I am an Ex-Pentecostal…actually I would say that I am a “Completed” pentecostal. Because to be pentecostal is to be Catholic…because the Catholic Church was born on the day of Pentecost! Amen!
Anyway, it sounds to me that your brother is dating a girl who is “Jesus Only” pentecostal…by “Jesus Only” I am talking about a sect in pentecostalism that denies the Trinity. It is an ancient heresy called Modalism. The modern version of modalism begain to take shape in the early pentecost revival. As a matter of fact, the issue took shape in the Assemblies of God. At a camp meeting in California in 1914 at a place called Arroyo Seco. There a preacher preached a baptism service…at the center of his message was the fact that scripture mentions the apostles baptizing in the name of Jesus…(Acts 2:38, Acts 19:5…ect)…this started a movement with in the movement…in which people begain to “meditate” on this “message”…by the end of the camp meeting the lines where clearly drawn in the sand…
That same year the A/G drew up its “Statement of Fundemental Truths” stating: “We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”…after this statement the A/G officially ousted the “Jesus Only” proponents…They went to form their own organizations…
Basically they teach a form of extreme monotheism…they state that the doctrine of the Trinity is a pagan ideal, and that the true belief of the early church was that of “Oneness”, or “Jesus Only”…let me see if I can give you a “run down” really quickly of what they believe in a “nut shell”…they believe that there is One God, and that in the beginning that God was known by the name Jehovah, or Lord…they maintain usually quoting Isaiah as their source that Jehovah promised to come in the Flesh…
Where they go wrong is they believe that God holds different “offices” at different times…i.e. in the beginning he held the “office” of Creator, Father, ect…in the redemption he held the “office” of Son, and now in the Church age He hold the “office” of Holy Ghost. They maintain that the proper name of God is Jesus, and they will also tell you that Jesus is the Father, Jesus is the Son, and Jesus is the Holy Ghost.
They also believe that baptism is required for salvation, but they believe that to be baptized in the trinitarian formula is heresy…and they baptize their converts in the name of Jesus Only…They also, believe that to be saved one must speak in tongues…
It is a very dangerous, anti-catholic, movement that holds to a personal standard of “holiness” usually abstaining from makeup, jewelry, television, movies, “mixed” swimming, girls are forbidden to cut their hair, they are also forbidden to where pants, or shorts, or any such thing…ect…that is what the are known for in the outside world…however, their doctrine is what seperates them from the rest of Christendom…the major organization that holds to “Jesus Only” or “Oneness” is the United Pentecostal Church International (or UPC, or UPCI)…other smaller organizations include the Assemblies of The Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC), or the Pentecostal Assemblies of The World (PAW)…
Hope this helps,
Anyway, it sounds to me that your brother is dating a girl who is “Jesus Only” pentecostal…by “Jesus Only” I am talking about a sect in pentecostalism that denies the Trinity. It is an ancient heresy called Modalism. The modern version of modalism begain to take shape in the early pentecost revival. As a matter of fact, the issue took shape in the Assemblies of God. At a camp meeting in California in 1914 at a place called Arroyo Seco. There a preacher preached a baptism service…at the center of his message was the fact that scripture mentions the apostles baptizing in the name of Jesus…(Acts 2:38, Acts 19:5…ect)…this started a movement with in the movement…in which people begain to “meditate” on this “message”…by the end of the camp meeting the lines where clearly drawn in the sand…
That same year the A/G drew up its “Statement of Fundemental Truths” stating: “We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”…after this statement the A/G officially ousted the “Jesus Only” proponents…They went to form their own organizations…
Basically they teach a form of extreme monotheism…they state that the doctrine of the Trinity is a pagan ideal, and that the true belief of the early church was that of “Oneness”, or “Jesus Only”…let me see if I can give you a “run down” really quickly of what they believe in a “nut shell”…they believe that there is One God, and that in the beginning that God was known by the name Jehovah, or Lord…they maintain usually quoting Isaiah as their source that Jehovah promised to come in the Flesh…
Where they go wrong is they believe that God holds different “offices” at different times…i.e. in the beginning he held the “office” of Creator, Father, ect…in the redemption he held the “office” of Son, and now in the Church age He hold the “office” of Holy Ghost. They maintain that the proper name of God is Jesus, and they will also tell you that Jesus is the Father, Jesus is the Son, and Jesus is the Holy Ghost.
They also believe that baptism is required for salvation, but they believe that to be baptized in the trinitarian formula is heresy…and they baptize their converts in the name of Jesus Only…They also, believe that to be saved one must speak in tongues…
It is a very dangerous, anti-catholic, movement that holds to a personal standard of “holiness” usually abstaining from makeup, jewelry, television, movies, “mixed” swimming, girls are forbidden to cut their hair, they are also forbidden to where pants, or shorts, or any such thing…ect…that is what the are known for in the outside world…however, their doctrine is what seperates them from the rest of Christendom…the major organization that holds to “Jesus Only” or “Oneness” is the United Pentecostal Church International (or UPC, or UPCI)…other smaller organizations include the Assemblies of The Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC), or the Pentecostal Assemblies of The World (PAW)…
Hope this helps,