Any Scientific Discoveries with only Positive Uses?

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I’ve come across a spectrum of dispositions and opinions in these forums on the opic of science and morality. I came across a quote that I wanted to share to see if others agree or disagree and why.

“Author W. Galston"Nothing that you do in science is guaranteed to result in benefits for mand kind. Any discovery I believe is morally neutral. And it can be turned either to constructive or destructive ends. And that’s not the fault of science.” [/QUOTE said:
The man from which this quote came was a botanist that had invented a growth regulator that was meant to accelerate plant growth. It was discovered that by over applying the substance he invented it could be used to kill plants. The chemical was used by the British and USA military and named after one of the colors of the container in which it was shipped; Agent Orange. The toxic amounts used were also found to have negative impacts on humans that could pass from one generation to another. (For those not easily disturbed a google image search on the phrase “Agent Orange” brings up some rather disturbing pictures of what it can do to humans).

A lot of scientific discoveries can be used for negative and positive motivations and outcomes. Do you think there are any scientific discoveries that can only be used for positive ends?

A lot of scientific discoveries can be used for negative and positive motivations and outcomes. Do you think there are any scientific discoveries that can only be used for positive ends?
Science is morally neutral. Science simply means “knowledge”. There are no limits as to how this knowledge might be applied.
Astronomy’s the first thing that comes to mind. Or harmonics, if that counts as science.
Technology is linked to scientific discoveries. I like my droid phone.
Technology is linked to scientific discoveries. I like my droid phone.
I’m confused by your response to this question.
I am very sure you did not answer the question.

Title: Any Scientific Discoveries with only Positive Uses?

You may personally use your phone in a Positive way. Since the OP does not lay out a groundwork for every senario possible, and what are and what are not positive uses I could be a bit hasty in saying that. However, I am sure you must be aware that phones (even ones just like your droid that you like) can be used for purposes that many if not most or all of us would agree are not being used in a positive way.
So, as you can see I am very confused by your answer.
My understanding is based on the Great Commandment or The First Commandment.

Love the Lord God with your entire being.

I believe that the original sin broke the “original commandment,” love God, etc.

I believe that the Tree of Life is the Great Commandment.

And that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (our human wisdom and love) must be directed by the Tree of Life.

Thus, gunpowder is good if it is used with loving knowledge directed by the Tree of Life. As a farmer one might use it to remove trees and so forth.
My understanding is based on the Great Commandment or The First Commandment.

Love the Lord God with your entire being.

I believe that the original sin broke the “original commandment,” love God, etc.

I believe that the Tree of Life is the Great Commandment.

And that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (our human wisdom and love) must be directed by the Tree of Life.

Thus, gunpowder is good if it is used with loving knowledge directed by the Tree of Life. As a farmer one might use it to remove trees and so forth.
He’s not asking to evaluate a Scientific Discovery to be good or bad.
He is asking for us to determine if there is a Scientific Discovery that can only be used in a positive nature, Positive and never ever anything else, never distorted by man.

It is like asking if Marriage is any good at all when marriages end up in divorce.
I was going to say that any discovery that was entirely neutral, that just added to our understanding of the world, would be a contender. Like evolution.

But then…
A lot of scientific discoveries can be used for negative and positive motivations and outcomes. Do you think there are any scientific discoveries that can only be used for positive ends?
There must be. The astronomer’s telescope, for example? It yields information about the universe that can hardly be called negative.

I think there are many more scientific discoveries that can only be used for negative or destructive ends … nuclear weapons, for example.

And I wonder if the amount of cash put into inventing and stockpiling nuclear weapons exceeds the cash put into any positive scientific project.
I think there are many more scientific discoveries that can only be used for negative or destructive ends … nuclear weapons, for example.
Hmmm…not sure about that one. While a weapon is an application of discoveries of nuclear processes the discoveries themselves have been used both constructively and destructively. On a related note it’s reported that for 20 years 10% of the USA’s power grid was fueled by the material of repurposed russian nuclear warheads [ref].
And I wonder if the amount of cash put into inventing and stockpiling nuclear weapons exceeds the cash put into any positive scientific project.
Some what related, the USA’s development of rockets for putting satellites in orbits and getting men to the moon started off with the Nazi’s (and Werner von Braun, later hired by NASA) making rockets to bomb Britain. The Saturn V’s F-1 rocket engine was derive from the design of the Nazi V-2 bombs.
Hmmm…not sure about that one. While a weapon is an application of discoveries of nuclear processes the discoveries themselves have been used both constructively and destructively. On a related note it’s reported that for 20 years 10% of the USA’s power grid was fueled by the material of repurposed russian nuclear warheads [ref].

Some what related, the USA’s development of rockets for putting satellites in orbits and getting men to the moon started off with the Nazi’s (and Werner von Braun, later hired by NASA) making rockets to bomb Britain. The Saturn V’s F-1 rocket engine was derive from the design of the Nazi V-2 bombs.
Nuclear weapons were not invented for positive purposes.

It remains to be seen whether nuclear energy will prove a boon or a curse.
I’ve come across a spectrum of dispositions and opinions in these forums on the opic of science and morality. I came across a quote that I wanted to share to see if others agree or disagree and why.

The man from which this quote came was a botanist that had invented a growth regulator that was meant to accelerate plant growth. It was discovered that by over applying the substance he invented it could be used to kill plants. The chemical was used by the British and USA military and named after one of the colors of the container in which it was shipped; Agent Orange. The toxic amounts used were also found to have negative impacts on humans that could pass from one generation to another. (For those not easily disturbed a google image search on the phrase “Agent Orange” brings up some rather disturbing pictures of what it can do to humans).

A lot of scientific discoveries can be used for negative and positive motivations and outcomes. Do you think there are any scientific discoveries that can only be used for positive ends?
From the Christian perspective and opinion for now only as usual, which is also involved in setting a good example in many ways…Will defend a position of …false.

In the Lords Prayer itself , the directive is clear, lead us not into temptation.

A leading USA Biologist was interviewed on TV with respects to the immoral cloning and bringing back critters which do NOT and cannot survive properly in this environment.

When asked if the approach would be followed he commented don’t know and there are also moral issues.

The interviewer would of done well to ask for the difference, in this manipulation vrs kid napping right out of the naturally deserved crib of life ?

Dilly dallying in zones which would “invite outright theft, the root of all immorality” is clearly leading self into a position of temptation.

The infraction is, ignoring common sense leading self into the theft zone where $ and bribery and fame and threat has so much power in today’s world. So in opinion all exploration "at…cloning in principal is immoral in these times regardless. In these times almost everything in science is immoral in general relative to todays general man. The culture has almost no morals. So anything discovered , has little chance of respect. Its still a bomb mentality world , mankind isn’t there yet. / just an opinion or perspective for now, don’t get too excited about it, Im not one for a big showdown at the corral but we need to keep an eye on these guys.
Wanted to add in the opinion but didn’t have time, not dissuading careers or enthusiasm in the feild of science , the opposite in that good straight forward conscientious people in science is what is needed in today’s new communicating world.
Nuclear weapons were not invented for positive purposes.

It remains to be seen whether nuclear energy will prove a boon or a curse.
In some areas it may be (Three Mile Island, Fukushima). In some extraterrestrial applications it seems to be the only viable curse. But like you say, we’ll see with time.
A lot of scientific discoveries can be used for negative and positive motivations and outcomes. Do you think there are any scientific discoveries that can only be used for positive ends?
The current agent orange is glyphosphate, or “Roundup” It is a chemical that is a non-selective herbicide. It is currently being found in about 75% of air and water samples, and even in mother’s milk, due to it’s agricultural application to genetically modified food crops, especially corn and soy. Nations and districts are banning GMOs due to their harmful effects on humans, and potential infection of naturally occurring crops with modified genes. The FDA, Supreme Court and other agencies are riddled with former Monsanto executives, so in the US the problem is being kept under the radar.

What this points to, as does the agent orange phenomenon, and before it DDT, (both also Monsanto products) if anyone remembers that, is that generally speaking, if there is money involved, morals go out the window. So yes, of course scientific discoveries are neutral. Science is a methodology and has results that are useful according to the levels of awareness and charity of the user. Knives are neutral, and are used to cut things in the kitchen for the most part. But they have been murder weapons. Guns are made to kill. Period. That is why it is said not to point one unless that is the intention. But a gun can be used to protect oneself in the wild. It is ultimately a user question, not an existence question.
The Cosmos episode on Clair Patterson’s measurements of lead content (see here) only seems to have a positive side.
The Cosmos episode on Clair Patterson’s measurements of lead content (see here) only seems to have a positive side.
That was a good episode. Learned a lot! Seems that the series is doing a lot to revel the hidden role of women in many important discoveries!
Seems that the series is doing a lot to revel the hidden role of women in many important discoveries!
Especially the “Sisters of the Sun” episode, where the room full of computers turned out to be a room full of women doing astronomical calculations (see here).
Especially the “Sisters of the Sun” episode, where the room full of computers turned out to be a room full of women doing astronomical calculations (see here).
Yes. That is a very good one too. Actually, I’m of a mind to promote something called “Ada Lovelace Day” to celebrate all the women who contributed greatly to our lives, but were swept under the rug by a cowardly and ignorant patriarchy. Looking into having T shirts made.
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