Not by all, and they’re still implicitly taken for granted in the natural sciences today. We can just update the illustrative examples with modern notions. It’s a bit outdated itself, but take Newton’s First Law: " An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." Granted, act and potency goes beyond just examples of physical motion.
Except that Newton had the incorrect idea of “absolute” space and time, which was superseded by Einstein’s relativity. Simply, there is no such thing as “absolute” rest. Einstein’s special relativity says that between two non-accelerating coordinate systems either one can be considered stationary.
So, change and motion are inherent attributes of the STEM (space-time-energy-matter) and do not “need” some external causative agent to exist. As such Feser’s “proof” rests of incorrect metaphysical foundation, and therefore it is useless.