Any fans of C.S. Lewis here?

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My bad! I was referencing more his “Once Saved Always Saved” beliefs. Turns out he isn’t Calvinist but it seems some people say that he straddles the line with his beliefs. Interesting!
He doesn’t straddle the line but he does acknowledge the partial good within Calvinism - the emphasis on the magesty of God, and the need for a total conversion. I recall an essay he wrote reflecting on Pilgrim’s Progress - the good and bad aspects of Calvinism.

But Lewis also identified the good elements in other Christian traditions.
I’m a fan of his non fiction but (running for cover) never got into his fiction. But then again (running for cover again) I’m not a fan of Tolkien either.
This condition has been in the DSM for quite some time, I think!


Interesting. I had no idea the Mormons liked Lewis. I wouldn’t have thought they could identify with his beliefs.
It would only take a small bit of willful ignorance to think they were compatible.

Aslan is not a Christ gigue a symbol of Christ, or the Messiah for another world. He IS Christ, and this is actually said directly when Lucy leaves for home the last time (as well as being apparent throughout). Ignore this, and “Look! He became a god with his own world!” (Kind of like ignoring the resurrection and saying, “Look! He died!” :roll_eyes:

I’m a fan of his non fiction but (running for cover) never got into his fiction. But then again (running for cover again) I’m not a fan of Tolkien either.
@Zach, we will offer up extra Masses and prayers for you. You must need them. Heehee

ducks next to @dochawk

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Exactly. It takes persistent ignorance and twisting of his words to make Narnia or any of his writings fit the LDS theology.

Oh, well.
Tried reading this Protestant writer once.
Never again.
Tedious and condescending.
Deo gratias! Welcome home.

I enjoyed reading some of CS Lewis. As an 11 year old I would read the Swiss Family Robinson (by Johan Wyss) late at night. He was a “machine gun” preacher for a brief stint, which shows in his writing as he explains to his three sons about Heaven and Hell with an analogy (that I can’t recall exactly). It was the first book in its day that was written for youth entertainment and not merely moral instruction.

I am a sucker for GK Chesterton quotes, which I find amusing. It takes me a long time to read, because I take a lot in.
Tried reading this Protestant writer once.

Not in communion with Rome, but very much not Protestant.

Not all of CofE is Protestant . . . this writer remained in it because he expected that with the involvement of himself and others, Come would re-enter communion with Rome. Had he known that this effort would fail, he would have transitioned to RCC (as others did).

Lewis stayed in CofE in order to try to bring the entire CofE into communion with Rome. Calling him “Protestant” verges on offensive . . .

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Not all of CofE is Protestant . . . this writer remained in it because he expected that with the involvement of himself and others, Come would re-enter communion with Rome. Had he known that this effort would fail, he would have transitioned to RCC (as others did).

Lewis stayed in CofE in order to try to bring the entire CofE into communion with Rome . Calling him “Protestant” verges on offensive . . .
I agree that not all CofE is on the low church side of the faith, and I certainly agree that calling him Protestant in that context borders on rude and offensive. Where I don’t agree is that Lewis was waiting for the church to re-enter communion with Rome. I hear this statement quite a bit, but only from RCs. Just as I hear that Lewis’s writings spoke to LDS beliefs. Perhaps a bit of wishful thinking. His family and biographers, I believe, say differently.
Yes! Mere Christianity, the Abolition of Man, The Space Trilogy.
I need to read more.
Where I don’t agree is that Lewis was waiting for the church to re-enter communion with Rome. I hear this statement quite a bit, but only from RCs.
He was part of the Oxford Movement. This was their goal/purpose.

Not Lewis as an individual, but this group.


The late Lyman Stebbins was an Episcopalian who, in the 1940s, was leaning towards the RCC. He wrote to his hero C.S. Lewis for guidance. This may interest readers here. If you want, you can skip down several paragraphs to “May 9, 1945”, if you only desire to read the Lewis part.
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There appears to have been development in Lewis’ assessment of the RCC. In a new preface written I the 1940s, he regretted certain references he had included in A Pilgrim’s Regress a decade earlier. I think he definitely would have “developed”, a great deal, his ideas about the Anglican Communion had he lived a few more decades. I think if he were alive now he would be in the Continuum. If there were no Continuum parish nearby, he would attend a local RCC.
That was a fascinating correspondence. I read through to the end. Thank you for sharing this.
“Then those people are right who say that Heaven and Hell are only states of mind?”
“Hush,” said he sternly. “Do not blaspheme. Hell is a state of mind–ye never said a truer word. And every state of mind, left to itself, every shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind–is, in the end, Hell. But Heaven is not a state of mind. Heaven is reality itself. All that is fully real is Heavenly. For all that can be shaken will be shaken and only the unshakable remains.” C.S. Lewis The Great Divorce chp. 9
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