"Anti-abortion demonstrators paint ’Black Preborn Lives Matter’ outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood." Report

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I have never heard of black people being homophobic “in terms of violence and hatred”. As you point out, they find it disgusting, which is a sentiment entirely in accord with traditional Christianity.
Gay black people have brought up about how they have been kicked out/abused in their homes and it has been a topic of discussion for quite a very long time, mostly pertaining to gay men (not so much women). It is more closely tied to ideals of masculinity than religion.
And that is deplorable. If my son came to me and told me he was gay, I would love him unconditionally. If, God forbid, he did something about it, I would hate those sins, but still love him unconditionally. In fact, he would need even more love.
As you point out, they find it disgusting, which is a sentiment entirely in accord with traditional Christianity.
My point is that many find these individuals disgusting, which is definitely not in accord with any legitimate form of Christianity. To be fair with them, I’m sure many white Christians, or of any race really, are disgusted with gay people too but use the Church’s stance as justification.
I do not find gay people disgusting — I have had at least three gay relatives, several gay coworkers, gay classmates in both high school and college, and an openly gay neighbor. Without exception I liked them very much. I don’t like what they do. I don’t like it when people practice contraception. I don’t like it when heterosexual couples perform acts that, like homosex, are contra naturam. I don’t like it when people shack up before marriage. I don’t like it when people divorce and “remarry” without an annulment. But I don’t find them disgusting either. What they do is what I find disgusting.
I also think there’s some dissonance involved. It’s “easy” to not care about abortion if you’re not dealing with it, especially when the guilty politician seems to really care about your problems while the ‘other side’ is seen as racist.
I totally get that. But I could not look at myself in the mirror, if I voted for a pro-choice candidate to preserve my Social Security, ACA health insurance, or tax credits. Thankfully, on these points, the more conservative of Republicans are pretty much “all hat and no cattle”, that is, they don’t really act upon their rhetoric in any meaningful fashion.

“My candidate supports infanticide, but he is really good about looking out for me, and for people like me.” No. Just no.
Actually, I think Catholics who are Democrats should stay within that party, rather than be forced out. I myself have a nominal quasi-affiliation with that party, as I have to state a preference to vote in their primaries. The Republicans don’t need any help pushing their party towards a pro-life stance — but the Democrats most certainly do.

As for JFK’s Catholicity, I am content to leave the “terrible” thing between him and God. I too am a sinner — just different sins. And if I had been as handsome, wealthy, and powerful as he was, Lord only knows how far I would have fallen. I don’t know if he was “okay with abortion” or not. Do we have any documentation of where he stood on the issue? It wasn’t a political matter in those times.
Black people overwhelmingly vote Democratic because the party explicitly advocates social policies that benefit them.
Or rather: they vote Democrat because they believe the party benefits them. Going back to Lyndon Johnson, he signed into law changes to welfare; and a woman could not receive welfare if there was a man in the house. Black families started to disintegrate; and we now see, for example, in New York about 1/3 of all black pregnancies ending in abortion; and in the city of New York, it approaches 50% of pregnancies. Two strikes: breakdown of the nuclear family, and support for abortion.

And the irony is that part of the platform of the BLM organization supports the breakdown or destruction of the nuclear family.
The Republican party only offers a more nebulous concept of “less government with more individual initiative and opportunity” (or something like that).
And the current administration has done more to lower unemployment among minorities than just about any administration before them. Prior to the influx of Covid-19, Black unemployment was the lowest on record.

Yeah, that is pretty much “something like that”.
That is what I heard too.

No, he had to say what in 1960 would get him elected. As I mentioned in another thread recently, many people were just aware enough of Catholic social doctrine, and our concept of “restoring all things in Christ”, “the social reign of Christ the King”, and so on, not to mention the Syllabus of Errors, that they had to be absolutely assured that a Catholic president wouldn’t try to govern according to Catholic principles. Today, it wouldn’t even be an issue, because Catholic social teaching is virtually unknown outside of orthodox, traditional circles, as well as among some academicians. The typical Catholic in the pew isn’t even conscious that there is such a thing as Catholic social doctrine.

Amen to that. (I have a CWP myself.)
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Same here. Not crazy about it, but I’m going to do it. As soon as my absentee ballot comes in (I can vote absentee due to caring for disabled family members), I am marking it a straight Republican ticket and mailing it back in. My state has online ballot tracking for absentee voters, so I can see when it was received by the county.
This issue is vital to the discussion about abortion “rights” and “women’s health.”

I often tell pro-abortion friends that 75 percent of U.S. women who have abortions are low income or below the poverty line. And I point out the over-representation of African-American aborted babies.

I send them charts that confirm my comments.

They briefly agree that abortion is “wrong” but it needs to be available.

It’s very frustrating. For me, pro-choice means no choice.
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