Hey, you never got back to me on this. Who said, earlier in this thread: "A Catholic ought to be able to use the CCC as a faithful and comprehensive guide to what a Catholic can believe, yet it states that Genesis is written in figurative language. Where is the part that informs an uninformed reader … that a literal interpretation is also permitted?”
Please be advised that this is no longer my position - I recanted it weeks ago. Do try and keep up, old chap.
For ‘thousands of years’, ‘millions of people’ have been breeding ‘better’ forms of domestic animals to serve domestic purposes. They have not been experimenting with evolution.
In effect, they have been experimenting with evolution - they’ve been exploring the limits of variations, mutations and selection.
Some dog, cat, fish, chicken, flower breeders, for example, have been breeding for aesthetic reasons, not for serving domestic purposes - which means they push the boundaries to try and come up with something different, even bizarre, just for the sake of it. They even resort to unnatural techniques, such as inbreeding. But no matter what they do, they can’t produce anything beyond the original kind. All this is empirical evidence of stasis - not story-telling and fantasy, but hard facts.
What would a breeding experiment in evolution look like? It would look pretty much like what some of these breeders have been doing for thousands of years.
fossil record suggests that God has been doing exactly that.
The fossil record isn’t empirical evidence of evolution, for starters. There may be more than one explanation for whatever is found in the fossil record.
Furthermore, the many grey-areas and uncertainties inherent in the science of paleontology leave plenty of room for story-telling and nonsense. It’s hardly a science abounding with empirical evidence.