Antidepressants raise risk of suicide

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First of all, just thought I would let you know that the link doesn’t work. Secondly, I know this is true but it isn’t really because anti-depressants are bad. When people are severely severely depressed they do not have enough energy or frankly the will to commit suicide, they just want to do nothing and let life pass them by. They may have suicidal thoughts but they have no real will to carry them out. The most dangerous time for a suicide is when the person starts to feel better (if they still have those thoughts) because then they still have the thought but now you have given them the energy. Because of that it isn’t just antidepressants that have this risk but really any type of therapy that makes them feel better. This is something a therapist should be well trained in and should be able to take care of, but it is a significant concern. I hope that explains it some, but please don’t stop taking your antidepressants, rather just let your therapist know right away if you have any suicidal thoughts.
I found antidepressants very helpful. Like any prescription medication, a doctor needs to closely a monitor the person on them.
I found antidepressants very helpful. Like any prescription medication, a doctor needs to closely a monitor the person on them.
Yes Lily, I agree w/ you …
I study pharmacy and I know this, but for many people is necessary
Like any prescription medication, a doctor needs to closely a monitor the person on them.
Well said. And, like any drug, side effects are idiosyncratic and vary from person to person.
Annunciata,it’s also ironic that antidepressants are labeled “happy pills”. They are anything but because they have unpleasant side effects, #1 weight gain. #2. ZERO sex drive.#3 constipation. There is NOTHING happy about being fat, not being interested in sex and being unable to have a bowel movement.
However, for many folks these drugs help even with these side effects.
Annunciata,it’s also ironic that antidepressants are labeled “happy pills”. They are anything but because they have unpleasant side effects, #1 weight gain. #2. ZERO sex drive.#3 constipation. There is NOTHING happy about being fat, not being interested in sex and being unable to have a bowel movement.
However, for many folks, these drugs help even with side effects.

I study pharmacy and I know this, but for many people is necessary​

You are so fortunate to have an aptitude for Arithmetic. I wish I did, however Mathematics is an absolute puzzle for me.
I take Lexapro and I’m doing just fine. In fact, I’d say it’s a life-saver. I’ve had a few side-effects I didn’t like but I was able to work around that and I’m thankful every day that medicine is available that keeps me healthy.
Annunciata,it’s also ironic that antidepressants are labeled “happy pills”. They are anything but because they have unpleasant side effects, #1 weight gain. #2. ZERO sex drive.#3 constipation. There is NOTHING happy about being fat, not being interested in sex and being unable to have a bowel movement.
However, for many folks, these drugs help even with side effects.
Key here is, that they help…🙂 It would seem that for every positive there is always that negative… Can’t have a Ressurection without a Crucifixion… I thank God everyday that there is help in medication… Bless you.
I can personally say that antidepressants are not what they are made out to be. The side effects are horrible. Some of them are addictive, too.

Many of them kill sex drive, create headaches worst than migraines, ironically deepen depression, make one’s head shiver, disconnect one from reality, possibly cause permanent damage, and worst of all, make you want to kill yourself.

I’m sure that for some people antidepressants are all right, but beware, since for many people antidepressants are like poision. Especially people with aclinical and bipolar depressions. Some SSRI’s can actually generate manic phases and cause someone to hurt himself.

Also, the problem with many antidepressants is that for some people they’ll raise someone’s energy level without raising that person’s mood. So the person has a suicidal mood and just enough energy to get out of bed and jump of a cliff or pull a trigger. This is seriously one of the problems with Paxil, which I believe is hell in tablet.
I won’t go into my problems in this thread, but I will say that if it wasn’t for antidepressents, I wouldn’t have been able to function, take care of my three children (two that have disabilities), take care of my elderly mother, or go back to school.

Granted, I had to try several before I found one that didn’t have a lot of side affects but I do not know of too many prescription medications, no matter what they are prescribed for, that don’t have side affects.

God Bless
Also, the problem with many antidepressants is that for some people they’ll raise someone’s energy level without raising that person’s mood. So the person has a suicidal mood and just enough energy to get out of bed and jump of a cliff or pull a trigger. This is seriously one of the problems with Paxil, which I believe is hell in tablet.
I am taking Paxil CR and have not once had a suicidal thought. I am a Lab Tech and am going to school for a BS in nursing and I know for a fact that most of the suicidal incidents that were caused by Paxil were because the person taking it stopped without letting their pysician or psychiatrist know so they could have been weaned off the medication. It is extremely important not to stop taking any antidepressant “cold turkey”.
I have had problems with mild bouts of depression. Depression has been a major problem on my mother’s side of the family and there have been a couple of suicides. Fortunately, I’m not manic but just mildly depressed on occassion. I “sweated the small stuff” way to much. Little things annoyed me and I magnified them too much.

Finally the Doc put me on 20 mm of Paxel every day. I’ve been at it for four years with only slight adjustments to the dosage. No adverse side effects, except for this: I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. 👍

Which is not to say that big stuff doesn’t bother me. The Paxel did not effect the intense grief I felt of two family members who died within months of each other. One death was expected, the other was not. I wanted to die too, but I didn’t. I thought about suicide, but almost immediately dismissed it. The Paxel didn’t enhance on diminish any of this.

When I was at the bottom of my grief I begged Jesus for mercy. A few days later I began to notice I felt different. I felt better and happier. And then the Holy Spirit led me to the Catholic faith. I’ll come into full communion this Easter. I’m still on Paxel. But I’ve got the Holy Spirit two. Fine medicine both! Wait 'til I finally received the Body and Blood. Woo-hoo!!! :dancing:
If you are not sick before the g0v3rnm3nt is done with you. You will be.
I have taken Paxil in the past and it worked wonders. I was able to learn to drive. Something I should have been able to do at 16 but had way too much anxiety to do so.
That is not to say Paxil is a magic pill. Medications affect people in different ways. For instance Serzone was an absolute nightmare for me, however it may work for someone else.
The key here is, doctors need to monitor their patients closely when they prescribe this stuff. Antidepressants are not M and M’s they are prescription medications.
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