Any Teenage Catholic converts/reverts?

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This is to all of the teens here! Are there any converts or reverts among you to Catholicism? I myself am a Catholic revert (although I wish to call myself more of a convert), since I am an Easter 2005 revert šŸ˜ƒ I received the Sacrament of Confirmation this Easter, and I was sixteen during the time.

My birthday passed, and now Iā€™m seventeen years old. YEY!!

So are there any of you out there? Care to share your conversion stories? (I will share mine in a shortened version when Iā€™m done my homework)ā€¦

Pax vobiscum! šŸ™‚
Currently convertingā€¦will post my story when I have more time later.
Iā€™m a revert to the Faith and am almost 19ā€¦been a revert for almost 4 yearsā€¦boy is it good to be Home. Love Mother Church. Perhaps Iā€™ll share the conversion a little later šŸ‘ God bless. Welcome Home Silverwings!
I am one. I was away from 8 to 18, then reverted my freshman year of college and was confirned the next year at 19 (Easter 2005).
Iā€™m going though the RCIA process. Easter 2006. Iā€™ll be 17. My best friend (although a guy) will be standing as my sponser.
Welcome ye unto the light of Catholicism, for she beareth the True Light of Christ, wherefrom all salvation resteth!

For me, I was saved in a Pentecostal Church on Friday the 13th in July (or June?) of 2003. But there were just too many things I just couldnā€™t believe. Firstly, it was the doctrine of Divine Health, believing that one could never get sick and that would mean that their faith would be genuine. If that person was sick or clinically ill, it meant that they believed that the personā€™s faith was weak.

I also could not understand Sola Scriptura, because I then believed that THAT was why so many groups in Protestantism keep splitting up.

Now, I went to Mass one day, and slowly and surely I joined RCIA when I was 15 years old in 2004. Eventually, I became a Catholic, and I am still a Charismatic Catholic too. I have a longer story which is on my blog at if anyone is interested!

šŸ™‚ Welcome home, ye youth of Sion!
i am a revert, i had been a pretty religious kid in elementary school, i believed beyond all doubt in God and Jesus, and i still remember my shock when i learned that not people believed in Him, but alas when i began reaching hte teenage years, i fell hard and fast. the end of my sophmore year i began to pick up the pieces, and the beginning of my junior year i realised the many ways that God had protected me, even when i was trying so hard to fight Him, to fight any form of authority, and i began to look back into my faith. i consider my date of reception back into the church to be december 24, 2004, the day i finally got up the guts to ask my parish priest for a confession (my first since elementary school), and since then, i have been following and learning all i can about our holy mother church. ive had my ups and downs, but in the past year, since my reversion, my whole outlook on life has changed - its great! i canā€™t believe how lucky i am to have such a loving father who never stopped loving me and calling me back, even when i disgraced Him. praise God!
three years ago:

lutheran cousin: why do you confess to a priest?
me: umā€¦ because we do.
cousin: canā€™t God forgive without a priest?
me: umā€¦ umā€¦
cousin: canā€™t he?
me: God can forgive any way he wants to. and that includes with a priest.

iā€™ve become obsessed with knowledge since then and i can defend the faith much more successfully now.

does that count?
three years ago:

lutheran cousin: why do you confess to a priest?
me: umā€¦ because we do.
cousin: canā€™t God forgive without a priest?
me: umā€¦ umā€¦
cousin: canā€™t he?
me: God can forgive any way he wants to. and that includes with a priest.

iā€™ve become obsessed with knowledge since then and i can defend the faith much more successfully now.

does that count?
LOL Iā€™m sure it does, if you truly believe it. šŸ™‚

Amen to that! I find myself that I must learn scripture to defend the Catholic faith than for devotional purposes. Tells you that we are always in constant attack.

Anyways, I hope that there are more teenage converts out there. We need the youth, and itā€™s about time we bring Catholicism in her proper ways! šŸ˜ƒ
I reverted when i joined Antioch, my youth group.
It opened my eyes to god.
A short while after that, i became obcessed.
Obcessed with God, and our holy mother church.



I read a chick tract.
ā€œAre catholics christians?ā€
I was appalled, and confused.
I wanted to know the truth.
I googled ā€œcatholicā€ for days on end, untill i came across catholic answers.
Then i joined the forums when the pope was elected.

I remembered all that just thenā€¦
I reverted when i joined Antioch, my youth group.
It opened my eyes to god.
A short while after that, i became obcessed.
Obcessed with God, and our holy mother church.



I read a chick tract.
ā€œAre catholics christians?ā€
I was appalled, and confused.
I wanted to know the truth.
I googled ā€œcatholicā€ for days on end, untill i came across catholic answers.
Then i joined the forums when the pope was elected.

I remembered all that just thenā€¦
I love those jack Chick tractsā€¦ the Death cookie, and that Catholics and false Christians are going to Hell for saying that Mary is the mother of God! le gasp Donā€™t forget that evil satanic diabolic dark NIVā€¦ šŸ˜ƒ

Iā€™m sorry. Itā€™s Jack Chick. I got my Protestant friends looking at it, and she was even laughing at it. I think for my finding here was for apologetics, since I wanted to know for myself instead of getting second opinions from my Protestant friends.
hey, Iā€™m a convert and I came in Easter Vigil '04 and Iā€™m 15. I donā€™t come around here too often anymore, but I decided that Iā€™d pay a visit after reading one of Karl Keatingā€™s E-Letters.

God bless
I reverted when i joined Antioch, my youth group.
It opened my eyes to god.
A short while after that, i became obcessed.
Obcessed with God, and our holy mother church.



I read a chick tract.
ā€œAre catholics christians?ā€
I was appalled, and confused.
I wanted to know the truth.
I googled ā€œcatholicā€ for days on end, untill i came across catholic answers.
Then i joined the forums when the pope was elected.

I remembered all that just thenā€¦
hehe, oh man, those darn chick tractsā€¦ šŸ˜›
Iā€™m not quite a teenager anymore, but I began to explore Catholicism when I was 19. Iā€™m now 21, halfway through RCIA, and eagerly awaiting reception of our Lord in the Eucharist!
While you are welcome to continue sharing your stories concerning an awakening, deepening, or conversion to faith, those posting in this thread might also be interested in our monthly TEENS thread in the Water Cooler.

The January 2006 TEENS thread can be found here.
Catherine Grant:
While you are welcome to continue sharing your stories concerning an awakening, deepening, or conversion to faith, those posting in this thread might also be interested in our monthly TEENS thread in the Water Cooler.

The January 2006 TEENS thread can be found here.
I was wondering why there was always a teens threadā€¦

(By the way, Nekic, ā€œobsessedā€ is spelled with an S.)
Iā€™m still a teenager (but not in 6 months!!!). Iā€™m 19 and Iā€™ll officially convert in April.
Wait a minute! My first theological argument goes way back to when we were very very little, maybe 5 years old. It went something like this:

ā€“What did you get for Christmas?
ā€“A Rosary. Look. (shows rosary)
ā€“Thatā€™s a necklace.
ā€“No, itā€™s a Rosary.
ā€“No, itā€™s a necklace.
ā€“No, my teacher said weā€™re not supposed to wear them around your neck.
ā€“Why not? Itā€™s a necklace.
ā€“I donā€™t know. It isnā€™t a necklace. Itā€™s a Rosary.

We didnā€™t argue theology again until we were about 14. I think she was 13, I was 14.
Wait a minute! My first theological argument goes way back to when we were very very little, maybe 5 years old. It went something like this:

ā€“What did you get for Christmas?
ā€“A Rosary. Look. (shows rosary)
ā€“Thatā€™s a necklace.
ā€“No, itā€™s a Rosary.
ā€“No, itā€™s a necklace.
ā€“No, my teacher said weā€™re not supposed to wear them around your neck.
ā€“Why not? Itā€™s a necklace.
ā€“I donā€™t know. It isnā€™t a necklace. Itā€™s a Rosary.

We didnā€™t argue theology again until we were about 14. I think she was 13, I was 14.
Awwā€¦ that is so cute!! šŸ™‚ I myself remember how my first religious argument wasnā€™t until I was in RCIA last year, and I was arguing on the existence of Purgatory.

But that is just plain cute šŸ˜› Kudos!! šŸ™‚
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