You didn’t discover the evidence that you feel is sufficient to compel belief?. Or rather you simply don’t feel compelled to believe for whatever reason?You seem not to be reading what I am writing. I explained that I had no choice. The evidence that was presented was not sufficient for me to take a position that the Christian God of the bible existed. I did not choose that position nor did I specifically want it.
Be presented with the evidence. Accept it or reject it. Belief or non belief will automatically follow.
But what of faith? Would i be correct in saying no religious idea, or being, will ever be important enough for you to just have faith (in the absence of compelling evidence) even if your sense of moral worth/dignity and meaning metaphysically depended on it being true, and you want to have scientific evidence.if you are expected to believe in the Christian concept of reality?
Do you realize that some people, when confronted with a possibility they feel compelled to have faith in it’s reality because what it describes speaks to their desire for existential fulfillment? And by existential fulfillment i don’t mean like having wings or the promise of some sensory pleasure, but rather ideas that directly affect our psychological well-being and identity when presented with the world. A person may pursue this faith and yet not contradict the evidence available since the opposing view is not self-evidently true either.
I mean, have you taken on agnosticism as a life principle and thus do not feel faith to be of any value. Or do you literally think that you are incapable of faith?
I think if somebody values something enough, then a leap of faith is possible. What we value can compel us to faith because the object of faith makes rational sense of our desire for meaning, purpose and moral value and identity.insofar as it makes our desires existentially intelligible as well as fulfilling them at the same time. I don’t believe that the only compelling reason for faith is evidence, it just a matter of whether or not one feels that faith is necessary in their personal lives. But I think you have made it clear that faith in God is not a necessary need for you. You see no value in it in so far as living your life or expressing your identity is concerned. Am i correct? And thus you need convincing before you would accept or put your trust in a certain belief about life and how you should live it, you require evidence…
I don’t remember you ever explaining just what it is that would compel you to believe in God. Are you looking for absolute certainty or are you looking for reasonable belief? What is reasonable belief to you? Is logical necessity enough (in terms of mere theism)? Or are you more like Thomas in that you need to put your finger through the crucifixion holes to believe it (in terms of religion)?
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