Only if the new discovery makes it clear some understanding of scripture doesn’t adhere to what we observe in the world around us. But of course why would it disagree?When science comes up with its next new finding will we have to reinterpret again?
I’ve heard people argue there can’t be aliens on other planets because there’s no mention of them. I’m not saying that’s Catholic teaching I’m just saying it’s a religious claim made by some who seem to want to read things that aren’t there. If we one day discover life on other planets I don’t expect those people will abandon their faith, but to simply stop espousing that there can’t possibly be life on other planets. They may in fact find scripture to support the existence of life on other planets and show that scripture was correct all along.
To be fair the structure of Catholic teachings specifically I would say is less susceptible to such things, but in part because it allows investigation and understanding of the world through scripture and of scripture through the world.