Any pet rabbit owners?

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Uh, well, they TRY sometimes!!😉 We have a beautiful male house bunny. We let him out periodically to get some exercise in the house. We also have a female cat. Boy bunny is absolutely convinced girl cat is really a girl rabbit (either that or that he is boy cat!!). So both animals get lots of exercise - the bunny chasing the cat, and the cat trying not to get caught!!:love:
Probably helps if they were raised together. We had two dogs also when we had “Thumper.” They slept together and thought they were related. It’s was so funny to watch the Bunny chase the dog and Vice Versa. 🙂
Rabbits are good pets & easy to care for. We used to raise them when I was growing up, but for food.
well it sounds like you have the found the rabbit’s home. that’s good.

i have a rabbit myself, had her since she was 7 weeks old and she’s now 7 years old! it’s funny how attached i am to a rabbit, but she’s my buddy.

anyway, if you need it, rabbit pellets are fine food and they’re pretty cheap and they like timothy hay too, both of which can be found at pet stores. the rabbit pellets i can even get at my local hardware store.

rabbits are a funny pet… ours lives in a cage in our house with us and she’s litter trained just like a cat. we let her out only when we’re around since she has taken a liking to munching on our carpet! but she hops around and sniffs whatever she can get her nose into. then when she gets pooped out, she’ll spread out on the living room floor and relax. she’s so fun…

anyways, hope everything works out with this bunny. 🙂
I love rabbits!!! They are so cute!!! My little sister has a stuffed animal rabbit…I like it so much…I take it a lot and hug it when ever I need a hug…😃
Oddly enough, an update.

Well, the bunny in question is now in our custody. The neighbors got a dog, the dog terrorized the bunny, and the kids voted to keep the dog because they can play more roughly with it. So when the neighbors asked if we knew anyone who wanted a rabbit, we volunteered. Now we’re just trying to figure out how to introduce her to the cats without starting World War III. 😃
That’s great news! I am glad the bunny found a loving permanent home.

I had a pet rabbit growing up and loved her to pieces. She unfortunately died from a very large hairball.(Rabbits can’t vomit). We got surgery to remove it but rabbits are very fragile and she died shortly after…

I think I read something about pineapple enzymes helping to dissolve hairballs in bunnies… maybe you can find out.

Good luck with the cats! Our bunny kicked our cats butts, lol. As long as they have their individual “territories” I think they will learn to tolerate eachother’s presence, lol.

Rabbits make great pets and can live both inside and out. I had rabbits for years before going away to school. My rabbits also hated to be put in or taken out of their cages, and we gave them lots of attention. I hope this is the case with your neighbors bunny. Do you have a 4-H or FFA program in your area if you are thinking about getting a rabbit I would look into one of these programs. They will teach you and your kids alot about your rabbit, including how to handle the rabbit and look for signs of illness and lots of fun bunny facts like rabbits have 28-32 teeth. You will need to purchase a rabbit from a breeder as they have to be show quality usually around 30-40 dollars although some breeders sell them cheaper to 4-H kids. Rabbits come in all sizes so I am sure you will be able to find one that is just right for your family. Good Luck!
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