IFF every mental event corresponds to a neural one, which is virtually impossible to demonstrate given that mental events are reported by subjects who may or may not be fully conscious of every mental event.Any mental activity is related to a form hence there is a one to one map between mental activity and neural activity.
Even if every mental event corresponds to a neural one, if the causal origin of the neural event is a mental event, then the dependency is two way, which means mental events are not reducible to neural ones. The neural, observable events may depend on their mental “triggers,” so
7) What is observable directly or indirectly in physical world is physical too
is only true if the observable arises causally from the physical and is reducible to it, which hasn’t been established merely by one to one correlation. It requires a one to one causal dependency of observable to a necessary and sufficient physical cause. If mental events create or bring about neural events, the causal order is reversed and your premise is false because the physical world is not sufficient to bring about all mental events.