Any EWTN viewers out there?

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i just have a question. the other day i was going through the channels an in the fundamental channel i saw a priest talking there do anyone of you knows who he is?:confused: i also enjoy ewtv although now i been watching the olympics games. once they are finish i will watch more of the ewtv. :blessyou:


I don’t watch TV and don’t have cable, so I couldn’t watch EWTN anyway but appearing on Marcus Grodi’s show was extremely gratifying. The response has shownseveral people may now be more willing to consider the Church . . . Praise be to God.
I thank God everyday for EWTN! I’ve been blessed to have it available to me 24/7…I have it on all day long.:clapping:

Pray for Mother and the whole network that we will continue to have the quality programming that EWTN brings us. Annunciata:)
I have it on constantly, except when I’m watching a few other shows that I like…

Amish in the City
West Wing
Joan of Arcadia
The major cable system here in Sacramento only carries EWTN on weekdays during early morning and day time hours. So if you work M-F 8-5 you are outta luck for watching. 😦

Thanks be to God, at least we have Catholic radio here.
Used to be like that in my town for when the cable company decided to take advantage of the free feed of EWTN. Now, praise God, it’s on 24/7!

The only radio station I listen to, too, is the local Catholic radio station – which is 24/7, also!

For living in the most unchurched state in the nation, I’ve got it pretty good when it comes to Catholic media!

Now… if we can just spread the word about EWTN being available from your computer so that you don’t have to get it from your TV, we’d be in better shape!

**Live streaming EWTN - both television and radio**
I especially enjoy:
Life on the Rock
Web of Faith
The Daily Mass
Journey Home

And anything that has Fr. Groeshel on it. He inspires me.
These are my favorites too! Thanks to EWTN, I was inspired to go see Fr Groeschel at a conference put on by Ignatious Press along with Karl Keating and others. I’m glad to have had the opportunity since Fr Groeschel is no longer making public appearances. He had alot to do with my husband’s decision to go forward in becoming a member of the Church.
I really love many of the programs, especially the old Bishop Sheen series & anything with Father Groeschel. Although I’m a cradle Catholic, I watch “The Journey Home” as often as I can because it’s taught ME so much! Recently, I’ve also been trying to catch Fr. Corapi at least once a week too.

Having said that, I must confess that I never cared for Mother Angelica’s own program - I give her all the credit in the world for starting the station and hope that God always blesses her & her mission with it, but she often rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry!
I just love EWTN and watch it every day. Even though I am a cradle Catholic and attended Catholic Schools for 12 years, I feel that I have learned more from EWTN than I ever did in school. My favorite shows are: Journey Home, The World Over, Fr. Groeschel, Fr. Mitch and Fr. Corapi. This past Spring I traveled over 700 miles to attend a Fr. Corapi conference, and he is going to be in my City in October. Fr. Mitch is going to be here in November, and I am also looking forward to a trip to EWTN next Spring. One other thing, if you have Catholic Radio in your location, TURN IT ON. You’ll love it and learn more and more every day.
The good news is that EWTN is a grand means of enhancing Catholic formation. The bad news is EWTN is relied upon when misjudgment has been shown by them. For example, EWTN hosted Alice Von Hildebrand’s round table, “Feminism and Femininity” which had a ringer from the notirous banned-in-Brazil group, Tradition, Family & Property/TFP. This group secretly promotes a “higher” vocation than the priesthood, the warrior-monk. This show disappeared forever, I hope, after the TFP connection was exposed.

More serious is the back-door promotion of the most banned apparition in Church history, The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate. Ida Peerdeman’s “Final Dogma” is represented by Franciscan University’s Mark Miravalle’s petition push, still on EWTN’s website the last time I looked.

Scott Hahn likes to tinker with Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate as divorcing this bogus “Final Dogma” from condemned seer Ida Peerdeman, which he legalistically has the right to do. And the Franciscan link with Medjugorje, forbidden by the local bishop whom the Franciscans’ overrided, is disturbing. So don’t forget that Peter and the Apostles, the Pope and the Bishops, may alone be relied on for authoritative, divinely-guided teaching.

May the Lord grant us discernment, and give us holy prelates to guide is in making us pleasing children of God. AMEN
I would undoubetly have EWTN if cable TV were within my budget, but it isn’t, so I see it only very occasionally if it happens to be on in a household where I am visiting.
My favorites are the Holy Land Rosary with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy (particularly in song on the weekends) The Journey Home (Go Marcus, you are great), Life on the Rock and The World Over Live. I happen to love classics by Mother Angelica. I find her to be hysterical!
. . . For example, EWTN hosted Alice Von Hildebrand’s round table, “Feminism and Femininity” which had a ringer from the notirous banned-in-Brazil group, Tradition, Family & Property/TFP. This group secretly promotes a “higher” vocation than the priesthood, the warrior-monk. This show disappeared forever, I hope, after the TFP connection was exposed.

More serious is the back-door promotion of the most banned apparition in Church history, The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate. Ida Peerdeman’s “Final Dogma” is represented by Franciscan University’s Mark Miravalle’s petition push, still on EWTN’s website the last time I looked.

Scott Hahn likes to tinker with Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate as divorcing this bogus “Final Dogma” from condemned seer Ida Peerdeman, which he legalistically has the right to do.
Concerning the “The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary . . .” prayer and apparition, etc., the local ordinary declared it in 2002 to be of supernatural origin, and the CDF declared this private devotion to be acceptable in the same year. For more information, click here . . .

Concerning the dogma/doctrine of “Mary Co-redemptrix,” you would do well to thoroughly review the following essays by the late Fr. William Most, which altogether make the case that this teaching has already been taught infallibly at the level of the ordinary Magisterium of the popes and councils across history – in other words, it only awaits a dogmatic definition “ex cathedra” much like the dogmas of the Assumption and Immaculate Conception once did:

Our Lady’s Cooperation in the Redemption

Cooperation in Redemption

Co-redemption and Queenship in Ad Caeli Reginam

I am disappointed to hear of a link between Alice von Hildebrand and TFP, or at least the connection between it and one of her programs on EWTN. But I don’t think the connection runs too deep, and was probably more the result of her being manipulated by TFP in her zeal for promoting a Traditionalist viewpoint. In other words, she may have helped to plug them, but probably wasn’t fully aware of the dubious nature of their organization and movement.

Now, the situation with the alleged apparitions at Medjugorje is complicated, but this “devotion” certainly has not been strictly supressed. I think Catholics could swing both directions on it in good faith and within bounds allowed by the institutional Church. Personally, I don’t follow it too closely. See the following . . .

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I love it, it is the primary reason I got a satilite dish, but please don’t tell my husband that. Where I live the only religous programing on the local channels is protestant, and hardcore at that.

Linda H.
The director of our local cable station is a lapsed Catholic and REFUSES to take advantage of the free service that ewtn offers - even the person who takes calls for new service freely admits that she hears all the time from Catholics (and non-Catholics) requesting the service. BTW, there are a lot of Catholics in this area who are daily praying that we’ll get EWTN. Any ideas on what tactics we need to employ?
The director of our local cable station is a lapsed Catholic and REFUSES to take advantage of the free service that ewtn offers - even the person who takes calls for new service freely admits that she hears all the time from Catholics (and non-Catholics) requesting the service. BTW, there are a lot of Catholics in this area who are daily praying that we’ll get EWTN. Any ideas on what tactics we need to employ?
First to your concerns before I comment on EWTN…

Ok, where are you?
Find out if your counties in your area have EWTN and inquire how they obtained it. Maybe some people in the surrounding areas can put ‘a grass roots’ effert going to convince your cable company to finally receive EWTN.

Second, what is your Bishop’s attitude towards EWTN? Maybe he can put some pressure on the situation.

Maybe put petitions out in your area churches to see just how much support would there be for EWTN in your area?

Now my thoughts about EWTN:
I streamlink it online…(and that would be goof for those who DO NOT have a way to receive it on cable or satellite (until you can get it in your area). I am satisfied with the Internet connection.
My favorite programs are:
Light of the East 1 and 2 (TV)
The Journey Home (radio or tv)
Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song. (TV)
The Rosary…any of them (radio or tv)
Of course Catholic Answers (Radio)
Morning and Evening Prayer (Radio)
Catholic Jukebox (Radio)
St. Joseph Radio Presents (Radio)
Open Line (radio)

The only regret I have is that except for Light of the East, there are no other programs for us Eastern Catholic. 😦
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