The director of our local cable station is a lapsed Catholic and REFUSES to take advantage of the free service that ewtn offers - even the person who takes calls for new service freely admits that she hears all the time from Catholics (and non-Catholics) requesting the service. BTW, there are a lot of Catholics in this area who are daily praying that we’ll get EWTN. Any ideas on what tactics we need to employ?
First to your concerns before I comment on EWTN…
Ok, where are you?
Find out if your counties in your area have EWTN and inquire how they obtained it. Maybe some people in the surrounding areas can put ‘a grass roots’ effert going to convince your cable company to finally receive EWTN.
Second, what is your Bishop’s attitude towards EWTN? Maybe he can put some pressure on the situation.
Maybe put petitions out in your area churches to see just how much support would there be for EWTN in your area?
Now my thoughts about EWTN:
I streamlink it online…(and that would be goof for those who DO NOT have a way to receive it on cable or satellite (until you can get it in your area). I am satisfied with the Internet connection.
My favorite programs are:
Light of the East 1 and 2 (TV)
The Journey Home (radio or tv)
Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song. (TV)
The Rosary…any of them (radio or tv)
Of course Catholic Answers (Radio)
Morning and Evening Prayer (Radio)
Catholic Jukebox (Radio)
St. Joseph Radio Presents (Radio)
Open Line (radio)
The only regret I have is that except for Light of the East, there are no other programs for us Eastern Catholic.