Antifa Knocks Out Black Man’s Teeth for Holding Free Speech Rally While Calling Him ‘N’ Word

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To ANTIFA: I thought the national Democrats implicitly asked you guys to stop this sort of thing until after the election?

These are some of the same people that pretend they don’t like Trump because of his alleged “racism”.

Remember. That is just more phony leftist psychological projection.


Antifa Knocks Out Black Man’s Teeth for Holding Free Speech Rally While Calling Him ‘N’ Word​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Twitter Video Screenshot/Denis Ivan Perez


18 Oct 2020

An Antifa counter-protester in San Francisco knocked out the front teeth of a black man who organized the Free Speech Rally and Protest on Saturday. People in the crowd can be heard yelling racial slurs at the man.

Shortly before a Free Speech Rally and Protest in San Francisco, event organizer Philip Anderson can be seen in a video tweeted by Chester Belloc helping a white man walk through an angry counter-protest filled with Antifa anarchists. As they walk through the crowd, a man wearing all black (black bloc) comes up from behind Anderson and punches him in the face.
One after-beating photo I chose to omit here at least for now, because it is so violent appearing (but you can still see it on the link)
Anderson recoils from the hit and holds his ear and jaw. A few seconds later, the man moves in again and punches Anderson in the mouth — knocking out his two front teeth. A woman in the background can be heard taunting Anderson, yelling, “Cry about it. Cry about it.”

The predominantly white Antifa crowd can be heard screaming the “N” word multiple times. “Back up ‘N,’ back up ‘N,’ someone in the crowd yells as Anderson tries to escape the attack. Anderson and the white man he was protecting eventually climb over the police barricade and move to safety behind the police.

Anderson went on to speak at his rally which broke down a short time later when the angry mob became more radicalized and police believed they were no longer safe. Officer eventually packed the Free Speech protesters into a police van and drove them away in a high-speed escape, Breitbart News reported.

From the backseat of the van, Anderson tweeted, “Antifa attacked me for no reason. These people are racist terrorists.” . . .
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