Anti-Americanism in Europe?

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Why is there so much anti-Americanism in Europe? I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics, economics or with education or lack of it or even so much as the war in Iraq. I feel it boils down to the difference between theism and atheism. Most European’s simply can’t understand the morality and religious views of American’s.
I think we are staring to mend fences with France right now. I expect things to change somewhat in the coming weeks. Thanks in no small part to the Syrian Baathists
Interesting article:

They’re all pals with Bush now — just don’t mention the war
By Roland Watson and Roger Boyes

So keenly anticipated is the President’s arrival in Brussels that his visit has already been hailed a wild success. Although differences remain with Europe’s leaders, they are ready to do business with him Gerhard Schröder was re-elected German Chancellor in September 2002 he received the usual congratulatory telephone calls from fellow world leaders — with the notable exception of President Bush, who was disgusted that Herr Schröder had used America as a punchbag to turn around his faltering campaign.

When Mr Bush was re-elected last November, Herr Schröder rang the White House to congratulate him. The problem this time was that Mr Bush talked and talked and talked.

NI_MPU(‘middle’);Herr Schröder had a plane to catch. With the loquacious President showing no sign of shutting up, Herr Schröder had to make his apologies and leave.

Mr Bush heads to Europe next week with those incidents serving to remind how petulant transatlantic relations became during his first term, and what a difference a presidential election makes.

To say that both sides are ready to kiss and make up is like saying that they were mildly irritated with each other over Iraq. Indeed, so keenly awaited is Mr Bush’s arrival in Brussels tomorrow evening that his visit has already been hailed a wild success.

On his maiden presidential trip across the Atlantic in 2001 it was very different. His new friends on the world stage were far from friendly, hectoring this dimwit cowboy about his rejection of the Kyoto treaty and the dangers of dissolving the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty to permit deployment of his “Son of Star Wars” programme.

Later, Mr Bush would entertain aides with impressions of European leaders speaking very, very slowly so that the ignorant Texan could keep up.

Four years on, European Union leaders have been falling over each other to secure time in front of Mr Bush.

Rival EU institutions have tried to pull rank to host the most impressive event during his time in Brussels. For Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg Prime Minister whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, it has been beyond parody. “One day you will read in my memoirs the difficulty to find the right way to have a press conference or to put a knife and fork together without having disrespect between institutions,” he joked.

“I’m told that grandmothers in Ohio or Texas turn off instantly if they find that our press conference is in Council rather than in the Commission.”

Two elections explain the turnaround. Not even the most hostile of America’s European critics can still complain that the man elected with more votes than any other US president does not deserve the Oval Office. “I think there is a recognition that this President has got his mandate and speaks for a lot of Americans,” said John Bruton, the EU Ambassador in Washington and former Irish Prime Minister.

In other words, European leaders know that Mr Bush is the man with whom they must do business for the next four years, and they are ready to get on with it.

There is also the Iraq election, which has drawn much of the sting from the bitterness over the war. Differences remain between Washington, Paris and Berlin over Iraq, but critics can no longer take the prewar position of Dominique de Villepin, France’s Foreign Minister at the time, when he declined to say which side he wanted to win. It’s rather like the divorced couple who get back together for the sake of the kids. It can be awfully lonely out there trying to change the world on your own. Condoleezza Rice, the new US Secretary of State, played matchmaker during her ten-state, eight-day foreign trip this month. She managed this with warm words, a chic wardrobe and plentiful smiles, though she gave no real ground on any of the issues dividing the US and its European allies.

read the rest:,11069-1490493,00.html
Why is there so much anti-Americanism in Europe? I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics, economics or with education or lack of it or even so much as the war in Iraq. I feel it boils down to the difference between theism and atheism.
All of the above? 🙂
Remember most of the ancestors of the present US population left Europe for a reason

they didn’t like great gradpapy too much and the don’t like me

Why is there so much anti-Americanism in Europe? I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics, economics or with education or lack of it or even so much as the war in Iraq. I feel it boils down to the difference between theism and atheism. Most European’s simply can’t understand the morality and religious views of American’s.
It always amazes me that Americans can be so blind to the faults of their country! I realize that I am likely to be pounced upon for saying this.

Most European’s simply can’t understand the morality and religious views of American’s. What morality? What country is responsible for more abortions? What other country has put more pressure on nations to legalize abortion, to introduce “reproductive health”?

What other country thinks it can dictate to other governments the way America does? What other country tries to force other governments to allow it’s armed forces to be immune from prosecution for war crimes? It threatened the Caribbean countries to withdraw aid from them if they would not support them on this. The arrogance! Why should American troops not be prosecuted for war crimes, if they commit them?

I could go on and on. America - as a country - is arrogant and thinks it is top dog. Yes, there are many Americans who are good people, but the country - I suppose that means, really, the government and the rich and powerful - has little morals or religion.

Even President Bush, who claims to be pro-life is not truly so. Or, if he is, he is a coward, because he will not fully stand up for what is right.

More evil has been exported to the rest of the world from America than from any other country.

It is truly a shame, because America could be the shining light, leading the way to good morals as well as freedom, but, sadly, it isn’t.

OK. Now, let me sit and wait for the attacks!
We also give more financial aid to other parts of the world than any other.

Where does the Netherlands stand on abortion and euthanasia? I thought they were leading.

France, Germany, and Russia were opposed because of their corrupt dealings with Iraq.

Until recently, Russia and China were dictatorial (is that even a word?) in their spheres of influence.

If other countries don’t want us to dictate to them, don’t take our money! There are people here that could use it.

This arrogance goes back over a century, during which time we’ve been involved in several conflicts, and saved Europe’s butt twice.
Perhaps this declarion of a Spanish voter out of the polls ratifying the EU constitution hints at the reasons behing anti-americanism in Europe: * “I am going to vote ‘Yes’, this is a historic moment, even if we do not realize it. When Europe speaks with a single voice, it will be the most powerful in the world.”
Historically, this kind of triumphalism in Europe preceeded wars…

Why is there so much anti-Americanism in Europe? I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics, economics or with education or lack of it or even so much as the war in Iraq. I feel it boils down to the difference between theism and atheism. Most European’s simply can’t understand the morality and religious views of American’s.
or Catholicism vs. Evangelical Protestantism
Joan M:
It always amazes me that Americans can be so blind to the faults of their country!
I guess it’s not the only country to suffer from blindness then…
Joan M:
Most European’s simply can’t understand the morality and religious views of American’s. What morality? What country is responsible for more abortions? What other country has put more pressure on nations to legalize abortion, to introduce “reproductive health”?
That would be China and the UN, though this is not really a country.
Joan M:
What other country thinks it can dictate to other governments the way America does? What other country tries to force other governments to allow it’s armed forces to be immune from prosecution for war crimes? It threatened the Caribbean countries to withdraw aid from them if they would not support them on this. The arrogance! Why should American troops not be prosecuted for war crimes, if they commit them?
That would be the former USSR. As for war-crimes, the US are against the Hague, not against punishing war-crimes. Different things.
Joan M:
I could go on and on. America - as a country - is arrogant and thinks it is top dog.
It is the top-dog, at least economically, militarily and culturally. For better or for worse.
Joan M:
Even President Bush, who claims to be pro-life is not truly so. Or, if he is, he is a coward, because he will not fully stand up for what is right.
I agree, yet I’m still to see an European pro-life. As a matter of fact, there’s no pro-life movement anywhere else. Abortion is a fait-acompli all over developed Europe, and gay marriage finds a fertile ground there.
Joan M:
More evil has been exported to the rest of the world from America than from any other country.
Does that include the evil of socialism, the norm in Europe? Was it exported by the USSR or was it home-grown?
Joan M:
It is truly a shame, because America could be the shining light, leading the way to good morals as well as freedom, but, sadly, it isn’t.
America ain’t perfect, but Europe ain’t that light either. On the contrary, Europe is where the Culture of Death thrives and is unstoppable.

Where does the Netherlands stand on abortion and euthanasia? I thought they were leading.

This arrogance goes back over a century, during which time we’ve been involved in several conflicts, and saved Europe’s butt twice.
The Netherlands supported the invasion of Iraq, indeed they sent troops to the country. The Dutch Government are close allies of the American one. Are you suggesting that they are anti-American? Or do you find it difficult to tell one bunch of foreigners from another?

What did America save Europe from in the First World War? What indeed was the First World War actually about? And why did the USA eventually decide to join in anyway?
The Netherlands supported the invasion of Iraq, indeed they sent troops to the country. The Dutch Government are close allies of the American one. Are you suggesting that they are anti-American? Or do you find it difficult to tell one bunch of foreigners from another?

What did America save Europe from in the First World War? What indeed was the First World War actually about? And why did the USA eventually decide to join in anyway?
Why do you hate America so much?
Regarding the Netherlands: I never said they didn’t support the US, I said in response to another post that they have more “mercy killing” than the US. The other person was making attacks like the US is this evil empire. We just happen to be in the spotlite.

I’m not going to go into the history of WW1 and WW2, it is off topic for this thread. We can have that kind of discussion in another thread if you wish. My point was that if the US always kept it’s rather large nose out of everyone’s business, then Europe would be mostly Nazi (by WW2). I’m not sure what would have happened if we hadn’t become involved in WW1, but Churchill was very pleased about the sinking of the Lusitannia.

Sorry about spelling.
I think what you fail to realize or report is that the majority of Americans detest abortion and want to see it stopped…immediately…yet for some reason it continues legally.

When you and your cohorts attack America…it is not because we are lacking…but it is because you are jealous.
Joan M:
Most European’s simply can’t understand the morality and religious views of American’s. What morality? What country is responsible for more abortions? What other country has put more pressure on nations to legalize abortion, to introduce “reproductive health”?

I think what you fail to realize or report is that the majority of Americans detest abortion and want to see it stopped…immediately…yet for some reason it continues legally.

When you and your cohorts attack America…it is not because we are lacking…but it is because you are jealous.
Dums…I have a hard time swallowing this. Most Americans are against abortions? Please, prove that to me with a document please. It is like saying that most Canadians are against abortion but just don’t understand why it continues. And both countries are dripping with blood over this one Dums. The reason why it still continues is because most people still want legal abortion or they may just not care…Probably mostly the latter…

I too have criticized the US (I do not consider this an attack btw). All countries are not above criticism. Even the Pope decried the US as immoral, Dums. And it is a fact. But being critical does not necessarily equate jealousy…far from it.

The poster has stated what many feel about the US. It is the arrogance that causes people to have ill feelings. The Americans can criticize all they want about every other country in the world but when somebody criticizes the US, well, we are anti-american. It is plain, pure unadulterated narcissism. I truly am tired of it. Most people from other countries will criticize their own countries from a Catholic christian perspective without a blink of the eye…but rare, very rare, is the American capable of criticizing their own country. Nationalism has been made a god here big time. And I am tired of it…

‘sigh’ But it is God who is the judge in the end and not the US…thank God…

I’m not going to go into the history of WW1 and WW2, it is off topic for this thread…
If you say, as you did, that ‘you’ saved Europe’s butt on two occasions it seems altogether reasonable to ask you to justify that statement. Either the events of World War One are irrelevant, in which case you should not have mentioned them, or they are relevant.

If relevant please tell us what fate ‘you’ saved ‘us’ from in 1918. It was an inter-Imperialist war not a war against fascism or tyranny. Had the US not intervened, eventually, they would not be the superpower they are today.

Millions and millions of Europeans died between 1914 and 1918 and I found it profoundly depressing that so many Americans are willing to wave their shrouds as some kind of justification for US foreign policy in 2005
Many European’s grasp at straws trying to figure out why G.W. Bush won a second term. The Guardian’s headlines said “How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?” Bush ran against a self proclaimed “Catholic” in Kerry, and the people in this country spoke. Forty-five percent of Hispanics voted for Bush; so did 25 percent of Jews and 23 percent of homosexuals. Anti-Americanism in Europe really does boil down to “theism and atheism”.
Even the Pope decried the US as immoral,
Could you plese provide me with the direct quote and a reference where I can verify the context? Thanks much.

The only thing I recollect was something said about “the west” as far as I know that includes more than one hemisphere but I am curious to read this statement.
Anti-Americanism in Europe really does boil down to “theism and atheism”.
Add to that a healthy dose of cynicsm - they are so used to prevaricating, posturing, postulating princelings and pretenders they can’t believe anyone else has the “real thing”.
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