then we moved and no longer have this possibility because our balcony doesn’t get enough sun. 😭

Have you ever stepped in dog poop? :poop:
Oh yeah as well as various other kinds of poop., which sort of goes with growing up on a farm.
Have you ever forgot where you parked your car?
More than once…the worst was in a multi-level parking garage…

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
I’ve been nipped a couple of times when playing with the dog, but never a full blown bite.
Have you ever tried to catch a greased pig?
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