Another oldie...Have you ever

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In the balloon itself? No, can’t say that I have 😀 I’ve stood in the gondola, but got out before the balloon was launched.

Have you ever accidentally put salt in something when you meant to put sugar (or vice versa)?
Yes. Well, sort of. I went through a mountain pass in the morning and by the time I was ready to go home that evening The Powers That Be had closed the pass to all vehicles that did not have either four-wheel drive+snow tires or front-wheel drive+snow chains. I hadn’t brought the snow chains with me :roll_eyes: so we were there for the night. We weren’t confined to a building, though—conditions weren’t that bad…

Have you ever water-skied?
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I don’t think so.

Have you ever needed to borrow a cup of sugar from a neighbor?
No, but over the years, the neighbors have borrowed everything from gasoline to the lawnmower to the snow blower…

Have you ever rolled your own cigarettes?
I tried that once and the result was…disappointing. Tubing yields a similar experience to smoking “normal” filter cigarettes but costs half as much (where I live, in any case).

Have you ever grown wine grapes? 🍷🍇
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I tried that once and the result was…disappointing. Tubing yields a similar experience to smoking “normal” filter cigarettes but costs half as much (where I live, in any case).
The cost here, after paying for the machine, is about one-third, and the quality is better because the tubes don’t have the chemicals used in brand-name cigarettes to prevent burning unattended…

We have Concord grapevines in the back yard…good for eating, juice, and jam, but not wine…
they’re the only grapes we’ve had any success with…

Have you ever made your own pickles?
No, but my Granny always made them.

Have you ever rebuilt an automobile engine (fully or partially)?
No. I have written a few book chapters and edited a textbook, though.

Have you ever killed your toy (G.I. Joe in an epic battle, for instance) by burning it?
No.😳 my cousin’s GI Joe’s used to harass my Barbies and Ken. They should have been dishonorably discharged. 😠

Have you ever lost a gift from someone close to you?
Probably. I know I lost a gift I purchased for my mother once. That was horrible.

Have you ever bought a person the wrong sized garment as a present?
Many times. Just this year we gave my father in law something too large.

Have you ever misplaced your wedding ring?
I never remove my wedding ring. So, no.

Have you ever rebuilt a computer system?
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