Hi Mom,
I so know where you are coming from!!!
I have a 16yo ADHD that went through alot of the same things you described. I nearly fell off my chair when I read about the hearing test. I had my son’s hearing tested at 4 yrs old because he would get so overwhelmed with his ADHD that he would cry that his ears hurt. At 22 mos he burned down the house, At 7 he could read all the big words in school but didn’t know any of the sight words. Hmmm…at 4 he was seriously challenging my authority, when I tried to punish him he would act like he didn’t care. Everything I tried worked for 3 times tops then he would seem unaffected by any corrective measures. DOes any of this sound familiar to you? Anyway, I always found it helpful to force myself to say a prayer for patience when my son is testing me. Yeah, I would get so worked up that I reacted instead of acted many times. ADHD kids are so good at pushing buttons! The point is, if I remembered to pray first, I calmed down enough to be able to deal with him. SOmetimes just asking why he did things was the best thing I could do. It made him think about his motivation, I usually got a laugh out of his thought process (maybe not at the time, but sometimes years later), and sometimes all I could do is spank him. I wish I had more of an answer but the truth is, ADHD kids are so hard to understand sometimes. Just keep trying and keep praying.
I also agree with Peace…I kinda took offense to a jr member blasting you when they don’t know you like we do…and then to have the arrogance to not be contrite about it burned me up. But I will try to be patient with the jr member and PRAY to God that I wasn’t like that when I was a newbie!!!