the various ways God may have infused souls into our first parents
This doesn’t make sense to me.
The soul is the ordering principle of the body, the form of the body.
The elements that constitute the body are constantly changing, so much so that nothing material is likely to exist of our bodies at conception, and not much from the time we were born.
There is nothing other than a collection of molecules doing their thing, continuous with the rest of the universe, to infuse a soul into.
There existed no first parents before their creation.
Once created, the soul is the first act, the act of a natural living body, an existing organism. So, in other words, the way I see it, a specific soul, defines the kind of being something is: the
formal cause of the oganism in itself, the
efficient cause of its motions, what it does, as well as its
final cause, its purpose. Breathing into the “dust” of the earth that He (I would say) had “informed”, and not into another pre-existing living creature with its own existence, a soul itself, He is the Cause, the Father of mankind.
I have trouble verbalizing all this too.