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What is everyone’s understanding of the Anti-Christ? Do you think he will come during our life time? With God all things are possible. I’ve been wrestling with this for quite sometime. Thanks in Advance.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Hi bones,

I believe systems of thought and philosphies are in place to pave the way for an Anti-Christ in the near future. The technology to bring about the much talked about “Mark of the Beast” is *there *but has not been implemented because the time is not ripe.

You have to remember that this person must be extremely charismatic, appealing, full of life, and provide many answers to the worlds problems.

To my knowledge there is no one on the world political scene right now who fits the bill as a uniter of mankind. Despite some of the silly rumour that George Soros is a candidate, he’s hardly plausible when you think about it.

I sometimes worry about it myself, although it is selfish i admit. See i’ve got a girl who i very much love, i would like to marry her and hopefully have children one day. What I *don’t *want is to be running about in bushes like davy crockett because some putz wants to put a chip in my arm/head! But if it happens, i must accept the trial!!

Although, that view is the most radical in some ways. There are still large sections of the ‘West’ that are highly Christian, ie. Bible Belt of the USA and large portions of Eastern Europe.

Also of interesting note to some of the doomsdayers is Chinas rapidly (very rapidly!) increase of Christian converts. At the present rate, this *could *rule out China being the great army from the east that fights in armageddon. Although, don’t rule out Chinas penchant for mass extermination of its own people. See–>Chairman Mau and the communist revolution.
What is everyone’s understanding of the Anti-Christ? Do you think he will come during our life time? With God all things are possible. I’ve been wrestling with this for quite sometime. Thanks in Advance.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
I thought you might enjoy this explaination of the apocalypse.
Check it out.
“Not even close”, says Desmond Birch

A Summary
     A long list of Canonized Saints, Blessed, and Venerable have stated that the period of turmoil we are living through with be followed by an Age of Peace - and that that 'Peace' will precede the rise of the Antichrist.

      Those Church approved Catholic Prophets are very very specific about the chain of events which will precede the rise of the Antichrist. They all say that the Age of Peace comes before the Antichrist.

            The Church has always taught that until the entire world is evangelized - and a following worldwide apostasy takes place - the antichrist cannot come. Read St. Paul. He had to write to one of the early Churches telling them about these things - because they were going off the rails thinking that Antichrist had already arrived. Read St. Paul. The more it changes, the more it stays the same. We have been given signs as to what must precede the Antichrist. And they have not yet been fulfilled.

 I also sense (as put it so well) a 'new grace afoot'. 

      In my experience, those who do not sense the 'new grace' are immersing themselves only in bad news - and will even on occasion violently resist and reject any good news. When that happens it usually emanates from a kind of spiritual 'death wish'.

      Those who fully accept the Christian Virtue of "Hope" (on an equal footing with those of "Faith" and "Charity" do not suffer from that particular problem.

      St. Faustina tells us that Our Lord told us to concentrate on His Divine Mercy at this time in salvation history.

      That is good direction and advice.

       The Antichrist cannot already be here for the following reasons:

      All the Fathers and Doctors of the Church who have written on the Antichrist state the following:

  1. The Gospel will first have to have been preached to all nations/peoples in world. That hasn't happened yet. 

      a. If you will read the Holy Father's Encyclical 'Redemptoris Missio' - he specifically states that the Evangelical work of the Church is "far from over" and "only just beginning".

      b. John Paul II states in 'Ecclesia in Asia' - that it is ironic that on the very continent in which Christ began his mission - that Continent has not yet been evangelized except in scattered parts of that Continent - and Asia holds 2.3 of the worlds people.

      c. The Holy Father further states in 'Ecclesia in Asia' that he "sees" Asia finally being evangelized in the Third Millennium.

      d. The Holy Father and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples have also both stated that "East Africa" has virtually never been evangelized at all. The reason for that is that the Moslems got there before Christianity - and have martyred Christian Missionaries ever since - almost as fast as they arrive there.

 Part 2 follows
  1. The worldwide ‘Apostacy’ which St. Paul speaks of has not happened yet. Apostacy and heresy are not the same thing. Apostacy is a total renunciation of their Christina Faith by a baptized Christian. Far from the happening, in large parts of the world the Church is growing faster than ever before in history. Africa is a case in point, and so is Asia. These are just a couple of things which we know from Scripture and Tradition must precede that arrival of the Antichrist. No - the Antichrist is not here - and he won’t be coming till after the entire world has been evangelized - and then after that - the apostacy occurs.
        According to literally dozens of Canonized Saints, Blessed and Venerable (who are prophets who enjoy Church-approval - the era we are living through now is going to come to an abrupt end (attempts at World Govt., etc.) and the Age of Peace will ensue. After that Age of Peace - they all state that then and only then does the Anticharist make his appearance. 
        Now - that is looking at things from the perspective of 'private prophecy' from many dozens of Saints, Blessed, and Venerable and other Church-approved prophets.
        From the perspective of Public Revelation - we are told and the Church teaches that first the Gospel must be preached to all the nations/peoples. The Holy Father and Church History teach us this has not yet occurred - not even close.
        After the World has been totally evangelized - which the Holy Father has repeatedly stated will occur sometime in the Third Millennium - then we have to go through the Apostacy - which St. Paul teaches us the faithful must precede the coming of the Antichrist.
        As to your last question - I deal with the attraction of believing the Antichrist is coming at any time at length in 'Trial, Tribulation & Triumph' (TTT). If you have not read it - you will find a full discussion of this subject in there. Every single century has had false deluded 'alleged' prophets claiming they were told the Antichrist is either already here - or is about to come.
        In every century, there have been people wildly enamored of listening to their false prophecy - for reasons I discuss in depth in "Trial, Tribulation and Triumph"
        BTW, I discussed in TTT the fact that there were current prophets claiming the Antichrist would make his actual appearance by the year 2000 - or by the year 1998. I was the only author to write a major book on the subject who came right out and said that could not possibly be so. I put my reputation on the line by stating that.
        How did I know??? Because the signs given in Scripture and Tradition and found in the writing of the Fathers of the Church from the Apostolic Tradition clearly delineate certain events which must precede that Antichrist. I knew all those thing could not happen in the five years between 1995 (when I was writing that part of TTT) and the year 2000. It was a no-brainer.
End Quote from Desmond Birch.

In any event, we should be more concerned with our own inevitable “end-time”! Consider the following:
Great info Sean TTT is definatly a good resourse for church approved information on the End Times I espically found the stuff on simultanious civil wars in France, England and a invasion of Italy(which results in a future pope having to flee for his life from the Vatican) to be quite interesting. And it is true the Era of Peace promised by Our Lady at Fatima hasn’t happened yet so Antichrist isn’t here right now. Now I do think if things get much worse we may see the Minor Chastisment in our life so we do need to pray for a conversion and renewal or else God will punish us with the Minor Chastisment.
I thought that Catholic had been advised by their Bishops(some of them) that Lehay’s Left Behind books were not considered good reading for Catholics. I have, none the less, read most of those books and this thread is sounding a lot like Lehay’s writing. Lehay is a Catholic bashing Evangelical.
With information on Simon Birch’s book in mind. I heard about some Maria Esperanza’s prophecies and are they accepted by the church? I ask because the period of peace could very well be shortened. Things could happen in a very short period of time. Apparently she said that this would be the year of persecutiuon of Catholics and the coming of the Anti-Christ. Could somebody please sort this out. Thanks this site has been very helpful.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Bones, I researched and wrote a paper which is at the Vatican (ArchBishop Foley; Social Communications and Cardinal Schotte; Academy of Science). The RCC has told me it could be right. However, with predictions such as these, they like to let HisStory unfold. Basically, if you look at the Traditional Hebrew aphabet in Christ’s time, letters were used as numbers (like Roman Numerals). Today, in the Hebrew Alphabet a W represents a 3, 2000 years ago, it was a 6. It might have been what John the Seer saw as the only way to ID the Beast. John thought in Hebrew, but used Koin’e Greek to write Revelation. Just because it MAY be here now, and MAY be with man until Divine Intervention, certainly does NOT mean it will be unveiled anytime soon. You might ask, How can the www. be the Beast? After reading the paper, you will probably ask, How can it not be? IHS Daryl 661.703.4444
I thought that Catholic had been advised by their Bishops(some of them) that Lehay’s Left Behind books were not considered good reading for Catholics. I have, none the less, read most of those books and this thread is sounding a lot like Lehay’s writing. Lehay is a Catholic bashing Evangelical.
Despite the fact that Desmond Birch’s arguments could be picked apart no problem, not everyone who thinks we could be close to end times is a ‘Catholic Basher’.

Technically speaking, Im a Catholic, so i would be bashing myself then?
Despite the fact that Desmond Birch’s arguments could be picked apart no problem, not everyone who thinks we could be close to end times is a ‘Catholic Basher’.

Technically speaking, Im a Catholic, so i would be bashing myself then?
Never said you were a Catholic basher. Sorry if that seemed what I was saying. Lehay is and it is his Evangelical interpretation that every thing in Revelation is future tense or now, whereas some Catholics, both English and Roman believe John was writing about the events unfolding in his time in the Roman empire under Domitian and the other Roman dictators. To avoid getting into difficulty for critcizing the Roman government he wrote using apocalyptic symbols from the Old Testament, like in Daniel for instance, because the Christians with a Jewish background were capable of interpreting those symbols and understanding the message.
Never said you were a Catholic basher. Sorry if that seemed what I was saying. Lehay is and it is his Evangelical interpretation that every thing in Revelation is future tense or now, whereas some Catholics, both English and Roman believe John was writing about the events unfolding in his time in the Roman empire under Domitian and the other Roman dictators. To avoid getting into difficulty for critcizing the Roman government he wrote using apocalyptic symbols from the Old Testament, like in Daniel for instance, because the Christians with a Jewish background were capable of interpreting those symbols and understanding the message.
Well thanks for the heads up on this Lehay’s books. I have never looked into these beliefs that you mention, sounds interesting, suppose i will.

Calbreese wrote
You might ask, How can the www. be the Beast? After reading the paper, you will probably ask, How can it not be? IHS Daryl 661.703.4444
Unfortunately the link didn’ t work for me. I would be interested in reading it. I read recently - and you may be the author - that., as you say the Hebrew W represented “6”. Further to that, WWW = 666; therefore the use of www as in the URL for World Wide Web may be connected to the antichrist. It is just speculation of course.
What is everyone’s understanding of the Anti-Christ? Do you think he will come during our life time? With God all things are possible. I’ve been wrestling with this for quite sometime. Thanks in Advance.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
why have you been wrestling with this for some time? to what end? (pun unintentional) Do you really find that spending time and energy on this pursuit is furthering your spiritual growth, bringing you closer to Jesus Christ, producing fruits of the virtues in your life and actions? If you knew who the anti-Christ was and when he will appear, would you conduct your life differently? Would it change your faith and the practices of your faith? Jesus clearly told us we will not know the day nor the hour, that there will be signs when the time comes, and to be ever vigilant and ready. Our actions and disposition should be no different, so there is no need to worry about it.
why have you been wrestling with this for some time? to what end? (pun unintentional) Do you really find that spending time and energy on this pursuit is furthering your spiritual growth, bringing you closer to Jesus Christ, producing fruits of the virtues in your life and actions? If you knew who the anti-Christ was and when he will appear, would you conduct your life differently? Would it change your faith and the practices of your faith? Jesus clearly told us we will not know the day nor the hour, that there will be signs when the time comes, and to be ever vigilant and ready. Our actions and disposition should be no different, so there is no need to worry about it.
Sure it is. It’s giving me a better understanding of the end times that’s all and I have read Simon Birch’s book. I want to see what other people think. Why are you asking me whether or not its deepening my faith? It seems to me that you are telling me that I’m waisting my time which I’m not. I question my faith, because faith isn’t blind you know. Don’t believe everything you hear. I guess wrestling with this question wasn’t the best way to state my question, but nonetheless I’m doing a study on the end times. No offense puzzleannie but while you were honest with your questions, this is a discussion about the Anti-Christ. I want to learn more about it. To live in ignorance of the faith, is to live in delusion and sin.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Today, Our Pope met with Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight; Knights of Columbus. He along with the Pope and ArchBishop Foley and Cardinal Schotte all have copies of the argument which ID’s the www. as the Beast.

VATICAN CITY, NOV 26, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:
  • Ali Abdullah Saleh, president of the republic of Yemen, and an entourage.
  • Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus Remember the Web will be with us for a lonnng time. The paper is copyrighted, but available to Catholics, one on one. By the way, Maria Esperanza, God rest her soul, found her highway of lights this past July. She also predicted the coming of the Beast in 2004. Coincidence? IHS Daryl 661.703.4444
1 John 2:18-21

children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist was coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of our number; if they had been, they would have remained with us. Their desertion shows that none of them comes from the Holy One, and you all have knowledge. I write to you not because you do not know the truth, but because you do, and because every lie is alien to the truth.

John is writing to the Catholic faithful, Jewish and Gentile, who have withstood the persecutions of the first two generations of Christians, have seen the “founding fathers” of their Catholic faith executed, have witnessed the destruction of the Temple and the holy city of Jerusalem, and who have grappled with early heresy and apostacy among their fellow-Christians. He writes to a generation facing another persecution more general and barbaric than before. What he said then is true today. This is the last hour. The antichrists are legion, appeared among us, professed to believe with us, but deserted us and now are trying to lead others to heresy and apostacy. Let he who has ears, hear.
Today, Our Pope met with Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight; Knights of Columbus. He along with the Pope and ArchBishop Foley and Cardinal Schotte all have copies of the argument which ID’s the www. as the Beast.
I am certainly not against speculation that the www is a “form” of “an” antichrist - but, the Fathers and saints point to an end time when there will be “THE” Antichrist - a being.

But, the world has first to be evangelized, the Jews converted, etc., etc, as Desmond Birch suggests. Now, one thing is certain - I haven’t yet seen mass conversions of the Jews. Then where too are Elias etc. hiding at the moment?
Sure it is. It’s giving me a better understanding of the end times that’s all and I have read Simon Birch’s book. QUOTE]
we sometimes show a movie called Simon Birch to jr high CCD classes as a discussion starter, but it is not about end times or the anti-Christ. obviously there is a book out there I know nothing about, please enlighten me.
Today, Our Pope met with Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight; Knights of Columbus. He along with the Pope and ArchBishop Foley and Cardinal Schotte all have copies of the argument which ID’s the www. as the Beast.

VATICAN CITY, NOV 26, 2004 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:
  • Ali Abdullah Saleh, president of the republic of Yemen, and an entourage.
  • Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus Remember the Web will be with us for a lonnng time. The paper is copyrighted, but available to Catholics, one on one. By the way, Maria Esperanza, God rest her soul, found her highway of lights this past July. She also predicted the coming of the Beast in 2004. Coincidence? IHS Daryl 661.703.4444
Maria may be right about this, but even she makes mistakes. It’s possible that Maria may have misunderstood it and prophets have been known to make mistakes. I really have no doubt of her sancity, but I question that prophecy of the coming of the beast. That’s like saying that the end of the world is coming in a short number of years! How does she know that the world is ending in a few years. Nobody knows but God alone when the end of the world will come and the coming of the Beast. I’m always cautious about that prophecy because Maria could be wrong about it. Sure the Beast is coming but I find it hard to imagine he will come this year, cause I haven’t seen all the pre-requisits for the Anti-Christ just yet. The Holy Father has stated the evangilization of the Asia is just happening. Something like that. Therefore that prophecy holds no ground. Just my opinion, and I think Maria was off the mark on that one.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
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