Another "Why would God do this..." question

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External forces can lead you to sin, but the sin is still a personal decision. If my friend tries to convince me to go to a strip club, it is not entirely his fault if I agree to go with him. I ultimately chose whether to sin or not. Satan lead Eve to the tree, but she still chose to eat the apple.
I am asking about the origin of sin. Where did it started? By Satan or before?
If a person does not know that something is wrong then they do not necessarily sin, that is correct. However, since your’re trying to relate this argument back to Adam and Eve, it doesn’t hold water. They knew not to eat from the tree of good an evil. God explicitly told them not to do this. Then, because they chose to listen to Satan instead of God, they chose to sin.
They knew that they would die which this was against their nature. In another hand Satan claimed that they look like God which apparently this was in favor of their nature. So it was up to them to choose! So something were wrong in their nature, the desire to look Godly.
I am asking about the origin of sin. Where did it started? By Satan or before?
Human sin began with Adam and Eve. Sin as a reality probably began with Satan, though I don’t think there have been any official pronouncements on this.
They knew that they would die which this was against their nature. In another hand Satan claimed that they look like God which apparently this was in favor of their nature. So it was up to them to choose! So something were wrong in their nature, the desire to look Godly.
Sorry, but I really can’t understand what you’re trying to say here. There might be a language barrier or something, but i’m not following.

Also, Satan didn’t promise that they would look like God, but rather that they would be like God. It’s a very important distinction.

Once again, I’d like to point out that we are really off topic here. If you want to continue this line of though, start a new topic.
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We were created good with free will. Sin was a choice not unavoidable for Adam and Eve.
One explanation I heard was that God created the world as a gift to His Son. Because we, the high point of creation, rebelled against God thinking we could be like God, as a gift from His Father, The Son wanted to sacrifice himself for our redemption.
God could have wiped us from existence.
Why should God get offended? We are created imperfect and sins for us are unavoidable. He knew all this from the first day.
We are NOT created imperfect. Our first parents were created perfect and sinless, and they freely chose to disobey God, thus incurring the consequences of original sin, one of which is that every succeeding generation is stained with same sin and the attendant concupiscence. This is our fault, not God’s. Sins for us are not unavoidable, simply very difficult from which to refrain. ProdglArchitect is exactly correct, and I would add that our offense against God is infinite due in the main to His own quality of infinity, and thus surely did require the infinitely perfect sacrifice of a perfect, sinless Man freely and willingly taking our debt of sin on his head and giving up the ghost in order that we might be restored to a right relation with the Trinity. Pace the New Agers and yoga practitioners, these things are not simply a matter of the correct breathing and loving the Divine in everything; they are serious issues and require complex and painful remedies.
Why would God send His Son to suffer and die a horrible death in reparation for our sins
Umm… He sent His son to teach us and lead us into all righteousness. His Son – freely! – chose to lay down His own life for us. The Father didn’t ordain it – Jesus chose it Himself, freely and on His own initiative.
when all He would have had to do was simply forgive them?
Perhaps your education taught you “penal substitution”? That’s not what the Church teaches. What the Church teaches is that Jesus made a free choice to lay down His life… and then, God simply forgave us our sin.
Seems He chose a rather sadistic means of satisfying His bruised ego.
Yes… recognizing a freely chosen, self-sacrificing loving act is ‘sadistic’ and ‘ego-driven’. Umm… really? :roll_eyes:
Bloody sacrifices belong in a primitive uncivilized society, not in a society composed of intelligent civilized people as were found 2000 years ago.
Right. Umm… the people of 2000 years ago – the Romans – as an intelligent civilized people, didn’t invent crucifixion as a bloody sacrifice, right? And the Jews – as an intelligent civilized people – didn’t endorse capital punishment by stoning, right?

C’mon… if you want to peddle fiction, don’t sell it as non-fiction to those of us who know our history, ok? 😉
Our first parents were created perfect
I would respectfully disagree. Our first human parents were created – without sin, granted – but not perfect. Just ‘very good.’ Yes, they were created and granted gifts which they later lost… but they weren’t ‘perfect’ – just ‘human’. 😉
Our first parents were created perfect
I would respectfully disagree. Our first human parents were created – without sin, granted – but not perfect. Just ‘very good.’ Yes, they were created and granted gifts which they later lost… but they weren’t ‘perfect’ – just ‘human’. 😉
Might we agree on ‘perfectly human’?
God’s Justice requires that sin be accounted for. Sin cannot be swept
under the rug or “Forgettabout it” He must be true to His own nature
Might we agree on ‘perfectly human’?
Sure… but I’m not certain that that changes things. It would just imply “free will”, and we know what is always a possibility with the exercise of free will, right? 😉
"… – the Romans – as an intelligent civilized people, didn’t invent crucifixion as a bloody sacrifice, right? And the Jews – as an intelligent civilized people – didn’t endorse capital punishment by stoning, right?..

Right I agree they and even later Christians invented some rather bloody stuff. But I maintain such stuff just proves they were all not as civilized as some of their writings and history would indicate. Bloody sacrifices belong in a primitive uncivilized society, not in a society composed of intelligent civilized people
Right I agree they and even later Christians invented some rather bloody stuff. But I maintain such stuff just proves they were all not as civilized as some of their writings and history would indicate. Bloody sacrifices belong in a primitive uncivilized society, not in a society composed of intelligent civilized people
But aren’t you using today’s standards as a judgment of the time?

It is clear that spiritual development is toward mercy, away from judgment. The crowd judged Jesus, and Jesus forgave from the cross. Jesus shows us that His heart is one of mercy, and it is toward mercy that humanity has developed.
Because the degree of offense against God is infinite, and therefore only an infinitely perfect sacrifice would suffice to cover our sin-debt.
No finite human could ever dream up an “infinite” offense. The term “infinitely perfect” is redundant and “infinitely” is a concept even a mathematician has trouble with. “Perfect” is undefinable also. Religious writings are full of terms like “more perfect”, “whiter than the whitest white”, etc. This makes the above quote logically rather meaningless.
Bloody sacrifices belong in a primitive uncivilized society, not in a society composed of intelligent civilized people
And what exactly would you call ‘football’ or ‘boxing’, if not “bloody sacrifice”? Not to death, mind you… but still, violence sanctioned by society as communal action.
But aren’t you using today’s standards as a judgment of the time?
👍 Spot on. Anachronistic analysis is always problematic…
No finite human could ever dream up an “infinite” offense.
Ahh, but the offense is against God, who is infinite. 😉
Let’s remember that Jesus did not commit suicide. He was murdered by us, having everything taken from Him, His clothes and His worldly honour as He was left alone to die in pain. We have choices to make and mankind chose to crucify Him. The hand that reached for the fruit on God’s tree at the centre of the garden, is the hand that drove the spike into itself.

We should also note that He suffered basically all that one person can suffer in a life time. And that suffering amounts to all the suffering in the world because while we may empathize with the pain of another, we individually are the only ones who feel our own pain. In all our suffering Christ is with us. Our pain is a cry out for His salvation.

In choosing to become gods without God, there was a price to be paid. However, Jesus becoming one of us allows us to be reborn as loving beings. He died and was resurrected so that in our suffering and our eventual death, in and through Him, we will be reborn into a new eternal existence which was to be our destiny, before we sinned.

Sin cannot enter into heaven and all that is not love, a giving of oneself for the good of the other, will perish. Becoming Christlike, we transcend our suffering and enter into communion within the Trinity. Our existence is all about the free will to become love itself, only possible by travelling along the Way that is Jesus Christ. Heaven is the submission of our will to God’s will to love.
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