Another question about private vows

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Yes, do ask your priest to dispense your vow. If you are scrupulous, it is very important to obey a good, holy priest.We are all called to be chaste (pure) according to our state in life.

To make a vow of celibacy means one doesn’t get married. This is different from chastity.
Hmm well not quite I think… A vow of celibacy means no marriage. A vow of chastity doesn’t just mean being chaste according to ones state of life, it means committing yourself to a perfection of chastity which means something more. Unless of course someone just vows chastity according to their state of life, but that is not the typical way people mean a “a vow of chastity”…

A person would break a vow of celibacy through marriage. They’d break a vow of chastity not just by marrying but by any impurity in thoughts or actions, OR marriage. It is a self gift to God. 🙂

What I’m trying to express is that a vow of chastity is not just a vow to avoid a type of sin. It has a positive side not just a negative. At the heart of it, it is an offering of yourself to perfect chastity in virtue of religion, which would be broken not just through impurity, but marriage or dating too. It is all about loving God in a more exclusive way.
I see.

I am truly loathe to try to give advice that overrules not one but two priests who are actually in situ while I am answering an anonymous query on the internet.

The response of the parochial vicar is problematic in that, yes we are obliged to chastity. If, however, we pronounce a vow regarding chastity, be the vow public or private, we have assumed an obligation over and above the virtue of chastity itself. That is one of the main reasons for making a vow.

The pastor you spoke with, on the other hand, would be correct IF he determined that what you did fell short of the category of a private vow. He would be incorrect if he thought that private vows in se are not actually binding.

You will forgive me for saying this as I don’t mean to offend you and I am trusting that you are relating as faithfully as you can what the priests said but, I am not speaking directly to the priests but whatever they said is being filtered by someone who is not a canonist or a theologian…which is different than if I were speaking to them directly. All that to say that I can’t know what actually is as it is coming to me by hearsay.


May I suggest you send a simple note to the diocese’s vicar general. Please God, he has a doctorate. Explain:
  1. You are a member of the lay faithful of the diocese
  2. At a time when you were spiritually inexperienced you made what, in conscience, you believe and understand were two distinct private vows…one regarding perpetual and perfect chastity and one regarding your prayer life.
  3. You are now discerning being called to the married state.
  4. You petition him to dispense you from the private vows according to the norms in Canon 1196…and copy and paste the above text of the canon that I gave you into the request. You may also find the text here:
  5. That you make the request to him since he has the delegated executive authority of the bishop, by grant of Canon Law.
That would be my counsel in this situation.

Of course, your other recourse is simply to ask the bishop himself, either in writing or email or when you attend one of his Masses and have the opportunity to speak to him.

Given the circumstances, this is not an involved grant – there is no decree to issue. This is not a public vow. It is a very simple act. It takes a matter of seconds. Far less than this correspondence :yup:
Dear Father,

I sent the email. I hope to get a response tomorrow.

Thank you
I am sorry for my error. Thank you Father Ruggero and Monica for clearing that up.
I have been requested to post formulas of a private vow of chastity on my website. I never do this because of similar issues. This is why I always advise people to get adequate formation first before making a vow and to make sure that their formula is valid. I also get questions regarding dispensation of private vows… Religious have many years of formation…
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