I know exactly how you feel. As a person who has been “delivered from evil” from the sins of alcoholism, I can understand what you are going through. I too knew it was wrong to keep drinking, but had no control over what I thought was a “necessity” to drink. Drinking numbed my problems, to the point that I drank almost every day of my life for 15 years. Starting 4 years ago, I began praying to God to help me overcome this addiction. After many years and many drunks, God answered my prayers. It took time, courage, and of course, a lot of praying. For me I was at the end of my rope. This past January, I had curtailed my drinking down to less than 3 times a week, but my 2nd marriage was crumbling around me for this and other reasons. I hit, as they say, rock bottom. The only thing left for me was totally surrending my life over to God. I had wished God would take my life because I was misrable. Then one day, it was like I just woke up from being addicted to not being addicted. This is why I used the phrase, “delivered from evil” to explain my situation. I don’t miss a day of drinking alcohol. In retrospect, to be completely honest, my life is not completely great. I have many problems to overcome, not related to my past addictions, but with the grace of God, He is making it easier for me to handle my problems. Having this board to come on and participate in has helped me in many ways that I could never have done by myself. My advice is to keep the faith and God will prevail.
When feeling really down remember this:
“Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace and taking, this sinful world as it is, as He did, not as we would have it, AND trusting that He will make all things right if we surrender to His will”.
Good luck and May God bless you abdundantly as He has blessed me!