Any young earth creationists out there?

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Therefore, you would not be able to make the case that you think you would be able to make…
On the contrary, I think you may have eloquently made exactly the case that I would make. You seem to have elegantly argued that believing that there would be no observable difference between a human and its non-human mother is no obstacle to being a good Catholic. I’ll go with that.
How come you have never praised any of my comments as being “eloquently made” or “elegantly argued”?
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we’re talking about the first hominins with souls. Science can talk about hominids and hominins all they want – but they are simply not able to talk about souls.
Very true. And the first human souls had to be created immediately. They could not have developed gradually. The Catechism states, “1711 Endowed with a spiritual soul, with intellect and with free will, the human person is from his very conception ordered to God and destined for eternal beatitude.” So all should be in agreement here that the soul is an immediate, miraculous, direct creation of God.
But did God just “zap” some pre-humans with a soul one day? Or did some pre-human parents give birth to a boy “Adam” who was conceived with a soul, and then another set of parents had “Eve?” And then Adam and Eve had to wait to grow up and meet to set the course of events as recorded in Genesis in motion? Well, Scripture tells us, so there is no need to ponder the various ways God may have infused souls into our first parents. Not only Genesis, but 1 Chronicles 1, Tobit 8:6, Wisdom 10:1, Sirach 33:10, 40:1 and 49:6, Hosea 6:7, 2 Maccabees 7:28, Luke 3:38, Romans 5, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Timothy 2, and Jude 1:14 support Adam as first man, directly made in the image of God.
Therefore, theology can talk about two first truly human parents, without running afoul of science’s observation of population densities.
This could be a possibility theologically, as an exercise in thought, but still seems problematic. I have read Dr. Feser’s approach. But it seems to separate God from His Creation of man. Man is God’s ultimate achievement of the visible world. No other material creature contemplates God but man. Scripture, the Fathers, many saints, and centuries of Church teaching affirmed the direct miraculous creation of Adam and Eve. We believe in many other miracles performed by the prophets, apostles, our Lord, and the saints. And while perhaps the soul itself and the mechanism of evolution may be considered miraculous by many, to a non-believer that just sounds like a cop-out, since miracles imply an action not bound by natural or scientific explanations. So if our first parents can come about through evolution which can be explained scientifically, then their creation by God was not miraculous. And the various passages of Scripture which refer to God’s creation of Adam are just talking about his infusion of a soul, apparently.
here’s where you and I differ, then.
You will come around.
I will plead my case, in terms of DNA, fossils, the theology of God the Father and Biblical symbology, and you know what? I will be exonerated. The postulates of Humani Generis will be admitted to be of their time, and no longer entirely relevant in the context of modern revelation.
The groundwork for this has already been done by much more eminent theologians than I, and only awaits incorporation into some official document.

And, that’s because:
Evolution = a support of atheism. That is the stumbling block that cannot be overcome. Cal it symbolic, call it poetry – anything but God actually did something. Something that science cannot understand or explain. I know the word games will continue as they have for years. But that’s the whole point.
As in the real world we witness devolution rather than evolution, the “evolution” of science has ben marked by the gradual breakdown of the truth. Those faithful to the truth will yet bring it to the forefront.
[Many Scripture passages] support Adam as first man, directly made in the image of God.
And I would take the “immediate creation of the soul”, which we as Catholics posit of God, as a reasonable way to interpret Adam having been “directly made in the image of God.” After all, it’s not Adam’s body that’s in the “image and likeness”, is it? So, then, it must be the soul.
But it seems to separate God from His Creation of man.
Does your birth, having taken place billions of years (or, at, least, 6000 years) after the creation of the universe, mean that God is “separated” from your creation? If not, then why would it be so for Adam?
So if our first parents can come about through evolution which can be explained scientifically, then their creation by God was not miraculous.
My take is that our first parents’ bodies can be explained by evolution scientifically… but their souls can only be explained by God’s action – which was, in your words, “miraculous”!
The fact that some belief a variety of things about evolution doesn’t mean that the theory itself is to blame. Like I said earlier: the existence of the Westboro Baptist Church doesn’t prove that Christianity is faulty.
the various ways God may have infused souls into our first parents
This doesn’t make sense to me.

The soul is the ordering principle of the body, the form of the body.

The elements that constitute the body are constantly changing, so much so that nothing material is likely to exist of our bodies at conception, and not much from the time we were born.

There is nothing other than a collection of molecules doing their thing, continuous with the rest of the universe, to infuse a soul into.

There existed no first parents before their creation.

Once created, the soul is the first act, the act of a natural living body, an existing organism. So, in other words, the way I see it, a specific soul, defines the kind of being something is: the formal cause of the oganism in itself, the efficient cause of its motions, what it does, as well as its final cause, its purpose. Breathing into the “dust” of the earth that He (I would say) had “informed”, and not into another pre-existing living creature with its own existence, a soul itself, He is the Cause, the Father of mankind.

I have trouble verbalizing all this too.
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Symbolic or “theological polygenism” is the only non-science based but “scientific” explanation permitted.
After all, it’s not Adam’s body that’s in the “image and likeness”, is it?
Jesus is God. Humans are made in the image and likeness of Jesus, who is God. Therefore humans are made in the physical image of Jesus.
As in the real world we witness devolution rather than evolution,
Yes, that is now understood.

Dr. John Sanford “Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome”
Below is additional support for IDvolution.
Some quotes from Dr John Sanford on genetic entropy. Very consistent with IDvolution and Scripture. To get the full effect take the time to view the videos. Listen carefully where he states it is “kind of a trade secret of population geneticists.” The design of the genome is astonishing and shows intelligence, design and purpose.
"We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is a thought of God."Pope Benedict XVI​

“a vastly superior operating system”
“a galaxy of design and complexity”
“over 90% of the genome is actively transcribed”
“the genome has multiple overlapping messages”
“data compression on the most sophisticated level”
“more and more the genome looks like a super super set of programs”
“more and more it looks like top down design”
“the reality is everybody is mutant”
“the selection process really has nothing to grab hold of”
“so it’s kind of a trade secret amongst population geneticists,any well informed population geneticist understands man is degenerating”
“so in deep geological time we should have been extinct a long time ago”
“the human race is degenerating at 1-5% per generation”
“so personal and so immediate, because there is no circle of life where things where things stay the same, and it’s not an upward spiral of evolution, things keep getting better and better, it is a downward spiral exactly as described in Scripture”

Jesus is God. Humans are made in the image and likeness of Jesus, who is God. Therefore humans are made in the physical image of Jesus.
No. That is not the theology of the Church. We are made in the image and likeness of God, not in the image and likeness of the Incarnated Second Person of the Trinity.
So… if we are in the image and likeness of the Incarnated Logos, are we all Middle Eastern? Are we all men?

1701 "Christ, . . . in the very revelation of the mystery of the Father and of his love, makes man fully manifest to himself and brings to light his exalted vocation."2 It is in Christ, "the image of the invisible God,"3 that man has been created “in the image and likeness” of the Creator. It is in Christ, Redeemer and Savior, that the divine image, disfigured in man by the first sin, has been restored to its original beauty and ennobled by the grace of God.4
Dr. John Sanford “Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome”
Below is additional support for IDvolution.
Oh, goodness me! Guess what I’m going to say next! …

Well, I won’t, because at least you’re putting forward someone who really does believe in Intelligent Design, a recent origin of the earth and no common descent. His views are, guess what, based on a particular interpretation of certain scientific observations which are, of course, not the interpretations of any of the scientists who made those observations. A detailed critique of his book may be found at STAN 4 | Letters to Creationists.
Oh, goodness me! Guess what I’m going to say next! …
His understanding of the science converted him. He invented the gen gun has many published papers and patents.

His research shows we are devolving.

I am glad you have decided to try and back your claims with links. It is a good thing. Have you read it though?
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