Any Orange County, CA? Protest Planned Parenthood May 30

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Planned Parenthood is having a big black-tie gala on May 30, 2008 in Irvine. Just wondering if anyone out there would like to protest at this disgusting company’s affair. I just watched a short video that shows how they push for kids to “have fun” because, cha-ching, then they sell more condoms and birth control, and when those don’t work, cha-ching, they sell more abortions. Ugh. Thirty-percent of their revenue is our tax dollars. Anyone interested??
Planned Parenthood is having a big black-tie gala on May 30, 2008 in Irvine. Just wondering if anyone out there would like to protest at this disgusting company’s affair. I just watched a short video that shows how they push for kids to “have fun” because, cha-ching, then they sell more condoms and birth control, and when those don’t work, cha-ching, they sell more abortions. Ugh. Thirty-percent of their revenue is our tax dollars. Anyone interested??
My cousin and her husband live in Orange, both Catholics. Maybe I’ll mention this to them.

In Christ,
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