Any Orthodox here?

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Just curious are there any Orthodox here? I have been studying about that Church.
Are you cradle or convert? If convert why did you convert?
I’m Ukrainian Greek Catholic, btw.

IIRC, @ReaderT, @Isaac14 and @George720 are Orthodox.
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Yeah, a few. But I am not one of them. If you name it, we (probably) have it at CAF
I’m Orthodox. I can’t speak for others here, but since this is a Catholic forum for promoting Catholicism, I’m hesitant to talk too much about converting to Orthodoxy out of respect.
Oops! Sorry I forgot you, @Isaac14. I edited my above post.
Thank you. Yes understandable. Can you recommend any good Orthodox forums?
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Thank you. I guess maybe I should not have asked about conversion. I forgot that might cause offense on a Catholic site. GLad to see you!
Thank you. I guess maybe I should not have asked about conversion. I forgot that might cause offense on a Catholic site. GLad to see you!
No worries! Welcome!
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Orthodox here. My family is Roman Catholic so I am very Catholic friendly.

Hello. Yes I am Orthodox. Was born into the Orthodox Church (baptized and chrismated as an infant), then I became an atheist. Then I became a Protestant (Nondenomination and then Lutheran), then I almost became Roman Catholic, but then I decided to go back to Orthodoxy instead and now here I am for life.
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I’m an Orthodox convert.

I was raised A/G (Pentecostal), did a short stint as a Baptist, and went to a Christian mega church for an even shorter stint before declaring myself a deist and not going anywhere for most of my twenties. I quit going to those churches as I found them pointless, I was over it, and I thought I was done with Christianity.

I decided to visit an Orthodox parish with my husband after deciding to read about it on a whim. I chickened out in the parking lot at least two Sundays before finally making it inside. It was so peaceful we just kept showing up every week. One Sunday we were so late that communion was already going on and I overtly felt the presence of God just walking into the narthex. It was then that I decided to convert.
Just curious are there any Orthodox here? I have been studying about that Church.
Are you cradle or convert? If convert why did you convert?
I was a 36 year atheist who encountered God, then 14 years as a private theist until God told me I was Christian, then led me into the Eastern Orthodox Faith… I had spent 14 years looking for people who knew God as I did, and found only an occasional isolated individual who did - Then found Orthodoxy, whose Saints know Him as I do…

But I am not a normal Christian…
Though a monk I know tells me I am “one of us”…
(So I pray for him… 🙂 )
OK, so a little humor, ok?

I am not happy sharing details about my life online, but I am also Orthodox, baptized in the Serbian Orthodox Church in a predominantly secularist/protestant country.

May I ask what sparked your interest in our faith?
It’s kind of complicated when I have time I will explain it but I got a catalogue that had icons and books and I was interested already in Federica Matthews Green as I had read some of her articles in First Things and ordered her book " FAcing East." and then Bishop Kallistos Ware’s "the Orthodox Church. I didn’t even know exactly what the Orthodox Church was until I was in my early thirties and took a class (30 years ago)and in many ways it checks off a lot of boxes for me. Sadly, in the part of the US where I live Orthodox Churches are rare, and so the closest one is almost 2 hours away. I was also intrigued when Hank Hanegraff the Bible Answer man became Orthodox, also Jarislov Pelikan the Lutheran Scholar converted to Orthodox before his death.
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I know this is a Catholic forum but as a Catholic I think it’d be nice to have an Orthodox sub-forum here. It would be nice to be able to have discussions with our brothers and sisters.
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I know this is a Catholic forum but as a Catholic I think it’d be nice to have an Orthodox sub-forum here. It would be nice to be able to have discussions with our brothers and sisters.
To some extent I would say that the Eastern Catholic forum works toward that cause.

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