Luckily for me, mr spiritual director also happens to be one of the diocese vocations director, so I’m very blessed about that!
Good! That’s so exciting! Just in case you don’t know how to bring the topic up to him, you can always ask if he has a copy of
To Save a Thousand Souls with him. And surely he will bring up the topic for you.
As mentioned, definitely get into a prayer schedule and stick to it. Don’t go overboard like I did. I was praying the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Rosary, and the Divine Mercy chaplet, reading the Bible, praying other prayers, writing a journal, etc. all in one day. While all of those are awesome, after a week, I strayed from the schedule and eventually stopped doing all of them. Start with something simple, like, “Rosary 0700-0720, Bible reading 1930-2030.”
One thing I forgot to mention is to frequent a Eucharistic Adoration. It is really awesome to get to talk to Jesus where He is literally face-to-face with you. I’m blessed to have a parish thatcalled Confession and Eucharistic Adoration at the same most-convenient time. If you don’t have that, perhaps suggest that to your parish priest. That saved me from a lot of things, and I definitely recommend it.
Definitely read about Padre Pioneer. I assume that you don’t have a time to read a whole book about him, but there is one out there called
Padre Pio: The True Story by a guy named Ruffian. I haven’t finished the book yet, but it seems like an easy read. My patron saints are St. Padre Pio and St. Anthony of Padua. Both of them are priests.