Not familiar with them. That’s what Google is for!Hey guys, don’t forget about the Legionaries of Christ!
Not familiar with them. That’s what Google is for!Hey guys, don’t forget about the Legionaries of Christ!
My grandfather spent two years in their seminary in Ireland in the late 1960s. They had a party in his house before he went off to the L of C seminary and he was given a brand new watch and a lovely ink pen as well. When he got there the watch was taken off him and destroyed and he was given a leaky pen instead of his brand new lovely one which the superiors took. I won’t document it here for the sake of everyone’s health and that it’s not really my business to discuss it but he only remembered how much abuse went on there. He left because of it…Hey guys, don’t forget about the Legionaries of Christ!
FSSP for the win!Really. I was thinking the same about the fssp and institute of Christ the King sovereign priest
Yeah, Maciel and those like him really wrecked Regnum Christi’s reputation. HOWEVER, I personally know a few L of C’s and they rock. We had a nerf-gun fight with some of 'em at our house, once. XD I think they’ve come a long way, in America, at least.My grandfather spent two years in their seminary in Ireland in the late 1960s. They had a party in his house before he went off to the L of C seminary and he was given a brand new watch and a lovely ink pen as well. When he got there the watch was taken off him and destroyed and he was given a leaky pen instead of his brand new lovely one which the superiors took. I won’t document it here for the sake of everyone’s health and that it’s not really my business to discuss it but he only remembered how much abuse went on there. He left because of it…
They’ve been tarnished in such a way especially in this country because of the actions of Marcial Maciel and their few members here. I wish them well and I think their orders ideals if you like are honourable but they’ve been tarnished in such a way, it’d be just very hard to join them given their history, like the Irish Christian Brothers.
Really? HahahaYeah, Maciel and those like him really wrecked Regnum Christi’s reputation. HOWEVER, I personally know a few L of C’s and they rock. We had a nerf-gun fight with some of 'em at our house, once. XD I think they’ve come a long way, in America, at least.
Really?? That’s bizarre to me. You must have great priests like that over in the States or wherever. I could never imagine playing any sort of sport with a priest like that. It’s not that they are old or anything, we have young priests it’s just that they’re not that personal or informal with people. We love and respect them and they’re great priests but it’s a formal affair. They wouldn’t do such things…Have you never played games with priests before? The ones at my parish will happily play soccer, basketball, dodgeball or any other sport any time.![]()
Ah ok. Well that’s fair enough…Most priests in the us aren’t like that. We have a small order of Spanish priests (The disciples of the hearts of Jesus and Mary) that runs are parish, and they are much more alive than most diocesan priests.
They are a traditional congregation dedicated to advancing the Church’s mission in the world. They train their priests for this goal in four ways if you like: human, spiritual, intellectual and apostolic. They undergo incredibly rigorous study to fulfill those goals and become priests so much so that they have been described as the “Marine Corps of the Catholic Church.” Lately they have been tarred in scandal in the past few years as it has emerged that the orders founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel broke his vow of celicaby by fathering several children and it emerged that he had also sexually abused minors.What are the Legionnaires all about exactly?
But was he the only founder? I’m asking legitimately; I really don’t know, haha! I think it’s a prime case of “God can make good out of any evil”, anyway.… the orders founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel
Oh yeah, here in the States we’re getting a good amount of young priests who really connect with the people around them. It’s a beautiful thing.Really? Hahaha. You couldn’t imagine them taking part in nerf-gun fights. Especially when you see them in the black cassocks. They look almost very foreboding or stern in pictures. I know that’s a silly notion though as they’re personally very gentle and smiley to a large extent when they are being interviewed but it’s hard to imagine that I suppose nonetheless. That image made me smile haha. You can see that they’re very devout and they are only one of a few orders that really stand out in my mind as being really on fire with just an incredible love for Christ and holy mother Church. You’re true in saying that though that they’ve come a long way, even in Ireland. They’ve so many reforms in place now that you won’t see any of that old carry on ever again in their order. I feel sorry for them in that regard that they’ve been tarnished to such a large extent. I see you said your brother has been thinking about the priesthood for a long time. I didn’t catch whether or not you mentioned an order he’s interested in. Would he be interested in joining the Legionaries? I didn’t convey the goodness in their work in my previous message so I must stress that again. I don’t dislike them rather I was just pointing out their past history as a topic for discussion seeing as I have somewhat of a family involvement with them. They do admirable work and that should be clear above all…
Yes, he founded the Legionaries of Christ aged just 21 in 1941 and Regnum Christi in 1959 aged 39. You’re very wise - I heard one of the Legionaries come to the same conclusion when he was assessing the now revised legacy of Marcial Maciel. Even saints obviously to a much lesser degree had various afflictions, I mean child sexual abuse is quite frankly inexcusable but in the same right, it’s quite sad his legacy was tarnished or mired in such a way. Humans are more complex beings than an action or two. He was respected and known as the “greatest fundraiser in the Church”. You won’t hear much of that now, unfortunately.But was he the only founder? I’m asking legitimately; I really don’t know, haha! I think it’s a prime case of “God can make good out of any evil”, anyway.
That’s a blessing. We need great priests, not just priests, to preach all the truths of the gospel on complex matters like abortion and sexuality and we don’t have enough doing that. All the ones who do are quite young and the seminaries are thronged with people who love holy mother Church and who have an ardent desire to share the truth lovingly, without compromise. It’s great to see priests being comfortable with the laity like that. People must think I’m nuts for saying it but but it’s a very joyous thing, I think. Haha, that’s it - I’m sure you gave it back to the poor priest as good as you got itOh yeah, here in the States we’re getting a good amount of young priests who really connect with the people around them. It’s a beautiful thing.Besides, there’s nothing like being creamed by a Legionary in a brutal game of “air hockey”, haha! Yeah, I don’t think he knows which order yet. I would guess Legion of Christ, though, if I had to. It’s the order we’ve been around the most, so
Kind of like me maybe becoming Consecrated. But, only God knows thus far.
Holy moly, no wonder he was so praised before everything else was discovered! Ha, thanks! My Mom was around when that *and the Corapi (spelling?) scandal broke. She pointed out how the devil targets such holy giants, and how we really must pray for the more public and “powerful” priests. I can’t help but agree. Anyway, yeah, it’s amazing. The cliche “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” is incredibly true. Hmm, I should start a book of cliches. XDYes, he founded the Legionaries of Christ aged just 21 in 1941 and Regnum Christi in 1959 aged 39. You’re very wise - I heard one of the Legionaries come to the same conclusion when he was assessing the now revised legacy of Marcial Maciel. Even saints obviously to a much lesser degree had various afflictions, I mean child sexual abuse is quite frankly inexcusable but in the same right, it’s quite sad his legacy was tarnished or mired in such a way. Humans are more complex beings than an action or two. He was respected and known as the “greatest fundraiser in the Church”. You won’t hear much of that now, unfortunately.
So true! I don’t think that’s nuts at all, I agree entirely. I mean, Jesus went fishing with His disciples all the time!That’s a blessing. We need great priests, not just priests, to preach all the truths of the gospel on complex matters like abortion and sexuality and we don’t have enough doing that. All the ones who do are quite young and the seminaries are thronged with people who love holy mother Church and who have an ardent desire to share the truth lovingly, without compromise. It’s great to see priests being comfortable with the laity like that. People must think I’m nuts for saying it but but it’s a very joyous thing, I think. Haha, that’s it - I’m sure you gave it back to the poor priest as good as you got it…
Do you have any plans to become consecrated? I’ve never done much research into that avenue. Excuse my ignorance, I know the basics like you agree to remain celibate and you marry Jesus in some sort of ceremony but what does it involve? Praying regardless that you will be happy and contented in whatever path God leads you to…
I’d think the same - it does certainly look like he was corrupted or “corrupty” as you put it by the devil. I assume you mean Fr. John Corapi? I hadn’t heard of that scandal but I’ve scanned through it there on Wikipedia and he seems an interesting figure in many ways. A millionaire debauched real estate developer, a vagrant, an almost saintly priest judging by apparitions he supposedly received and then an exile from his ministry for undisclosed reasons but anyway that’s that…Holy moly, no wonder he was so praised before everything else was discovered! Ha, thanks! My Mom was around when that *and the Corapi (spelling?) scandal broke. She pointed out how the devil targets such holy giants, and how we really must pray for the more public and “powerful” priests. I can’t help but agree. Anyway, yeah, it’s amazing. The cliche “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” is incredibly true. Hmm, I should start a book of cliches. XD
*I like to call him “Corrupty”, but I don’t know if God approves of that. XD
I always find it funny to see clergy and such wear rings to denote a “marriage to God.” Maybe it’s inappropriate but I just think it’s amusing nonetheless…So true! I don’t think that’s nuts at all, I agree entirely. I mean, Jesus went fishing with His disciples all the time!And yes, well, I plead the fifth to the dent that’s in the surface of the table now…
More or less; I really don’t know where I’m being called to yet. I’ve gone on many retreats that were staffed by Consecrated women, and I loved them. But then, I’m not opposed to being a nun or a sister either. That said, I can totally see myself married with tons of kids too, so who knows!
Well, I know a lot of work goes into it. It takes many years (I want to say ten, but I could be wrong) to actually become consecrated. First you get a degree (I forget in what - maybe it’s just a degree in general), which usually takes about four years here in the U.S. Then you spend two years as kind of a volunteer/missionary with Regnum Christi, kind of like your novitiate. Or maybe it is the novitiate. I feel horrible; one woman explained it all to me, and now I’ve forgotten. XD Anyway, at the end of that service period, you take your final vows (not poverty, chastity and obedience, though, I forget what their specific ones are) and then you’re consecrated! As far as the “requirements” are, I know they all wear skirts, but I don’t remember if that’s required. But yes, they get a little ring to denote their marriage to God (I like to think it’s to keep the guys away. XD) and they remain celibate too. Your ignorance is excused, as I’m not much better.Thank you for the prayers! Consider them mutual.
I always find it funny to see clergy and such wear rings to denote a “marriage to God.” Maybe it’s inappropriate but I just think it’s amusing nonetheless…
Not that it’s wrong in anyway and they are married to God, really. The notion itself is funny though somehow…