Any Anti Vaxxers on here who do not want to take the COVID vaccine?

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I’m curious if anybody here is going to refuse to take the vaccine, and if so, what is your reasoning? Are there possible connections to abortion? Or perhaps other ethical reasons. Also we can discuss vaccines in general and the bioethics of making them. Please share.
I’m not an anti vaxer. I might take a Covid vaccine I might not. We will see how it goes as it is rolled out. Covid should disappear soon after the vaccine. I treat vaccines like evolution. I’m not crazy enough to be a young earth anti vaxer, but I also don’t take the claims as gospel either. I make a logical decision. I vaccinate my kids because it makes logical sense to me but I FULLY support anyone who makes a decision to not vaccinate.
Either way someone is getting rich here that isn’t me. And if Covid is as horrible as being reported then that’s just fine by me, if 5 years down the road we see it wasn’t that big of a deal then you are gonna hear the dreaded. Term “ big pharma” even more than you do now!

I will say I don’t get The flu vaccine because I’ve had the flu after the vaccine several times as it was a different strain than they anticipated with the vaccine and in other Instances I’ve had the vaccine give me the flu, though I’ve been assured by my doctor, the media, and even my own research that this is impossible and yet I know what happened.
Also though I’m not aware of having contracted Covid yet we did contract H1N1 swine flu back in the day and it seemed worse for us as a family than those I’ve known with Covid. What is the wisdom of an antibody test before getting the vaccine does snybody know if that is being suggested?
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Not a great idea to be discussing that here. For one, being on the autism spectrum, I do not regard that view point particularly highly, and two, it’s only a manner of time before this is shut down. I know from experience.
Ok thanks for the warning. Except I can’t delete the topic. Maybe someone flagged it?
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I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I have no issue with vaccines. But I won’t be first in line to take the Covid-19 vaccine as I’d be a bit worried that it’s still brand new and relatively untested in terms of long term effects. In a year or two maybe.
I vaccinate my kids because it makes logical sense to me but I FULLY support anyone who makes a decision to not vaccinate.
If a sufficient proportion choose not to vaccinate, your reason to vaccinate is negated. You won’t achieve the logical ends you sought.
I’ve had the vaccine give me the flu, though I’ve been assured by my doctor, the media, and even my own research that this is impossible and yet I know what happened.
Maybe your logical reasoning leaves something to be desired. Did you know that correlation does not mean causation?
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Also I’ve seen youtube comments saying that the COVID vaccine will contain a microchip or change your dna and that it’s the “mark of the beast” to prepare us for the NWO. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me
So I guess it’s a good thing that at least 2 of them in development and closest to readiness didn’t use any.
I’m no anti-vaxxer but I’m in no rush to take it. One of my Library Science professors got asked to peer-review covid studies. She is not trained to do such and this is running rampant. They are trying so hard to push out a vaccine that has no long-term results known.
I think it’s interesting that so many people feel the need to start their replies with “I’m not an “anti-vaxxer” but…”. The term “anti-vaxxer” is a phrase used to write off those who have any questions or concerns about vaccines as crazy conspiracy theorists. I wouldn’t even use it, because doing so begins engagement with the issue already on the back foot by beginning on the terms of those who permit no discussion of the issue. It’s like saying “I’m not a homophobe, but…” when discussing homosexuality with pro-homosexual persons. You’ve lost before you began.
That is a strange question to ask. If one is an “Anti Vaxxer” why would they accept a Covid “Vaccine”, surely it would be lumped with the rest of the vaccines out there!
The point is that they do not accept ANY type of vaccine.
Sort of like the JW who don’t accept blood transfusions, No?
What is their reasoning or lack thereof for having this attitude since I am not an “Anti Vaxxer” cannot comment of that.

Anti vaxxers for sure wouldn’t get it! We do all vaccines in our family… except I’m nervous about the Covid one on account of not knowing side effects. Besides, no one in our home is high risk. My parents and in-laws are EXTREMELY high risk so they plan to get the vaccine… but I don’t see myself and my immediate fam getting it. For us Covid is likely to just be a bad flu. :woman_shrugging:t2:
I have no plans to take this particular vaccine. My reasons are my own, but may be shared with anyone who knows an individual who has suffered vaccine injury.
This vaccine hasn’t gone through the same rigorous testing as previous vaccines, so I’m apprehensive for that reason.
I just went to Walgreens to get a certain vaccination. It’s been available for 14 years. I feel that it’s safe enough.
Just so everyone knows, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not produced with cell lines derived from abortion.

In an internal memo dated Nov. 23, Bishop Kevin Rhoades, who chairs the bishops’ committee on doctrine, and Archbishop Joseph Naumann, the head of the committee on pro-life activities, wrote to the bishops of the United States that the two RNA vaccine candidates appear to be ethically sound.

“Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine involved the use of cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any level of design, development, or production,” the bishops wrote.
According to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for Life and Family:

Ethical: Novavax ($1.6B); Moderna ($954.9M); Merck ($38M); Sanofi ($2.07B); Pfizer-BioNTech ($1.95B) for a total of $6.5B.

Unethical: J&J ($456M); AstraZenca ($1.2B); Vaxart ($0) for a total of $1.65B.

Bottom line, Moderna vaccine production does not utilize aborted fetal cells and its design did not rely upon aborted fetal cells.
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